Chapter Ninety Eight

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Mal stood against the wall of the Castle, looking over the courtyard. The grass was still charred black, but small sections had begun growing through. The green contrasted well against the black, making it stand out. She had her dagger in her hand, idly threading it through her fingers. The wind was calm, blowing gently against her, stray hairs coming in and out of her sight.

"You ready?" Jenna asks as she walks over, tying her hair up into a bun, a set of daggers cast on her belt that ran along her chest. She sported dark brown leather armour, with the Acadian emblem on either shoulder painted red. Anna wore her white armour she had worn when she met Josh for the first time, although it was more of a grey now. The pouches were worn that covered the chest piece and around her thighs. Two daggers holstered under her arms on each side.

"Yeah, let's do this." Mal states as she flexes her hand. Her eyes begin to glow a light green, although a hint of blue emerged within them. Her arm begins to glow a bright green even through her clothing, her hand tensed into a fist along with her face tensing. A green mist begins to raise from the floor and surrounds the trio, as their vision is blocked from it.

As it fades, the three find themselves in a dimly lit hallway. The uneven stone had torches mounted on them still burning. Moss crawling up the walls, some areas the moss had started growing along the roof. Jenna flexes her hand as a white mist forms around her fingers, with small shards of ice floating around within them. The sound of electricity crackling surges from Anna's hands, her fingers spread wide against her waist.

"This place is giving me the creeps." Anna comments as they slowly progress through the hallway. Her light blue eyes shone brightly in the dim hallway.

"LEAVE!" A voice booms through the hallways, as a black ooze-lime mist cascades down the walls, dripping onto the floor, quickly enveloping them into it.

"This doesn't seem good." Mal sighs as she flicks her hands, green energy erupts from them, several runes up her shoulder begins to glow and burn her skin. Her face tightens as she chants an unknown language. But before she could finish, she let out a pain filled scream, falling to the floor in pain, her hands clutching her arms.

"Anna! Do you have eyes on Mal!" Jenna yells through the smog.

"No! I can't see jack shit!" Anna replies, and Jenna hears Electricity sizzling from all around her. And a bolt hits her directly in the chest.

"Friendly fire!" Jenna yells as she stumbled back. But she notices the smog fades from around her. But she was no longer in the hallway. She was where she never wanted to be again.

Arcadia. She could see the skies burning above her. A never ending flame, as Dragons descend from them, bringing the hell-like fire to the ground. Jenna instinctively jumps to the floor as she could feel the fire just miss her, the heat almost burning her skin. She pushes herself up, feeling her hands freeze over as shards of ice hover above them. She wasn't going to let her home die. She was ready to fight.

"Jenna" she hears a voice snarl from behind her. She spins around to see Anna, and a feeling of hope swells through her. But only for a moment, as she could see her eyes. They were consumed by darkness. And along side her, was George.

"Anna! What are you doing!" Jenna calls out. To which Anna just grins, her hands sizzled with electricity, but it was... Wrong. The blinding light her powers usually have was gone, but it was dark, like whips of darkness striking the air around her.

"Ah, Jenna. You are here to see Arcadia's fall. The Dragons inferno is a sight to behold, dear sister." Anna says, her voice was different, but Jenna couldn't pinpoint how.

"No. Anna, come on. Stop messing around. You know... You know this isn't how it's meant to be. You and Josh helped us protect the people of Arcadia." Jenna pleads, but she just received a maniacal laugh.

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