maybe - Nik

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You see a different side to the infamous hybrid

"one date" I say to myself in the mirror as a fiddle with my hair for the last time. Checking over my appears one last time and making sure it is date appropriate, I have not been on a date in a while so I'm out of practice. Except there is nothing in this world that could prepare you for a date with Klaus Mikaelson. Not even Caroline. As I was reaching to touch up my lip gloss the doorbell rang making me jump slightly so i set it back down and I grab my bag from my bed. I took a deep breath as I was walking down the stairs and head for the door, I open to reveal Klaus standing there in a pair of smart trousers, a shirt and a handsome grin

"hello love" he says and I smile at him leaning on the door slightly

"hi" I say and his eyes flick down to see my outfit before coming back up to meet my gaze

"you look beautiful tonight" he says with a smile which makes my heart flutter and I get this warm feeling inside and I can feel the embarrassment in my cheeks

"you look beautiful too" i say not thinking before I speak so when my brain finally catches up with my mouth i mentally slap myself and i look down embarrassed and deciding I will try and divert the conversation away "so what's the plan for tonight?" I say and he says 

"I thought I would cook us dinner so we can avoid being eavesdropped on by some of your friends" he says and I let out a laugh

"that sounds nice" I say as I step outside and close the door behind me locking it. He holds out an arm for me and leads me towards his car making sure to hold the door for me when we get there

"quite the gentleman, trying to impress me Mikaelson?" I say mockingly and he lets out a small laugh before closing the door and walking around to the driver's seat 

"maybe" he says with a wink as he turns the key into the ignition and starts to drive us back to the compound. The journey was filled with small conversation and a lot of laughing, you wouldn't think we were supposed to be enemies, I felt comfortable around him and that I didn't have to try. I know he has done some awful things in his life but even this short amount of time with him has made me question a lot of the words Damon and Stefan have thrown around when referring to him. 

Once we had parked in the driveway and I was stepping out the car he says 

"there is something I shou-" his voice gets interrupted but a squeal of excitement before a young girls voice says 

"daddy" I turn to see a little girl running down the driveway with her hands held up in the air so he bends down his grin matched hers

"hello sweetheart" he says as he lifts her up spinning her around making her giggle and I can't help but smile at the scene in front of me. When he stops spinning his eyes meet mine  and she says 

"who's the pretty lady?" she says causing me to let out a laugh and he puts her down 

"why don't you go inside and find your auntie? it's around your bathtime and you smell" he says tickling causing her to laugh again before putting her down and we both watch as she runs back towards the house. I look back at him to see he's still looking at the door with a smile on his face making my heart melt

"that must be Hope" I say and he nods turning back to face me 

"that's what I was trying to tell before she came running outside, she must've heard the car coming up" he says and I smile before walking towards him

"well she is very sweet" I say nudging him lightly as we begin to walk in the house and out of the cold air. 

... fast forwards to dinner...

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now