heaven or hell? - Damon - part 2

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please read part one before continuing on, thank you and i love you!💕

Throwing the duffel bag in the put I get in my car and drive back to my house where Elena will be waiting for me. Just the thought of having to look her in the eye is making my blood turn cold and the grip on the steering wheel tighten, imagining its her neck. I will not loe in saying I'm still in shock that Klaus Mikaelson of all people is one of the only honest people in my life you are actually looking out for me, compared to my so called friends who have been protecting a murderer for years. YEARS. She consoled me at their fucking funeral, even paid for most of it which I now know it blood money. 

I pull up to a stop light and take a deep breath trying to calm down my racing heart when I hear my car phone start to ring and I look at the screen to see Stefan is calling me, rolling my eyes as I click answer

"what liar?" 

"where are you? Damon told me what happened and Y/n I need you to tell me where you are" he says 

"No" I say hanging up and reaching for my phone and chucking it out the window so they can't track my location. The green light shines and i start back on the road only being five more minutes away from home. Those few minutes felt like hours as I kept tapping the steering wheel trying not to let my moral compass talk me out of this, i need to get justice for my family. Elena can't get away with this. I refuse. Turning into my street I see her standing at the end of the driveway and she waves when she sees my car and I put on my best acting skills when i am close enough she can see in my car.

Once I've parked the car and opened the door

"so what's the big plan?" she asks and I am still avoiding her gaze as I make my way to the but and grab the bag

"let me at least get a cup of tea first" I say jokingly as i walk to my front door as quick as possible to unlock it, I let her inside first, and immediately lock it behind me. I watch her shadow walk into my kitchen and I sneaking grab a syringe from one of the side pockets and sneak two stakes in the back of my jeans before adjusting my hoodie so it's covering everything and head into the kitchen with the bag. Her back is turned to me as she is putting the kettle on so I place the bag next to my feet

"thanks for coming" i say and she nods

"course" she says turning to smile at me and she lifts her shoulders "so? what's the big surprise?" she asks again and I stare at her for a moment before offering a smile 

"well it's our five year anniversary coming up and I want to give him a present something special... something he'll never forget" I say narrowing my eyes at her and she nods

"ooo any ideas?" she asks and I offer a small nod

"yeah" I say pausing for a moment as I adjust the syringe in my grib beneath my sleeve "which is why I need your help" I say and she nods. it was as of luck was on my side cause at that moment the kettle dings and she turns around which is when I take that opportunity to close the distance between us and plunge the syringe into her neck. She lets out a groan turning around 

"the hell Y/n?" she says collapsing to the ground and i grab the first wood stake and plunge it into her abdomen making her let out a scream, I run over to the bag and grab these handcuffs, which had vervain welded in, and place them over her wrists so she can't move

"did you look them in the eyes when you killed them? huh? people who trusted you? did you fucking care at all that you ruined my life" I say grabbing another stake this time plunging it into ther neck, not enough to kill her but just to restrict the airways

"Y/n-" she tries to splutter but I shake my head

"how could you fucking live with yourself?" I say before twist the stake that's in her abdomen making her let out a anguished scream

"I didn-t kno" she starts to say but I let out a laugh

"you are a fucking coward, you have everyone wrapped around your fingers falling out your feet to protect you. No matter the cost of anyone else" I say. Then there is the sound on my front door 

"Y/N OPEN THE DOOR" Damon's voice booms which makes the vision turn read, he gets to bang so hard I hear a crash of the door landing on the ground but his attempt was foiled. As I uninvited every one from this house so no one supernatural of any kind can come in "Y/n don't o this please" he begs and I look up to see Stefan looking in the kitchen window also begging for her life. My attention turns back to her and her pathetic pleading eyes. I lean back and grab another steak from my jeans and twist it in my palms

"poor Elena always the victim trying so hard not to be like Katherine but ended up the worst of all" I say l she manages to splutter out

"I'm not a murderer" she says and I fight back a laugh before leaning down and whispering 

"that's alright, I am" I say sitting up and plunging the stake right into her heart and sink it deeper in as I watch her skin turn that stone like colour and the 'life' drain from her eyes. Once I knew she was dead I stand up and look to see Stefan staring at her body. I walk over it to fetch my car keys from the counter and walk out the kitchen to where I can see Damon still standing in the doorway. His eyes land on the blood on my shirt and I see his face pale. I look at him for a moment before walking towards the door and brushing right past him. I was expecting more of a fight from the brothers but I guess they were still in shock. And just as weak and Klaus has always said.

I get in my car and drive back over to the grille and just as expected Klaus was sitting with a drink and I walk right over to him and sit down opposite. He takes one look at me and smirks before pushing the drink in front of him towards me and flags down a server to grab him another. We sit in silence holding each other's gaze until his drink arrives. When it does he grabs it and holds it up

"welcome to the darkside Y/n " he says as we clink our glasses.

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