me and you - Damon

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Sort of continuation of "once a cheater" from my first book but also not.

The beginning of your relationship was interesting so you are just trying to find your footing 

"morning handsome" was the first words I uttered this morning after being woken up to the sensation of Damon leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I hear him let out a chuckle as he slowly makes his way back up and our lips find each other

"morning beautiful" he says after he pulls away smiling. I turn so I am now facing him and I lean in again pecking his lips

"sleep well?" I ask and he nods lifting his hand up and he begins to lightly stroke my arm with his finger. 

"I have been now that I have you by my side" he says and I smile at the cheesiness of his words before lifting the covers of myself and getting out of the bed. I hear him groan so I turn and he tries to beckon me over to him, wanting to stay in bed longer. I laugh at him as I walk round the bed into the en suite to go to the toilet.  once I finished I walk back out to see he is now sitting up in the bed. Looking all handsome with his dishevelled hair 

Even though we only started dating about a month ago, it feels like we have been together forever. I think since we were friends before and everything will the whole cheating situation happen so fast, we just wanted a fresh start. I was thinking about this as I was looking in the mirror, and I just think how grateful i am to have this wonderful man in my life. Once I finished I walk back out to see he is now sitting up in the bed. Looking all handsome with his dishevelled hair

"did I ever tell you how adorable you look in the morning?" I say as I walk over to the door to go make myself and him breakfast. I had to get to work a bit earlier than usual so i was in a bit of a hurray, I could hear Damon plodding along behind me

"do you have to go to work?" he asks in a sad voice and I smile at his concern

"yes, i have to earn a living and I quite like my job" I say as we reach the kitchen. He heads straight over to the kettle to boil water for our coffee. We had breakfast, drank our coffee then i left him to go get dressed and ready for work. When i headed back down the stairs he had already prepared me a coffee to go and was standing there looking all handsome, and shirtless I might add, by the door.

"do you want to come to mine after work, we can spent the night there?" he asks and I nod giving him a quick peck on the lips before saying our goodbyes as I headed out the door. 


whilst I was at work I smiled to myself thinking that we would be going to his house for a change. Then it struck me that Stefan would be there. I really didn't want to see him at the moment. It's safe to say things have been awkward surrounding the whole situation.

Me and Stefan broke up

Elena ended things with him so he has been avoiding me.

But in my opinion Stefan is being really immature about the whole situation and not taking responsibility for his actions. I understand there is a lot of change but what annoyed me the most out of the situation was that is caused some slight issues between me and Damon at the beginning of us becoming and "us"

Damon was concerned that I still had feelings for Stefan. Which is understandable considering the way things began between us and how it all happened so fast. We had many conversations and made sure to communicate any feels to each other. I want this and I knew he wanted it too so we made sure to to everything in our power to ensure we had trust.

As I was lost in thought I didn't notice my phone start to ring. When I finally got out of my transe I quickly picked up and realised it was a client so I put on my business mode.


I have just pulled into the driveway of the boarding house and I take a big sigh as i pull the keys from the ignition.  I sit back in the seat and stare at the house that hold so many memories; the good; the bad: and most definitely some ugly ones. Since the events I have not been back to this place so i know staying the night here will most definitely be a challenge. Especially a few feet away from where me and my ex boyfriend used to sleep.


After giving myself a pep talk I get out of my car and I walk on over to the door. I walk with confidence and once i reach the door I raise my hand to knock but instead the door swings open in my face to reveal Stefan standing there. He looks shocked to see me, thank you Damon for giving him the warning. 

"guessing your brother didn't give you the warning that I'm staying the night?" I say and he shakes his head visibly still him shock. I give a small nod, he clears his throat and moves out the way letting my in the house. I keep my head down as I walk past not wanting to make awkward eye contact and make this situation worse that it already is. 

"ho how have you been?" he asks and I turn round not sure if I was hearing things and making sure he was actually talking to me. 

"i've been ok, what about yourself?" i ask and he gives me a sad smile before saying

"working on it" he says before heading over towards the door "see you later" he says before closing the door behind him leaving me confused in the hallway as to what just happened. Deciding to try and move past that moment I head upstairs to Damon's room to plonk my stiff down and read for a bit whilst I wait for him to come home


Damon came home and ye shouted out for my but I could hear as i was deep into my book and the outside world was dead to me. He listened and heard my heartbeat so he followed it to his bedroom and as soon as he saw me with a book he knew. I only look up because I heard a floorboard creep and it slightly startled me 

"oh hey honey" i say placing it down and walking over to greet him with a hug and he smiles 

"good book?" he asks and I nod enthusiastically. I then start going on a tangent about everything that has happened so far and he just stares at me smiling listening to every word. I stop for a moment placing my hands on top of his 

"i have just not stopped talking for the last five minutes, how was your day?" I say and he shrugs with a sigh

"could be better but also could be worse" he says and I nod

"anything I can do to make you feel better?" I ask and he shakes his head so I nidge him "or too you?" I say wiggling my eyebrows causing him to chuckle

"as much as i would love to I need to check hero hair isn't in the house" he says going to stand up but I pull him back down 

"he is not here, as soon as he saw me he fled like a scared little boy" I say and Damon sighs shaking his head 

"he said he was ok with this" he says looking at him hands and i place mine over his

"he will be" I say, Damon looks up t me with a mixture of surprise and admiration. Everytime the topic of Stefan would come up I would start ranting about how immature he is, but it wasn't until i saw him today that it made me realise that is not the most productive way to change things. I also need to be mature and do anything i can to fix the situation, in turn i will also be helping out Damon and showing him i care and want this to work.

"hey" I say and he nods "how about we go away, just the two of us. Clear our heads and take some time to be together" I say and he smiles wrapping his warm arm around my shoulders

"that sounds perfect" he says leaning in to kiss me.

A/N: a bit all over the place I'm sorry

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