mine - katherine (request)

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Requested by @AlyxtPierce thank you hope you like it ! ❤️

I was thinking of a Katherine one where we live outside of mystic Falls and live somewhere completely alone and she is possessive about us😌 and we have a dog together 😊 it's fine if you can't do this one

"hey love?" I shout from our bedroom, we're currently getting ready to go out for dinner and Katherine was in the kitchen getting a drink. Our dog just cam in the room and jumped on the bed and I started playing with he and the toy he brought in

"yeah?" she shouts from downstairs 

"have you had a drink yet?" i ask trying to work out how to break this news to her

"just had my first sip why?" she shouts back 

"good cause you're gonna wanna have some alcohol in ya when i say this" I say and a second later she speeds in drink in hand 

"what" she says and I laugh looking down at our dog 

"i need to go out of town for work next week and I'd like you to come along, we can make a wee trip out of it" I say and she nods

"why did i need a drink for this?" and the dog jumps on the bed and starts pawing at her so she bends down to start scratching him

"because its to mystic falls" I say and she immediately stands up

"no" she says shaking her head downing the rest of the wine before walking out the room, dog in tow.

"come on now it's been two years plus it's a chance for me to meet your friends" i say standing up, grabbing my bag, before walking after her. When i make it to the bottom on the stares i look around and i see her washing her glass in the kitchen

"1 they aren't my friends 2 you aren't meeting them" she says and I sigh

"love they can't be that bad" i say and she puts her hands by the sink and looks at me

"y/n they are the reason i was in hiding for years, why i was locked up, they hate me cause i ruined their lives or whatever but are still obsessed with me. I hate them too and i hate to give them any credit but they are dangerous, i don't want you near them" she says and I cross my arms over my chest

"you're a vampire, so are they, how are you any less dangerous?" I say and she immediately says

"i love you that's how" she says before looking at the clock "come on or we'll be late" she says walking around the sink before placing a hand on my back and guiding me towards the door. I grab the dogs lead and attach it to his collar

"good boy Harry" i say scratching him before grabbing the house keys and car keys, as i'm designated driver, and we head towards my car. I open the back door and let the dog hop in before closing it behind him.

"well i have to go for meetings no matter your opinions so it's either you come with me or don't and strop about it" opening the car door and getting in

"what business could they possibly have in mystic falls?" she says doing her seatbelt and i sigh

"we are thinking of buying out a company there so we are heading out there to start negotiations, three meeting and be in an out in a week max" i say before starting the car and getting us on our way. It was a short drive to my friends house to drop of Harry as she dog sits for us, Harry loves her and her kids also love it. 

"but why do you need to go?" Katherine asks and i reach a stop light and i turn to her briefly and give her a look which has her taken aback

"because i'm the cfo?" i say 

"can't the ceo and coo deal with it?" she asks almost wining and i shake my head

"because we are all the board and the president on our company wants us all there as we all run it and when we are planning to BUY a company we all need to be there and make sure it's the right move and fit" I say as the lights change and we start moving again, i wait a few moments before saying "it's you don't want to go just thought i'd ask" I say 

"no love, it's not that" she says and i can't tell she's getting frustrated, i knew when bringing this up she would have some issues but i never expected this reaction, and knowing Kat she is not going to tell me easily. Even though we have been together for coming on two years now she still struggles to open up sometimes. 

"well Kat, i'm trying to understand what the issue is?" I say waiting for a response

"i don't want you to go" she says and i think for a moment before saying 

"ok, um has something happened? since the last time i was there?" i say and she sighs 

"i handed them over to the Mikaelsons, hid a body and became queen of hell. They also made threats against me" she says and I quickly glance at her "which is a threat against you and I'm not taking that chance" she says and I nod. We are pulling up to the restaurant at this point so i don't respond right away. We park up and walk inside and as we are waiting to be seating she turns to me and i say

"nothing will happen to me, especially if you come" I say and the waiter comes over before she can respond and we get shown to our seats. Once we're sat i pick up a menu and have a look even though i know what i'm gonna get

"love i don't feel comfortable going, and i'd rather you didn't have to go but i know you can't control it" she says grabbing the wine list and looking through

"what is it your afraid of? you know i can protect myself" i say and she nods 

"these people will do anything and i mean anything to get what they want, if they even get a whiff that i love you they'll hurt you or worse ki-" she starts and I make eye contact with her and I nod

" ok love i understand" I say and she sighs 

 "i don't mea-" she starts and i reach over and grab her hands

"i love you" i say and she stops talking and just looks at me and she gives me a sad smile before bringing my hands to her lips and kissing both on them 

"i love you more" she says. Pausing for a few seconds then says" just the idea of them hurting you makes want to tear them limb from limb, i just want to be there to protect you" she says and I nod

"you're not always gonna be around to keep me safe" I say

"not if i can help it and hey i'm immortal" she says taking a sip of wine and i sigh

"if you'd let me finish i was gonna say that there will be times where if i have to i can protect myself or someone else, who isn't you, may have to. But that's ok. I love and appreciate that you want to keep me safe and be there for me, maybe this trip can be a trial and i'll prove it to you that i can make it back in one piece" i say smiling and she sighs 

"don't have a choice do I?" she says and i smugly grin at her

"yes, in many ways but right now i'll choose the petty option" I say making her roll her eyes.

We spend the rest of the evening having a civilised meal, well, for the most part. Just spending time the two of us before heading back to reality and bribing Katherine into helping me pack. Don't worry i made it worth her while.

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