date night - Kai

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inspired by a scene in FOOTLOOSE

My eyes began to flutter  open as my body was waking me up for the day, I start to smile remembering the events of last night so my arm instinctively reaches for my boyfriend beside me

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My eyes began to flutter  open as my body was waking me up for the day, I start to smile remembering the events of last night so my arm instinctively reaches for my boyfriend beside me. But I feel nothing. I turn over to look and see if he is just closer to the edge of the bed but he is not there, I let out a sigh and rub my eyes. As I sit up in my bed there is a knock on my door and I let out a muffled

"yeah?" the door opens to reveal Damon

"making pancakes, you want some?" he says and I nod

"yeah I will be down in a minute" he smiles before heading downstairs. 

Yeah i should point out that i live in the boarding house with Damon and Stefan, who are practically my brothers, so that explains why Kai is never here in the morning. They have warmed up to Kai being my boyfriend and seeing him around from time to time but i know Kai still needs to earn their trust. Kai doing his best and being respectful by not staying through the night. It makes me sad that they aren't there yet but good things take time, and as long as i am happy and in a good relationship that is what matters. 

When I arrived downstairs Damon was mixing the pancake batter and Stefan was sitting at the table drinking a coffee, I walk over pour myself one before joining him. 

"sleep well?" he asks and I smile 

"i did thank you did you?" I ask and he nods. We spent the rest of the morning just talking and spending time together seeing as we have all been busy. When it got to around 11:00 Stefan and Damon left to go to Bonnie's leaving me alone in the boarding house, thus giving me the perfect opportunity to plan me and Kai's date tonight. One night a week we both set aside time to go on a really fun active date and each week we rotate to arranges it. This week it is my turn. 

As I was trying to find inspiration from anywhere drinking my third cup of coffee I saw this advert for a cowboy themed bar, there was various activities to do there including dancing. I was sold, I stood up quickly and did a happy dance celebrating my success. Once i calmed down i reached for my phone and went into recent calls and clicked Kai's contact it rang a few times before he picked up and said 

"the man of your dreams at your service" he says and I smile 

"hi honey I have officially found us the best date ever!" i say and I hear his laughing 

"oh really?" he says 

"yes! i found this amazing themed bar, it's an hours drive away so it might not be plausible but it looks so cute and there will be dancing and it looks so fun" I start rambling 

"y/n? darling?" he says and i stop

"yeah?" I say 

"dancing? I don't do dancing" he says and I sigh

"come on it'll be fun!" I say and he begins to protest but I interrupt "and anyway it's my week to decide so what I say goes" I say and he lets out a chuckle before saying

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