Chapter Sixty Five.

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"We're here" Audrey says as she steps out of the pink mist with Mal, Josh and Hades. The four scan the surroundings, and instantly knew they had found the right island. The large land mass in front of them was covered with fortified towns. Surrounded by stone walls with late scout towers, with blue flames in the centre of each tower. Within the center of the island, was a large mountain, the summit covered in snow. In the chest of the mountain, stood a large fortress built into it. Large spires sprouted out either side of the large entry way. On each spire, stood two dragons. Guarding the way.

"I think this might be it" Hades comments with a smirk.

"Ya think?" Josh responds sarcastically and Hades shrugs slightly.

"We are on the North of the Island." Audrey states as she steps closer. The four were positioned ontop of a small mountain. "There should be a shore past the mountain there. I think I can get us near there, put the disguises on and see wha they've got. I expect a fleet of ships at least." Audrey explains and everyone nods.

"Might be hard to hide the scepter though" Mal points out and Audrey raises her eyebrow before looking at the scepter.

"I could use a new ring" She comments as the scepter is engulfed in a pink mist and within an instant, it had been replaced with a ring with a small pink crystal. Everyone looks in shock, especially Hades.

"You just... How?" He stutters with a shocked expression.

"I just... Did? I knew I could do it. The scepter answers to me. It's like it's a part of me" She tries to explain, and he nods slowly.

"Not even Malificent had complete control over the scepter. It kind of has a mind of its own. She had to convince it in a way. But the way you have control over it... It's a different type of power" He states.

"What are you saying?" Josh asks.

"She's one of the most powerful magic users that has ever lived." He says and everyone glances over at Audrey who simply shrugs.

"It doesn't matter. We have a job to do." she brushes off as she narrows her eyes. "What do you think about checking out one of those towns first. See their guard. As if we attack, one of them towns might be a good place to make a base during attacks." She points out. Josh loved seeing Audrey being strategic. She had a brilliant mind that became obvious during times like these.

"That's actually a great idea. Think we have the time?" Mal asks Josh and he nods. "Then we'll do that first. Let's just hope we don't come across any trouble" Mal comments and Audrey nods, bringing her hand up and forming a fist, and the mist erupts fr the ring and ravels around the four, and they were gone in an instant.


Ben, Evie, Anna and Uma stood at the bridge towards the Isle. All suited up ready for anything that comes. Ben had a blue and gold leather suit, padded on the chest and arms with a sword bolstered to his back. The hilt had a golden spiral that came up to the crossguards, which came to the end which had golden lions on each end. Evie had gone for a pure black suit, with lines of blue running down the arms. On her chest she had three daggers, all different lengths ready for any occasions. Anna had a similar look, but the stripes on her arms were a brighter blue. And the gloves were fingerless and had a hole in the center to allow her to use her powers. Uma had her usual pirate get up, why change what works. Her cutlass holstered on her waist.

"Don't you all look spiffin." Harry smirks as he walks from behind them,also suited in his usual pirate get up.

"We have our mission. Harry you're doing whatever for Uma. But we are grabbing that designer you mentioned Uma. Might be met by hostility. Try to deescalate the situation, but if not you have my opermission to use force. Lethal if necessary." Ben says with a hint of a dark tone.

"Ben!" Evie exclaims and he looks over at her.

"Evie, if they come at us they are going to try to kill us. I know how bad it is here. And if they try to kill us, we can't hold back. So don't question my orders!" He exclaims back and Evie glares at him but keeps quiet. "I know it's extreme, but we cannot offered to use half measures. The safety of both the Isle and Auradon is in the balance. And as King, I'm going to do what I need to so I can protect my people." He explains in a softer tone. Which calmed Evie.

"Babe, he's right. I was here for a year. It's bad. From what Josh told me, worse than when you were here. And there is a lot of bad blood after what..." She trails off, not wanting to remember what she had done while here.

"I know. I just... I hated who I was here. I don't want to go back to that" She says softly, grabbing Anna's hand for comfort. Anna squeezes it and smiles.

"You won't. You are doing this to protect your home. Its nothing more than amazing" Anna comforts her and Evie smiles softly at Anna, leaning into to kiss her cheek.

"I am so lucky you came into my life." Evie whispers. It was extraordinary. Anna had been in her life only a week, but the impact she had has already had on Evie was apparent. She was happy, and always pushing her to be the best.

"Do you know where this guy might be?" Ben asks Uma.

"He had different hideouts. Massively paranoid. He'll be at any of them" Uma answers and Ben let's out a exasperated sigh.

"That's just what we need. Where is his least used one?" Ben asks.

"Back in Mals old territory. Collapsed bakery I think it was. Underground cellar is where he normally coups up in there. Was always dangerous there for him though, Mal wasn't exactly forgiving for him taking out five of her guys." Uma answers, and Evies eyes widen in realisation.

"Wait, you mean Gerald Begult?" She asks and Uma nods, causing Evie to scoff.

"Call the mission off Ben. He isn't just paranoid, he's damn psychotic." Evie says and Ben turns to Uma with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that true?" He asks and Uma shrugs.

"I mean it's not really rare for people to kill on the Isle. So I wouldn't call him psychotic." Uma argues.

"We found their bodies in pieces, Uma! But you didn't care because it wasn't your people, right?" Evie exclaims, catching the group by surprise.

"Let's just calm it down lassies" Harry tries.

"No, it's fair. I didn't care. And honestly, I still don't. We did what we had to on the Isle." Uma admits. Evies eyes were like daggers now as her hand clenched beside her.

"Maybe we should even it up" Evie says through gritted teeth.

"You do that, and it'll be your corpse in pieces" Uma says as she steps towards Uma.

"Enough!" Ben exclaims and the two spin round to face Ben. "This isn't helping at all. We need him. All this does it tells us we are most likely taking him in by force." Ben says and the two VK's glare at each other but don't fight Ben's words.

"That was a lil' heated" Harry chimes.

"Shut up Harry!" Uma and Evie say in unison and he shrugs.

"Let's go" Ben says as he leads the way over to the Isle.

So how do you feel about me spending half of chapters on each mission? Would you rather me keep them separate chapters or carry on? Let me know! And I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I am loving writing this story.

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