Chapter Twenty Nine.

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"They're here!" Josh hears Gil shout ad he takes a deep breath. He is about to go against the people who have had his back for his whole life. But... He knew that he had to let these kids have their chance. It wasn't fair. The five had never even cared for them. But that changed. Right now, Josh let his anger flood him. It made it easier to fight them.

"Josh? What are you doing with them?" Mal asks as she steps onto the small bridge that connected the docks to the ship.

"I'm doing what needs to be done Mal. There are kids on this Island that need to be free. You won't do it. But Uma will." Josh says, stepping in Line with Uma.

"You really beleive Uma is doing this out of the goodness of her heart? SHE'S EVIL!" Mal yells and Josh snaps as he steps forward.

"SO WAS WE! ALL YOU CARED ABOUT WAS TAKING OVER AURADON!" He yells, his eyes almost completely engulfed in darkness. But a tinge of green surged through them. "But you changed. Why should Uma be any different?" Josh asks as he tilts his head to wait for Mals answer. But movement from behind her catches his eyes.


He could see the anger etched on her face. He didn't want to fight her. He couldn't fight her. No matter how much anger he had inside him, he could never hurt her.

But to his surprise, She draws her dagger and forces it into Mal's shoulder blade and rips it out. Causing her to scream in pain as blood splutters out.

"What the fuck, Audrey!" Mal screams with a mix of pain and betrayal.

"I told you. I only care about Josh. And honestly, why the fuck should I work with the people who manipulated everyone back in Auradon. You caused my heart to break and you didn't give a single fuck" Audrey says with so much venom in her voice.

"Oh, This is too good" Uma laughs. "I guess their love is strong, never thought I'd see an Auradonian willingly hurt one of their own." Uma says with joy in her voice and Audrey spins and looks at Uma with a malicious smile, and a green fizz to her eyes.

"Well, I've wanted to do that since I met her." Audrey says. And Mal pushes herself up, ignoring the pain.

"Whatever. We are done. Give me Ben." Mal demands and Uma steps forward. Audrey has a grin on her face as she leans into Josh to whisper.

"They have a fake wand for Uma. Shall we see where this goes?" She asks and Josh grins and nods.

"Give me the Wand!" Uma demands back and she sighs as she turns to Carlos and he passes her the wand. Josh had to admit, it looked like the real deal. It's weird. Not even a few days ago he'd of thought how much he liked being evil. But something inside him made him love it. He couldn't pinpoint it. Its like something in him is pushing him to it, and it seemed the same with Audrey.

"Wait. I don't buy it. Prove to me that it works." Uma smirks and Mal's eyes widen. But then Carlos bumped Mal and indicated to the Dog. Then said some type of spell. And everyone looked at the Dog.

"Talk Dog!" Mal demands.

"Does this jacket make me look fat?" The Dog spoke, surprising everyone and Uma steps forward to grab the wand.

"Give me Ben, Now!" Mal yells as she draws back the wand. Uma rolls her eyes and looks back at Josh and nods at him. And he walks over and grabs Ben.

"You best never come back" Ben says to Josh and he laughs at the King.

"If I come back, you can't stop me" Josh smirks as he feels his hand heats up and presses it against Ben's back, melting through the leather and instantly blistering his skin.

"Josh, I swear to fucking God. You carry on and I will kill you" Mal, says and Josh laughs, pulling back his hand and walking over and chucking.

"Please. You don't have the guts to look me in the eye and kill me." He says, chucking Ben over to them and Mal looks him dead in the eye. And she see's something. Something that shocked her down to the core.

His eyes turned Green.

She stumbles back na sher hand raises to her mouth. What had happened? How did he have the same eyes as her. But she knew that if Josh got back to Auradon and had full powered magic with his inability to control the power he has somehow gained, he would rain chaos. So Mal chucks the wand and drags Ben away with them. But Ben fights it and tries to go for the wand, But Uma was already midspell.

But nothing happened. And it clicked for the Pirate. It was a fake.

"Mal you son of a bitch!" She screamed as she stepped forward, and all the Pirates around drew their swords.

"Lonnie, give us cover!" Evie yells as she runs over and takes Mal arm and drapes it over her shoulder. The group was in no fit state to fight with both Ben and Mal being stabbed. Jay leaps down, throwing a sword towards Mal as they stand in front of Mal, Evie and Ben. Carlos pushing everyone back as they make their way from the Docks. Josh chuckles and pushes his way through, pirates flying overboard as he feels his skin ignite with the air and a dark orange flame erupts around him.

"Run little Mal. Run as fast as you can! I'm coming to get you" He faints them as he slowly walks towards them. Uma couldn't help but smile, Josh was a bigger payoff as she expected. He was stone heart cold. Exactly what they needed.

"Hey, Josh!" Jay yells and draws his attention. "Gotcha" He says as Lonnie brings her sword in a perfect arc, slicing his chest causing him to stumble back, flames extinguishing quickly. But he is able to let off a small blast, hitting Jay in the face and he yelps in pain. He draws back as he looks at Josh, as if he was calculating to move on him. But he looks back at Mal and his friends and changes his mind. And the group are easily able to make their way out, Uma charing forward in pursuit.

"Josh!" Audrey yells as she runs to his side, lightly pressing the wound.

"It's not as bad as you think. She only caught my skin. But it was enough to split my focus." He tells her and she let's out a sigh of relief.

"Where the hell is Uma goin?" Harry asked.

"Hopefully to get us Mal" Josh says as he pushes himself from the floor, with alot of effort.

"Well then, you wee raskals. I'm in charge till our Captain gets back." Harry smirks and Josh let's out a loud laugh and he glares at Josh.

"Not a chance, Harry. I'm in charge now" Josh argues and Harry smirks as he draws his sword.

"You'll be too dead" He says but Audrey steps in front of him.

"Try it. That sword will be so far up your ass, you'll be shitting blood for your whole life" She says as she folds her arms, without an ounce of fear.

"Don't think I won't kill you too, Pinky." He tells her.

"Good luck with that. I trained her Harry. So you've got two choices. She kills you, or I run this ship. I think it's an easy choice" Josh smiles maliciously. Harry let's out a little growl, but stands down and shesths his sword and storms off. Josh chuckles as he puts pressure on his wound.

"Look at us. King and Queen of the Isle" Josh smirks and Audrey walks over to him and takes his free hand in hers.

"You could say I'm the Queen of Mean" She says and the two share a laugh.

"And some day, we will take Auradon. Give the kids of this place a chance to have a better life. I will take Ben's place, and rule over it all" Josh states and Audrey squeezes his hand.

"And you, my love, will be the best king to live since the Dragon King" She says as her eyes spark green, and so do Josh's. They both now saw what scared Mal. Their eyes.

They were the eyes of Malificent.

So.. BIG Deviation from the original story. I really hope you guys like my version, but if not let me know, I have a back up part if people dont like it which will keep it more faithful to the original story, albeit not as shocking I feel. But we have the new rulers of the Isle. And as you can now see, Josh's battle with Malificent at the end of the first movie had a bigger effect than originally thought. And it was passed onto Audrey. Just to explain why they have become what they have. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter, please let me know what you think to the change!

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