facade - stefan - part 2

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A/N 1: thank u to everyone who requested a part 2, this mean a lot so i hope u like it as much

A/N 2: please read part one before continuing on!

Stefan and I just stood there like a deer in headlights, Damon looking between us waiting for an answer to his revelation

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Stefan and I just stood there like a deer in headlights, Damon looking between us waiting for an answer to his revelation. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, Stefan looks at me and decides he should be the one to bite the bullet

"yes, we have" he says and Damon shakes his head

"how long ago?" he asks and I finally find the ability to speak again

"a couple weeks back" I say and he walks in closing the door behind him. He looks between us before looking down and sighing. "we have been meaning to tell you guys there was just never a good time" I say and he nods 

"you guys seem ok?" he says and me and Stefan smile at each other

"we are better actually" he says and Damon laughs 

"it weird, the thought of you two not together" he says and I nod. We all stood there in silence for a but before heading down stairs to meet the others and break the news "guess I'm going to have to cancel all the plans I made for your anniversary party" he says mockingly and Stefan shoves him down the stairs slightly. When we got downstairs we asked everyone to come and we told them. They were shocked. Some were sad. But ultimately they saw it was the right decision for us and wanted us to be happy. 

It's been around a year since the break up and it is safe to say a lot has changed in our lives. 'A lot of us have moved away from mystic falls including myself, I got a job opportunity in New Haven Connecticut to work in one of the top hospitals which i took. Same position and much better pay. The only ones of us that stayed in mystic falls are the salvatores, Caroline, Ric and Matt. In fact Stefan and Caroline are together now, didn't take very long after the break up for then to get together. I will admit it hurt a little and me and Care's friendship was on the rocks for a but everythings seems to be better for a while. However, I have lost touch from everyone there cause i have been too busy, and there was always a sense of awkwardness that my former best friend is now dating my friend. Now I am sure you are wondering to whether i found found myself someone new and that answer to that is a big no. Since moving to New Haven I have found myself busier than ever and not being able to get out much, even then my first priority isn't to find a boyfriend. Any downtime i have had I spend either facetiming the gang, my family or having some down time with my friends from work. 


Sitting in the bar watching some of me friends flirting with the bartender gave me a bit of nostalgia to when me and the girls were in high school and we would try and flirt our way to free drinks. Sometimes it worked and sometimes they would budge, can't say our boyfriends at the time were too impressed with our tactics. My friend Maggie turned around and beckoned me over and i shove my head mouthing no way, i saw her look behind me and her eyes widened she mouthed hottie ten o'clock. Confused I turned to see where she was looking and to my surprise I saw a familiar face sitting at a table behind me, I turn back to grab my drink and I  slowly turn back and walk over to see them 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now