kidnapped - Klaus

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You become leverage in a game of cat and mouse

Me and Nik have been dating for around 6 months but we have known each other for around two years, I moved to New Orleans for a job and on my first night I met Bekah in the bar. After hanging out a couple times I finally met the infamous Mikaelson brothers. 

As soon as me and Nik's eyes met there was a spark, and a sense of longing for each other. Like we were meant to have met and be in each others lives. 

Both of us had an instant attraction to each other but after what happened with Camille it was understandable why Nik didn't want to start anything, I don't think he could handle any more loss. But one day I finally plucked up the courage to ask him on a date, luckily he said yes and we have been together ever since. 

One thing to understand about Nik is that he is very and I mean VERY protective over the people he loves. Friends, family you name it. Now when we were friends Nik always told me that even being associated with him would put me in danger, I always told him I didn't care about all that. Now imagine how he is now that we are officially dating?


Nik never wanted to leave my side, if he wasn't there with me he ordered one of his hybrids to go with me wherever I go. He would text me and phone me to make sure I am ok or if there is anything I needed, as much as I appreciated this I told him this was too much. I said that I knew what I was in for and that i didn't care about the consequences, I just wanted to be with him. That's what mattered. 

present time

When I left for work this morning Bekah asked if I wanted to meet her for lunch in our favourite cafe. I only had morning meetings and could work from home for the rest of the day so I gladly accepted. It will be nice to have a ladies lunch. 

So once I finished my meetings I quickly walked over to the little shop. Right before I arrived I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Nik

just arrive for lunch with Beks, hope everything's ok and I'll see you when I get home x

I smile as I see him typing then I look up to see Bekah waiting outside the cafe. As I am about to say hello my phone dings and I look down to see his reply

King 👑

Elijah and I have just dealt with the witches and now we have to clean up the mess so shouldn't be too long. I will see you when I get in love x

"hi bekah, lovely to see you too!" i hear her say sarcastically and I grab her arm and drag her inside 

"yes yes I know I am sorry. Hi Beks how has your morning been?" I say as we go over to a free table to set our stuff down

"I have had a rather productive morning actually, killed some people, tortured others, failed to catch another of Niks enemies" she says looking at the panini and I smile 

"sounds eventful, and what enemy?" I say grabbing one 

"oh you know the one that HE has been playing a tug if war with for what seems like an eternity?" she asks and I nod looking back to her "well he has resurfaced and he is out for blood so we all need to be on high alert" she says and I nod heading over to the barista. 

We stop talking about it for a bit so that no one overhears us, but one i grabbed our coffees we headed back to the table 

"so have I met this person?" I ask and she shakes her head 

"Nik would not let him anywhere near you, plus this is actually the first time he has come to our territory so we are expecting a big show down. you know? man against man" she says rolling her eyes making me laugh. 

As I take a sip of my drink my mind can't help but wonder, I knew Nik had a lot of people trying to kill him, a lot of enemies but I didn't anticipate this. I felt a slight pang of worry that something bad was going to happen. Once we finished our sandwiches Bekah suggested getting another coffee before heading back to the house. I nodded giving her some money and she headed to the counter. 

I let my mind wander as I look around the cafe to see what sorts of people were here and ended up making an eye contact with a man who was around the same age as Alaric Saltzman. He smiled at me slightly then turned back to his paper. Who reads an actually paper these days? I looked down at my hands for a moment to look back at him and he lifted his head up and cocked his head to the side slightly, like he was trying to work out if he knew me from somewhere. I gave him a confused look but then my phone started to ring so I turned my attention away and looked at my phone to see Nik was calling 

"hello handsome, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I say getting a giggle from him

"hello love, is it alright for me to phone my girlfriend who I miss dearly?" I smile 

"of course it is" I say and I look around again to see the man who I had made eye contact with smirking down at his paper

"what are you doing now?" Nik says and I say

"Bekah is just ordering us another coffee and then we will start heading back" I say and I can almost hear the smile on his face "also um Bekah told me about the situation is there anything I can do to help you?" I ask and before I can even continue he speaks 

"of course she did and no absolutely not Y/n I am not putting you in any danger, you are not to lose a single hair on your head" I sigh 

"ok, is there anything I can do for you?" I say and before he speaks another voice sounds next to me 

"I am very surprised" I look up to see the man reading the paper, I hold a hand to the speaker 

"excuse me?" I say confused and he smirks flashing his eyes

"that the original hybrid has not mentioned me to you, or the fact he has a weak spot" I almost drop the phone 

"y/n listen to me you need to get ou-" I hear the voice of Nik shout-down the phone but before he can continue the man grabs my phone and ends the call and crushes it in his hands. He leans forward on the table

"we are currently surrounded by humans so I suggest you do not make a scene" he says and i nod out of fear. He turns to Bekah who has no clue what is happening

"she cannot hear our conversation. So if you want to ensure your loved ones are safe I suggest you grab your bag and come with me" he says taking a step back and motioning towards the door. I nod timidly as I grab my bag standing up and walking out the door. Once we were outside he grabbed my arm and led me towards a car, he opened the door then I felt a prick in my neck, before i have time to register what happened I start to feel really dizzy. I feel myself start to fall then


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