Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen

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Mal blinks into existence within Auradons throne room. The guards within took one look at George and drew their swords.

"Stand down!" Mal commands. The guards share looks, unsure what was happening. "I said, stand down!"

"But, Your Majesty..." One of them trails off, even behind the steel helmet Mal could tell they were dubious of George.

"Don't mind me, I'm a visitor." George smirks as he flashes the restraints around his arms. The guards lower their swords, but do not sheath them. They were still slightly dubious about George.

"I want him taken down to the Dungeons." Mal states, throwing him forward. "If you see anything that resembles an attempt to escape, rip the pendant from around his neck off." She adds.

"Yes, my Queen." One of the guards nod, walking over and gripping George's arm tightly.

"Oh, Atleast take me to dinner first." George winks at the Guard, but this just made the guard smash the hilt of his sword against George's temple.

"Shut up!" The guard demands, causing George to laugh.

"I know who I'm going to kill first." George grins as the guard drags him away. Mal let's out a large sigh as she walks over to her throne and falls into it, resting her arm on the armrest as she lowers her head into her hand.

The magic it took to get herself to Josh along with the restraints took alot out of her. Her magic was unlike Audrey's, it had limits. And the closer she got to those limits, the more it took out of her. She could still feel her runes burning up her arm, what helped her empower her magic.

"Did my eyes deceive me, or was that George being dragged out?" Uma asks, pointing behind her. Mal looks up at Uma with a strained smile.

"You saw right, Uma." Mal responds. "We just caught him on the Flagship."

"How did you manage that?" Uma questions.

"Well, a mix between my magic and Josh's insane ability to anger him. He was too absorbed by his anger for Josh he didn't see me." Mal answers and Uma nods with a grin.

"So we have the Empires most feared fighter in our possession? This war is starting to actually look winnable."

"Maybe." Mal shrugs. "But we know that The Dragon King has more than just George in his arsenal. We need to be ready for whatever he throws at us."

"And we will be." Uma tells Mal. "Look, if this prophecy is true, we have everyone now. All we have to do is convince George that it's in his best interests to help us."

"That won't happen anytime soon." Mal sighs as she pushes herself up from her throne, her knee's buckling slightly.

"Woah, you good?" Uma asks, her eyebrows creased in worry.

"Yeah. Just my magic has taken its toll over me." Mal shrugs Uma's concern off. "It took alot to form those restraints on George. It was easier with Anna, she was a willing volunteer when I was testing them. George fights it."

"You should rest." Uma points out.

"Not yet." Mal shakes her head. "I need to make sure we are ready for the attack on Arcadia."

"Mal!" Uma exclaims. "You need to look after yourself. You ain't gonna be any good if you're weak like this."

"I'm fine!" Mal yells.

"The hell you are!" Uma responds. "Look, I will make sure you're awake for the attack. But you need to rest and regain your strength. And we both know I could knock your ass out." Uma eyes Mal, who glares back. Their eyes locked, not a single movement.

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