Chapter One Hundred and Seven

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Mal paced up on and down in the throne room, tapping her fist into her hand, while Sarah and Anna stood to the side, watching.

"Mal, you gotta take a minute. They'll be fine." Sarah says, and Mal looks up at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"And how do you know that?" Mal asks in an annoyed tone. "Do you have some sort of foresight?"

"I've just got hope." Sarah replies.

"Hope isn't going to do Jack shit. What I need is my best fighters back here." Mal responds.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Anna comments and Mal looks over at Anna before letting out a sigh.

"Sorry. I just can't stop thinking about them there. They're in the heart of our enemies homeland. And we can't do anything to help." Mal apologises as she walks over to her throne and takes a seat. She never understood the big thing with thrones. They were incredibly uncomfortable. But, it's what people expect.

"You know, we could use this time properly. When was the last time you got some training?" Anna asks Mal.

"I mean, it depends if you count throwing Theodore around training." Mal responds.

"No I don't." Anna replies, but a smirk grew on her lips.

"Quite a while then. I guess since we took back Auradon." Mal answers and Anna nods, walking into the center of the throne room. "Both of you, come here. You are both going to try pin me down. No weapons, no powers." Anna tells them.

"And how does this help with the War?" Mal asks, not moving from her throne.

"Unarmed combat is just as important, Mal. You need to be able to defend yourself if you have no weapons." Anna answers.

"I'm literally a witch." Mal argues.

"Even your magic might not be a good option." Anna argues back. Mal looks at Anna for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and walking towards Anna and Sarah. Anna took a few steps back and nods.

"Let's see how well the two of you do. Begin" Anna says and Sarah charges forward first, bringing her fist back and sending it towards Anna. Anna however is able to slide her body out of the way and grab Sarah's arm and throw her aside. Mal summersaults into the air and brings her foot down on Anna. Anna rolls out of the way and forces her own foot into Mal's side as she lands, before spinning around and forcing the back of her foot into Mal's back, knocking her to the floor. Sarah leaps forward and tries to forces her elbow into Anna's back, sending her to the floor.

"Not bad." Anna comments as she sweeps her legs behind her, knocking Sarah to the floor as she places her foot on Sarah's neck. "And you're dead."

"So are you." Mal says as she goes to wrap her arm around Anna's neck. But Anna sends a wave of electricity behind her as it strikes Mal, sending her across the room. Mal pushes herself up and brushes herself off, her eyes sparked with green energy. "I thought you said we weren't gonna use our powers." Mal states.

"Well, in a real fight, you ain't gonna let someone kill you." Anna responds. Mal then sends vines of green energy towards Anna as they wrap around her arms and legs. Mal then yanks her hands back, bringing Anna towards her before slamming her against the ground.

"And you're dead." Mal says again. Anna smirks at Mal and nods.

"Now you're getting it. I doubt the Dragon Empire are going to fight with honour. Yes, unarmed combat might be your only move at the time. But throughout the fight, you are looking for a way to pull the advantage to you." Anna tells Mal as the vines of energy fade into the air, and Mal offers her hand to Anna.

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