Chapter One Hundred and Three

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"Hold up a second. You want to attack my father head on? I mean, we barely have the forces to defend Auradon. Striking my father in his homeland is suicide." Josh states, placing his sword down on the edge of the forgery.

"For a full scale assault, you are correct. But I offer an alternative. A small team, composed of the two of us, Jenna and possibly the man known as Hades." Theodore responds calmly.

"I don't think you are aware how powerful he is. Hades barely stood his own during the siege of Auradon." Josh tells him.

"A powerful man is still a man, and a man can be killed." Theodore argues.

"He's immortal, Theodore. I don't think you understand how near impossible what your talking about is." Josh says. "And no offense, you aren't exactly in the best fighting condition. You were tortured for years." Josh adds and the corners of Theodore's mouth perk up slightly. He knew that he had Josh, even with him coming up with excuses, he wanted to attack.

"So tell me, who would you have take my place?" Theodore asks.

"Harry. He is an exceptional fighter, and one of the best for stealth if the mission requires it." Josh answers almost straight away.

"Ah, you know you're going to do it, my friend. You are already planning how to carry out the attack. I can see it in your eyes. And the fact you had my replacement in your head shows me you are on board, whether you admit it or not." Theodore smirks, and Josh knew he was right. Even with the odds stacked against him, he wanted to do this. If he could somehow carry out the impossible, he could save thousands of lives.

"I'm not saying I'm going to do it. But if I did, how would you suggest I get there?" Josh asks.

"I believe that this Hades is gifted in the magical arts. I would believe he could get you there. If he agreed to go that is." Theodore responds. Josh already knew that Hades would agree. If he could keep Mal safe from this war, he would do it without a second thought.

"How are you sure that Jenna will agree to this anyway?" Josh asks.

"She already agreed, my friend. She visited me a few days ago, and I put the idea forward. But she said she would only go through with it if you decided to aswell." Theodore says.

"Well... I think I could get Harry on board. And there are other targets in the Empire that would be worth taking out.", Josh states, trying to ensure his rage doesn't get the better of him as a specific target doesn't come to mind.

"You mean your brother, don't you?", Theodore asks. "The one who took your love away." Josh nods solemnly in reply as his eyes drift down to the ring, running his thumb over it. He could of sworn he could still feel Audrey, even now. The love from her, the warmth he felt when he was around her. "Well, I think it grants a perfect opportunity for vengeance, Josh. Your brother deserves to die for what he did." Josh knew full well that Theodore was trying to push him. And he honestly couldn't blame him. After all the Dragon Empire did to his people.

"If I do this, I need you guarantee you will not mention this to anyone. Especially not Mal. I don't need her making rash choices. I need to do this alone, Theodore. As if we do not return, your people cannot be seen to be involved. It could cause alot of problems." Josh says, but Theodore shakes his head.

"If the mission fails, I will take my punishment. I am a man of honour, and I will take what I am owed. I know what I am asking is against the Queen's wishes." Theodore responds.

"You're an honourable man, Theodore. I respect you. And because of that... I will carry out this mission. If there is any chance that I can stop this before it becomes a full scale war, then it's worth the risk." Josh finally answers and Theodore smiles widely.

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