I said sit - Damon

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You kill someone for him

Damon, Stefan, Elena and I were currently sitting in the boarding house drinking by the fire and trying to come up with some "logical" plan to get rid of the Mikaelsons once and for all. And by the fact we are drinking our sorrows away you can see how that is going. 

"what haven't we thought of?" Elena says and let out a deep breath and say

"let's be realistic we need a white oak stake that is the only way we can kill one of them" they all turn to me with a knowing look. Knowing that i was right but we have no way on coming into possession of one, plus the only one we know to exist is owned by the Mikaelsons themselves and they have more than likely destroyed it. 

"ok i am aware of how stupid this sounds but is there any way Bon can magic some up or surely there's a spell in the grimoire?" she says and we all shake our heads however, this did make me think of something and I know if I told the others they would flip out on me but I need to do this. To save them. So I take out my phone and send a message to someone 

Meet me in half an hour at the safe house, have the favour you owe me. It will benefit the both of us

They quickly read it and respond 

I'll be there

I put my phone away and begin to stand up

"hey do you guys mind if I head, i have a lot of homework to do before class" I say and they all nod. I lean down and kiss Damon before saying "I'll message when I'm done" I say and he nods 

"ok, love you" he says smiling at me

"I love you" I say back before heading out the door and straight into my car and drive away as fast as I could without raising suspicion from my vampire friends and boyfriend. The person who i am meeting was someone that has been in my life for as long as I had known the Salvatores and the mystic gang. By in my life I mean I have met them on occasion and I am meant to not engage when they are around. Damon and Stefan hate her with every fibre of their being but what they don't know is she owes me her life. Klaus was hunting her down and she was in hiding and I knew where she was and I told no one. Not even Damon. Klaus being suspicious decided to kidnap me and torture me for information but I revealed nothing and when I got out and was safe with my friends again she came to thank me and said she'd owe me.

I pull up to the safe house and I see her poke her head around the side to see it's me before revealing herself 

"thanks for coming Katherine " I say and she nods

"well I do owe you so.." she says sounding annoyed that I still have this hanging over her but she also seemed nervous to be out in the open

"I'm going to kill Klaus" I say and she stares at me for a moment before rolling her eyes and letting out a life

"good one, so what is it you want" she says and I look at her

"I'm being serious, I have found a way to kill him once and for all and get the bastard out of our lives for good. All, of our lives" I say looking at her and she raises her eyebrow at me

"for real?" she says and I nod

"he cannot go on tormenting us like this, we all deserve to be free of him" I say and she nods

"so what's the plan for this suicide mission?" she says 

"I need  you to get me a white oak stake, I know you know where one is kept, just get that to me and it will all be over" I say and she looks at me hesitantly 

"you sure about this?" she says and I nod so she gives me a sad smile before speeding away.


"Y/n you know I would do anything to protect you right?" he says and I nod looking up at him as we are laying in bed at my apartment.

"of course Damon where is this coming from?" I ask and I feel him take a deep breath and he turns so his body is facing me 

"I'm aware of how paranoid this is going to sound but I thought I saw Katherine around this area the other day and I have just been on edge. With all the Mikaelson shit going on I can handle her mess getting tangled in this web of horror"he says over reacting causing me to laugh slightly but I bite my lip so iI can try and articulate what to say to him

"she came to see me" I say and he sit up immediately 

"what?" he says causing me to sit up with him and put my hands on hs arms to try and calm him down

"she came to give me something that I asked for. Something to protect you and Stef and the others" I say emphasising the last part 

"Y/n you could've got yourself killed" he says bringing nhs hands to his head "why didn't you tell me I could've been there I could've helped" I gently take his hands in ,ine and bring them to my lap and I let out a small sigh

"we both know full well you would have tried to talk me out of it" I say and he lets out a sigh so I gently put my finger under his chin and raise his head so he's now looking at me "Damon I love you so much and  I am so thankful and grateful that you want to be there for me and be ,uy knight in shining armour but its now my turn to protect you. I love you so much and the idea of losing you is unthinkable so please let me help protect you let me carry some of the weight" I say and he gives me a sad smile before leaning in and kissing me gently, agreeing in his own way. We pull apart resting our heads on each others for a moment before he breaks the silence

"will you tell me what she brought you?" he asks and I smile 

"you'll know soon enough" 


A couple days later me the Salvatores and Elena were back in the boarding house trying to come up with a new plan to get rid of them. Little did they know that I was carrying a white oak stake on my at this very moment. Elena was in the middle of describing a spell her and Bonnie were researching when the room suddenly got very cold and the lights flickered slightly, we all share a look before the house goes dark and I hear the sounds of speeding and then groans on pain which I realise were my friends

"vervain!" the voice of Stefan shouts before the lights come up and I look round the room to see all three of them tied to the ground by what I can only assume to be vervain drenched ropes. I go to run to get the, but i run into something hard and i look up to see Klaus standing right infront of me.

"not so fast love" he says and I take a few steps back and he stalks after me "I believe you have something of mine and I'd like it back" he says menacingly and I shake my head violently 

"I don't know what your talking  about" I say and he flashes his eye

"I think you do and if you don;t tell me you will watch your boyfriends and friends die one by one and I will make sure the blood is on your hands" he says and my eyes widen

"no!" I whimper and he cocks his head to the side 

'then let's negotiate terms shall we and you can tell me where you hid it. Sit down Y/n" he says standing right infront of me so he's towering over me and I go to say something but he shouts 

I SAID SIT" he says which causes me to jump and i fall to the ground. He smirks as he crouches in front of me as I sit up and he stares at me "well?" he says. 

This was the moment my mind when blank and i felt my grip tighten around the stake and my arms moves as fast as i could and I see him look briefly confused as I jam it right into his heart. His eyes widen and my heart stops and I push it as far in as I could. His body falls backwards and starts to stiffen as I just remain on the floor staring 

"my god Y/n" Damon's voice rings out.

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now