to fucking jealous - Kol

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His jealous and protective side comes out in full swing

Me and Kol have been dating for around 8 months now, 5 months exclusively and so far it has been amazing

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Me and Kol have been dating for around 8 months now, 5 months exclusively and so far it has been amazing. We both trust each other unequivocally. I only have eyes for him and i know he feels the same. 

When we first started dating i was nervous for a number of reasons, how my friends would react (even though it would not have changed the outcome), what possible dangerous he or myself might come across. I would get jealous at the beginning whenever other women would talk to him. He is so gorgeous on the inside and out so I knew the likelihood of him choosing me over them was very slim.But, he chose me. What I was unaware of was the jealousy he felt, it came from a place of love, even though we haven't said this to each other yet and a sense of protectiveness he felt towards me. I am yet to see this side of my boyfriend but Nik and Bekah have told me what he has been like when I am not around. 


I had been out shopping with Bekah in town because they boys wanted us out the house since they were having some meeting with the Salvatore brothers. I have met them multiple times but Kol doesn't like me being around Damon for too long because he likes to annoy Kol by threatening my life.

What a charmer.

We were planning to stay out longer but the cafe we were planning to go to had to close early so we decided to just have coffee back at my house, on the way we were going to drop of Bekah's purchases at the boarding house. 

We were walking up the driveway when i heard Bekah sigh making me laugh a little 

"we are almost there" i say and she rolls her eyes

"rude and it's not that, i can hear their annoying voices" she says and I look towards the house

"the salvatores?" I ask and she nods "they're still here?" I ask again and she nods

"yep, oh the temptation to rip their tiny heads off is real" she says and I laugh again 

"ok let's not get to hasty, yes they are annoying but they don't need to die today. Now, you go inside and drop of your stuff and I will wait out here cause i am not in the mood to be threatened" i say and she smiles

"ok, give me 5 minutes" she says sauntering her way into the house.


I had stopped listening Stefan wittering on about something to do with the moonstone when I started to hear a heartbeat, her heartbeat. I was confused to why they were back early so i listened in on their conversation, I thanked god to hear she was not coming in. 

Bekah coming in turned everyones attention to her 

"you boys act like you have never seen a woman before" she says and i sigh

"barbie is back" Damon says and she speeds in front of him grabbing him by the throat 

"you might want to watch your tongue there Damon, I can end you life with a slip of the hand" she says and I speak up

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