not my family - Elijah

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someone gets on the wrong side of the Mikaelsons when they mess with you 

"three night shifts in a row? are you joking?" I shout at my laptop. 

I made the mistake of bringing my laptop down so i could look and reply to email as I ate my breakfast but I forgot that they would be releasing the rota. Elijah was making the two of us coffee and he gently puts it down in front of me and places a hand on my shoulder instantly causing my body to relax at his touch. I sigh placing a hand on top of his whilst using my other hand to take a bite of my toast.

"what's the rest of the week looking like?" he asks rubbing my hand with his as his eyes scan the screen.

"not bad day tomorrow and tuesday, evening Wednesday Thursday and Friday night into Saturday morning shift" I say and he gently squeezed my shoulder before taking a seat next to me. 

"at least you have the majority of the weekend off?" he says trying to shed light of the situation and I nod 

"yeah it could be worse, and anyway I have the majority of next week of to do the surgical training" I say and he smiles at me taking a bite of his toast. I take a sip of my coffee and close my laptop so i can give my boyfriend my full attention. He reaches over and takes my non dominant hand his bringing it to his mouth and planting a kiss on the top of it. He puts it down and says 

"good morning brother" he says and I turn around to see Nik sauntering in the room

"I take it by the commotion that the rota came in?" he says pouring himself a coffee and I nod at him and he gives me a sad smiles "bad?" he asks and I shake my head

"no, I was being dramatic" I say and he feigns shock

"you?! never?!" I roll my eyes at him. 

"what're your plans for today Niklaus?" Elijah asks and before Nik can answer Kol and Bekah come speeding in the room with worried looks on their faces 

"we have a problem" Bekah says and me and Elijah exchange a worried glance before I turn my attention back to them

"how urgent is it? can I finish my coffee?" Nik says and Kol and Bekah stare at him

"it's Mikael" Kol says causing the mug in Niks hand to smash, Elijah very slowly sets down his 

"he's dead" Elijah says his voice very deep and Kol shakes his head

"nope he's very much alive and has somehow come in possession of a white oak stake" both Nik and Elijah exchange glances. 

"what does that mean?" I ask and they all turn to me and give me this looks. It's the look someone gives you when you are about to hear bad news

"he could kill us" Nik says and my heart sinks to my stomach and look between all of them 

"but... that that's impossible" I say and Bekah walks over to me and sits in the chair next to me so she can hug me, I don't know whether it was more for her comfort or mine. Nik then speaks

"no he made sure there was always a way out" he says through gritted teeth before picking up a glass from the island and smashing it against the wall making me jump. I turn to Elijah who was already looking at me and for the first time in our relationship I see fear in his eyes. He is scared. The sibling then go into full action mode and start formulating a million different plans trying to cater to every possible outcome and trying to think of everything Mikael might do to antagonise or intimidate them. I spend most of the day wandering around like a helpless chicken as they're not letting me in on any plan as they don't want me in danger. But they also won't let me help any of the hybrids in their various assignments so i have spend the majority of the day sitting down and letting my brain run wild with horrible thoughts that i could lose my loved ones. 

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