mondler - Damon

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You are the god-daughter of Ric, you and Damon are hiding your relationship from everyone until someone let's it slip (inspired by f.r.i.e.n.d.s)

Being the god-daughter of Alaric Saltzman has is pros and cons, more pros than anything

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Being the god-daughter of Alaric Saltzman has is pros and cons, more pros than anything. He is the father I never had growing up. The only this is he is INSANELY PROTECTIVE over me, I mean after everything he has been through he has every right to be.

He never intended for me to be a part of the supernatural world, but I accidentally stumbled in on him and Meredith on that dreaded day. Since then he hasn't hidden what he does from me but he did hide me from the people, until we moved to mystic falls and because besties with the mystic gang. 

So for this reason you can understand why am I am and have been hiding that I am currently dating a vampire, and have been for over a year. To be honest we have been hiding it from everybody, because we just want to enjoy being together just us for a while before all the questions and mayhem begins. 

Especially since they are sort of best friends...


Ric was already at the university because he wanted to get some work done before his first class. so I had the house to myself. I didn't have any plans today so I was having a lie in, until my slumber got interrupted by someone ringing the door bell over and over. 

I groan as I got up and in my tired state I grabbed a gun with wooden bullets which is hidden under my bed. I stumble down the stares and I don't even check to see who it is and I just open the door

"what?" I  say without looking up properly

"may I just say how beautiful you are in the mornings" Damons says smirking as he walks in. I move the hair from my eyes 

"Damon? what are you doing here this early?" I say putting the gun down on the table

"wow what a nice warm reception" he says. I walk over to him and give him a quick peck of the lips

"not that it isn't nice you are here" I say smiling and he grabs my waist

"well since we both have no plans, plus Ric isn't here so I thought we could spend the day together" he says and I smile

"that sounds amazing" I say leaning in to kiss him again. 

"how about I make us some pancakes?" he says and I nod

"you are the best" I taking his hand and leading him into the kitchen. 

I sit watching the man I love making us breakfast and I fall in love all over again, I am watching him taking a sip of coffee when he speaks up as he 

"take a picture baby it will last longer" winking then I place my cup down.

"I just can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much but everyday I fall more and more in love with you Damon Salvatore" I say smiling. He finished putting the pancakes on a plat before zooming round and lifting me up on to the island standing in between my legs. 

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