you land a role in a major franchise

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A/N: i know some of these franchises are finished but just imagine pls thank you❤️

p.s i would do anything to be in any of these franchises!!


Me and Damon were sitting in the grille having our lunch when we heard someone come bursting in, now the grille is usually quite lively so this burst of noise wouldn't be to unusual. But midday on a tuesday afternoon may be stretching it. I happened to me facing the door so I saw it was my agent bursting in with a sense of urgency, confused i stand up as they speed walk over to me finishing a call

"hey, what's going on?" I say and Damon just stays put watching in confusion

"you got it" they say and my mouth falls open

"no!" I say and they nod excitedly

"they loved you and want you to fly over right away" they say and I jump up and down 

"oh my god!!" I say before pulling them into a massive hug

"hello I am still here and in the dark, what the hell is going on?" he says and I grab his hands and say

"I got the role in Harry Potter" i say and a massive grin spread on his face as he stand up and spins me round 

" i'm dating a movie star" he says in a sing song way and he puts me down " i'm so happy and proud of you baby" he says leaning down and kissing me. We stay like that for a bit before my agent clears their throat, we pull apart and invite them to sit so we can start working out the logistics.


As soon as I heard there was going to be a LOTR tv show I knew that i had to be a part of it in some way or another. Me, my brother and my sister grew up with those movies and every single holiday or big life event we would celebrate with a marathon. This meant so much to us. Me and my agent got to work immediately and managed to land an audition then call backs. They were also filming in the UK, where I am from, so i decided I would stay with my parents until i hear back. Stefan couldn't stay with me as he has business to attend to, however we have video chatted every night and keeping each other updated.

"how is everything?" I ask him and he sighs rubbing his hair

"well you know Damon did what he does best, pissed people off to the point of murder" he says and I shake my head

"he is something" I say and he smiles 

"well he's family" he says making me laugh. He then goes on to talk about what actually happened when I heard the door ring, I someone shout I'll get it so I turned my attention back to Stefan. As I looked back at the screen I heard all this commotion and someone rushing up the stairs, I was about to excuse myself to check but someone came bursting in my door

"what the hell?" I say jumping and i see it;s my agent and my brother 

"you are going to love me!!" my agent says sitting down next to me. They turn to see Stefans face looking confused on my screen "hello boyfriend" she says before turning back to me "guess which agent is now the agent of someone in the new Lord Of The Rings tv show" she says squealing and I look at her confused for a moment. Then it hits me

"fuck off!" I shout standing up and she nods her head excitedly jumping up and now "shut the front door" I say and she nods

"your in babe" she says and I run to my brother giving him a huge hug before running to my agent given her a huge hug. Once we part I go to the screen to see a smiling Stefan

"well done Y/n, I knew you'd smash it" he says and I nod wiping the tears

"I wish you were here so we could celebrate" I say then my agent pats me on the shoulder

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now