go save the world - Elijah

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The two of you are having a meal with your parents and he has to rush of to help his siblings

"you've kept thursday evening free right?" I shout at Elijah from his en suite 

"of course my dear" he says coming through to brush his his teeth and I smile at him through the mirror. I stare at him for a moment before saying

"thank you for sorting their flights and everything you didn't have to" I say and he smiles at me giving my a quick kiss on my temple before replying 

"they are the parents of the love of my life, I wouldn't have it any other way" he says smiling at me through the mirror placing his toothbrush in his mouth and we begin to get ready for bed. I do my skin care after my teeth and he goes through to our shared bedroom to start reading his book. Whilst I am washing my face i am going through in my head the things I have planned to do with my parents, the logistics of how much we will be able to fit in to the few days they are over here. A little while later I place the towel down and I walk through to see my wonderful boyfriend reading his book looking as handsome as ever.

"take a picture love it will last longer" he says raising his gaze and sending me a wink and I smile at him as I climb into bed and give him a quick peck on the cheek before lying down and trying to go to sleep. 


I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing signalling that I need to collect my parent's from the airport so i slowly begin to get out of bed trying not to wake up Elijah. Once I am up I turn around to make sure he's still asleep and I smile at him when i see him looking so peaceful. I wish he had more time like this instead of constantly having to look over his shoulder or having to rescue his siblings from the mess they god themselves in. I had just reached the chair which I laid clothes out on when I heard a sigh coming from behind me which brings a smile to my face knowing he was getting some rest. As I'm getting dressed I am going over the the route to the airport in my head and what i have planned for their visit. When I am dressed I grab my car, purse and phone and i take one last glimpse at my sleeping beauty before heading out to the airport. 


"this house is beautiful Y/n!" My mums exclaims as we enter through the doors of the compound and i smile closing the front door 

"it's been in their family for years, it was an honour when Lijah asked me to move in. They welcomed me into the family " I say smiling and they nod looking around 

"speaking of where is your handsome devil of a boyfriend" my dad says and before i could speak his voice appears behind me

" Y/D/N, Y/M/N welcome!" he says walking over to hug my dad then hugs my mum kissing her on the cheek "such a pleasure to have you here hope the journey was good" he says and they nod

"it was wonderful, thank you for arranging it for us! never been in first class before" my mum says excitedly and Elijah courtly nods

"only the best for you two" he says and my Dad claps him on the shoulder

"how have you been son?" he says 

"I've been well the business is doing well and me and my siblings haven't had an argument in what a week so that's a bonus" he says smiling before clapping his hands together "now i have made breakfast which is waiting for you in the dining room so, if you would care to follow me" he says offering an arm to my mother which she accepts 

"you've got yourself a keeper honey" my dad says and I smile and nod in agreement as we follow in suit. Once we are in there my parents take a seat and i grab Elijah's hand and pull him aside so they can't hear

"has anyone ever told you you are the sweetest person in the world?" I say placing a kiss on the palm of his hand and he smiles and places his arms around the waist

"I wanted to ensure they had nothing to worry about" he says and I smile 

"I love you so much" i say and he smile 

"I love you" he says kissing me before we head back over to my parents. 


Throughout the morning Elijah's phone has been buzzing and I've been catching him looking at his phone and silencing it but I can tell something is wrong. He is growing more and more worried so it must have something to do with his siblings as he keeps checking it secretly and I've spotting him talking to some of the hybrids who have been hiding. As my parents are in the middle of deciding what we do today I can hear hs phone buzz again so i place my hand on his and smile

"go, we'll be fine" I say and he gives me a look

"but Y/n - " I turn to him so I'm facing him and place my other hand of top

"your family need you now go. Go save the world" I say with a smile and he places a hand on my cheek kissing me on the lips before standing up and excusing himself before answering 

"Niklaus?" i hear him say

"is everything alright dear?" my mum asks and I nod 

"his brother phoned so just making sure everything is ok" I say and she nods before I make a few suggestions on what to do. A few seconds later Elijah comes back with his suit jacket on and a shaken look on his face 

"my deepest apologies but there has been a problem at work which needs tending to so I'm afraid I have to leave you" he says 

"no need to apologize Elijah you go help your family" my dad says and he nods

"thank you, I will join you later when i can" he says

"no worries dear" my mum says and I smile standing up 

"I'll walk you to the door sweetie" I say and he nods taking my hand as we walk to the door. We walk in silence for the most part until he turns around and says 

"it's the witches , they have been forming a plan of attack so we are holding an emergency meeting. I have assigned extra hybrids to watch over you and your parents, they will stay out if site but just so you know" he says and I nod and he takes my hands 

"thank you for everything now go" I say placing a quick kiss on the lips before gently pushing him out the door, he gives me a soft smile before going to turn away I shout 

"promise me one thing" I say and he turns around 

"anything my love" he says and I say 

"come back to me" i say and he pauses for a moment before speeding in front of me grabbing my face and he kisses me with so much passion and unspoken emotion, we stay there more a bit before he pulls back and looks at me 

"always". I place my hands on his and he speeds away to the meeting.

 I place my hands on his and he speeds away to the meeting

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