you called - Kol

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you were each other's first love and can't seem to let go

Bekah invited me over to have dinner at their house this evening as this is the first free evening I have had in weeks, one where I am not studying, and have been looking forward to this all day. I need to catch up with them all as being a law student causes you to be out of the loop from everything in your life. I also won't lie to you when I say one of the main reasons for my excitement it that I'm seeing Kol. God I've missed him so much, Of course I'm looking forward to seeing my other friends but Kol. He will always have my heart. 

We were each other's first love.

We started dating when i was sixteen and I have never been happier than i was when i was with him. He is my soulmate. My person. When I got into law school I thought it best we break up knowing my studies would become my life and I did not want to leave him on the back burner. I could not do that to him. He tried to talk me out of it but he knew in his heart this was right so we went our separate ways deciding to remain friends. We have both dated other people but none of them lasted very long and neither of us wanted to admit the other was the reason for those break ups. But now I've graduated from law school and in the first couple months of my internship so the reason we broke up is no longer there. My heart wants him back, I don't know if that's what he wants.


"You came!" Bekah opened the door pulling me into a huge hug making us both laugh and lose our balance 

"wouldn't miss it" I say pulling away from her to see the brothers have also gathered. She excused herself to go deal with the food leaving me to greet the others and Elijah is the first to move forward

"Y/n" he says also pulling me in for a warm hug and I squeeze him back

"you changed any laws yet?" Nik says jokingly as i hug him then i turn to meet his gaze. It still has so much power over me, his eyes are all I want to look into for the rest of my life 

"Y/l/n" he says and I smirk

"Mikaelson" I say and he laughs and we pull each other in for a hug, this one notably longer than the ones me and his brothers shared. Neither of us wanted to let go but we were interrupted by Bekah saying 

"foods ready" she says and we all head through and me an Kol are walking with an arm around each other. This felt right.


"so how is the new internship treating you?" Kol asks taking a sip from his wine and I take a sip of mine 

"good! they are working me to the bone but it's what I expected. It's really great" I say and he smiles

"we've hardly seen you they better be good or they have some explaining to do" Bekah says jokingly and I smile

"top in the state" I say with a wink causing her to roll her eyes 

"only the best for our Y/n" Nik says causing me to smile

"I'm sorry i have been so unreachable. Once this big case is closed i should be a bit more free so you will be stuck with me then" I say. The rest on the night we spend just catching up and laughing just like we did all those years ago. I would keep catching Kol's eye and we would hold each other's gaze until one of us reluctantly looks away. Once the meal was finished Nik was called away by one of his hybrids so him and Elijah left to go deal with that and once the dishes was finished Bekah went to go track down Marcel leaving me and Kol alone. We decided to go sit by the fire and have a drink 

"look at us all grown up who'd a thought it?" he says taking a sip of his drink and i nod in agreement 

"I know, i have a adult job in the big wide world" I say causing him to let out a little laugh which was music to my ears 

"i always knew you would go far, you're too damn stubborn to accept anything less" he says and I shove him slightly 

"hey! you are one to talk Mr" I say and he cocks his eyebrows 

"oh yeah?" he says and I nod sitting up

"remember when you came along with me and my brother to see Chicago and you absolutely hated musicals and i knew it but you refused to leave because you wanted to make a good impression" I say poking him and he nods 

"oh yeah, your brother still scares me" he says shuddering making me roll my eyes

"an original vampire scared by my brother?" I say and he reluctantly nods and I look down taping my glass "you know he loves you" I say and I feel the air change in the room and I slowly look up to be met with his hypnotic gaze again. We both sit in silence for a moment as the electricity between us is speaking for itself and I can feel myself wanting to move closer to him. He has this magnetic hold over me that I can't explain and i feel my eyes flicker down to his lips and his do the same which makes me smile

"you aren't in law school anymore" he says and I can see a glint of sadness and hope in his eyes and I give him a sad smile

"I'm not" I say looking between his eyes and his lips and he does the same. 


"fuck!" I scream as i through my bag down in my hallway and throw my keys in their basket. Just got home from work after having one of the worst days. The big case wasn't moving very far so we all just got an absolute bollocking from the boss, I got shouted at for being incompetent when I'm not even working the case as I'm so new. All i am doing is aiding in anyway I can and that doesn't seem to be enough. I feel my knees keel and I collapse on the floor sobbing from a mixture of stress and exhaustion from these past few weeks. All I want was a little time to breath. I need someone to tell me everything will be ok and I will get through this. I need someone who makes me feel safe

I need Kol.

I move over to my bag and I take out my phone and scroll to his contact, I pause before pressing it. The wait while is rings was excruciating and so was the fact it went to voicemail, when I heard the beat i decided to leave a message 

"Kol?" I whimper " I kn- know I have no right caling yo- you like this um... I've had a really shitty day and right now all I can think about is you and how much I ne- need you" I say before pausing and taking a shaky breath "I miss you Kol, I miss us an-" i go to continue but get cut of by the machine. I stare at my phone for a while hoping he will call back, when he doesn't I sigh and begin to get up and try and wind down. Later that night I was sitting my window sill staring into the distance thinking over the past few years without Kol and how fucking stupid I was for letting go. How much I still love him that i was shocked to hear a floorboard creak so I whip my head round to see Kol standing looking at me with a sad smile

"you came?" I say staring at him in awe and sadness and he smiles 

"you called" he says. I stand up running over to him and engulfing him to a hug and we embrace each other. I lose track of time because I'm taking in every moment of this I can because this feels so right. He feels like home. I pull away so I can look at him and I place my hands on his chest 

"ending this was the worst decision I ever made" I say and he just stares at me with tears in his eyes "I still love you Kol" I say through tears i didn't even know where there "I always have and I always will" i say and he wipes them away before holding my face in his hands 

"when you went away you took my heart with you. It's only ever been you Y/n" he says and I let out a cry as we both lean in and kiss for the first time in years. All the emotion and longing was let out in this kiss. We melted into each other's embrace. I knew in this moment I was home and I was never letting go of him again. I pull away for air and I say

"please take me back" I say and he nods 

"please never leave me again" he says and I shake my head

"I'm yours Kol forever" I say and we kiss again. 

The Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences Book 2Where stories live. Discover now