try for me? - Enzo

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The one where the mission does not go to plan

Living in mystic falls means there is never a dull moment, or a chance to be a normal teenager. Since I have been involved in the supernatural world it has been non stop, I have seen more things than any one our age should. I have lost a lot too. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Me, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Jeremy have known each other our entire lives, i didn't think we could possibly get closer than we were. But since we met the Salvatore's, and we all got thrown into the supernatural world. We have been closer than ever. We met Enzo, who I am absolutely in love with. Since he started hanging out us I just can't stop thinking about him. The girls always make fun of me and make sure we are always together on any sort of mission. Damon has said Enzo told him drunkenly that he likes me but I didn't believe him.

anyway! back to the present

This year we are meant to be preparing for our big finals, we are meant to be living normal teenage lives. But instead we spend every waking moment warding off the original vampires. They are after the freaking moonstone whatever the hell that is. Every other night there is a threat of Elena, Matt or me getting taken as we are human and an 'easy target', but I have been training and you do not want to be on the received end if me and my weapons. 


Sitting in the school library with Tyler as we are trying to study for our chemistry exam. It was completely silent, you can clearly hear any sound of movement. So when we heard the entrance door open we didn't look up cause we presumed it was a student. I was in the middle was a page when I felt a presence behind me, i thought it was Tyler but I look up to see him sitting in front of me. An arm leans on the table in front of me,

"hello love" the voice which causes shivers down my spine. Tyler's head shoots up at the sound of his voice and instantly goes to stand up "not so fast wolf boy I'm not here for you" he says and I look at Tyler 

"why are you here?" I ask and he leans down

"I would just like to go for a nice chat" he says and I turn my head to face him 

"I don't know where it is" I say and I can see out of the corner of my eye Tyler reaching for his phone 

"If you reach for that phone I will not hesitate to rip open Y/n's heart right here right now" he says turning to Tyler so retreats his hand immediately and then Klaus turns back to me "that is not why I am here love, I just want to get to know you that's all. Now I have vampires planted throughout this library, they are compelled to kill every single human in here on command if you don't cooperate. So, Y/n? do you want these peoples lives on your conscience?" he says and my heart begins to race. not knowing what to say I shake my head 

"good" he says standing up and holding out his arm for me to take, I begin to gather my stuff but he puts an hand on my arm

"Tyler can get that, now come along" he says holding out his arm again so I stand up and link my arm with his. 

As we enter the hallway I notice it is empty, I suppose that is because everyone is in class. 

"so if you are not here for the moonstone then why are you here?" I say and he sighs

"do you always have this many questions?" he says. I realise we are about to walk beside a classroom and I know Stefan and Elena have a class right now, as we walk past the door I look inside and i try and make eye contact with Stefan. He turns his head to the side as he is speaking and we make eye contact. His eyes  widen but I couldn't see anything after that. 

"sounds like your friends is coming to help you" he says as he turns us around to see him running out the classroom. After I blink again someone else flashes next to him.. .Enzo

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now