Chapter Eight Five

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"You joined him?" Josh questions, his eyes darken with his fish clenched by his side.

"What can I say. I want to be on the winning side" George brushes off, his eyes scanning the group before sniffing. "Got yourself quite a group here, haven't you." He observes.

"Yeah, I'd of regretted coming down on yourself." Mal steps forward, her eyes lighting up with energy. "I am the Queen here, so you surrender now or we will not hesitate to take you down." She says with authority in her voice.

"See, I know you wouldn't. The prophecy, right?" George smirks.

"It's fake. Look at what's already happened. But we can defend what we have left." Jenna says, and George chuckles in response.

"You'd not risk that though. Just incase it is true. See, none of you would kill me, but I'll happily kill you" George says as he flicks his hands, flames erupt from his fingers as they form into perfect balls in his hands. They burned alot darker than Josh's, and they seemed to have more power behind them as the fireballs flare.

"Oh trust me, I have no quarrels killing you" Josh says as he steps forward, unsheathing his sword as a bright flame crawls up it. George's eyes raise slightly at Josh.

"You're more powerful than I thought. Interesting. But it won't matter." He states as he charges forward, and Josh charges aswell. George flicks his hand as a circle of fire forms around them, creating a small arena of sorts. Josh leaps up and brings his sword down, something George was easily able to roll out of the way of before pushing himself back up, forcing his foot into Josh's hip. Josh stumbles back, but George was incredibly swift as he already forced his fist into Josh's stomach, knocking the wind out of him, then followed with a swift hook across Josh's face.

"I've never seen Josh get beat like this" Audrey says, worry laced in her voice. As she glances over at Mal beside her, it was obvious she hadn't either.

"No one has." She gulped as she watched through the flames. She had already tried to get through, but somehow George's fire was too strong to get through.

Josh stumbles as he falls to the floor, trying to catch himself but within a second George was ontop of him, his fist burning with a dark flame as he forces his fist into Josh's face, his head smashing against the floor.

"Then again, maybe you are weak" George grins as he forces another fist into Josh's face, blood now pouring out of Josh's nose. "I thought killing you would be harder." He mocks. Which was a mistake, and Josh's eyes darken and his body explodes with fire, knocking George off him and sending him a few feet across the air. Josh took the time to get up and wipe his nose.

"Oh, I'm just getting started!" Josh yells as he sprints towards George, sending blasts of fire towards him, which he was able to dodge with ease. But he pulled his attention to Josh a fraction too late as he is met by Josh's foot being forced into his face, knocking him to the floor. Josh grabs him by his throat and lifts him up, putting more pressure against George's neck. His eyes burned with rage, his eyes becoming a empty darkness.

"You think you know power?" Josh asks. But it didn't sound like Josh. His voice was void of any sort of emotion. As if he didn't care. "You are an insect under my boot. And I will squish you." He states, and a flash of fear crosses over George's face.

"Transport!" George yells as a bright orange light burns through his jacket, and a spiral of fire wraps around him, and within a second, Josh had nothing in his grasp, and the circle of fire faded away. Mal sprints over to Josh, and as she runs to see his face, a look of fear dawn's upon her. The darkness in his eyes.

"Josh?" She says softly. Josh looks at her as if she wasn't there, as if he didn't recognize her. But within a second, that look faded as his eyes burned as the black faded, and was replaced with the usual orange glow.

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