Chapter Ninety Six

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Auradon stood silent. No one spoke a word as their eyes locked on Josh, with Audrey cradled in his arms, squeezing her body tight against his. His eyes burned with pain as tears flooded out. No one knew what to say. What could be said? They had lost someone they all held dear to their hearts. Mal swallowed her breath as her eyes fell to the floor, her hands tighten into a fist as she smacks it against the stone floor. Energy spits out of her fist as she does.

"Jane... Bring Harry and Chad." She eventually says, turning her head to Jane. She nods and without a word, flicks her wand and the two appear. Harry had a large smile on his face.

"Take it we..." He trailed off as he could sense something was off. He looks around, and he notices everyone was looking in the same direction.

"Audrey." Chad croaks as he looks over the balcony to see Audrey in Josh's arms.

"No..." Harry mutters, nearly collapsing to the floor in shock, running a shaking hand through his hair. Anna is the first one to move, and she makes her way down to Josh, and she rests her hand on his shoulder. Nothing was spoken between the two. There was no need. They both felt the pain from Audrey's death the most.

"Verun Nestul, Audrey. Heriana ul Arcadia" Jenna whispers.

"What does that mean?" Evie asks softly.

"Rest well, Audrey. Hero of Arcadia." Jenna translates and Evie lips form a sad smile, and reaches for Jenna's shoulder and squeezes it.

"I'm sorry, Audrey. I couldn't save you." Josh whispers into her ear before planting a soft kiss on her forehead, and laying her body down slowly and gently on the floor. His eyes stung with tears as he stood up, and looked to his side to Anna, her own face wet from tears.

"It... It should never of been her." He sighs and Anna nods.

"I know." Is all she could say, as everyone looks upon Audrey. She looked somehow at peace. It was a small comfort to everyone, but it was comfort all the same.


It had been a few days since the Battle of the Castle. Mal had been able to start funneling people across from the Isle to Auradon. The dead were cleared and burned, and all weapons were stored away at the school.

No one had really seen Josh since the battle. He had carried Audrey's body away. And he took it to her grandmother. Josh could never forget the look on her face when she saw Audrey's limp body in his hands. She had broken down crying on the spot, and all he could do was let Audrey down and comfort her. After a while, the two shared stories of Audrey. All the good times.

"Mal!" Evie calls, waving goodbye to Uma and Harry as she jogs over across the Castles courtyard.

"Hey, E. What's up?" She asks.

"Have you seen Josh? No one has seen him since the battle?" She asks and Mal sighs, shaking her head.

"No. Wherever he is, he's kept out of the way. Which I can't really blame him for. He lost his first love. It... It takes a while for that to even accept." Mal admits and Evie nods.

"It's just... We are having the ceremony for her and Ben tonight. I don't think he should miss it, you know?" She explains and Mal nods.

"He'll be there. Audrey's grandmother has prepared her body for it. She says that we should cremate her. Jenna had told her that Arcadians believed that the soul is able to go free when the flesh has been burned away. And with what she did for Arcadia, it only seems right." Mal responds and a sad smile crosses Evie's face.

"It's beautiful." Evie whispers.

"I'm surprised how hard Jenna took it." Mal admits. "The two weren't really close. I guess, I just didn't realise how much Jenna respected Audrey for what she did."

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