Chapter Thirty One

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"What did Grant do about my message?" Josh asked as Harry and Gil enter the Dock. He was leaning again the top deck of the docks, with Audreys arm wrapped around his.

"He ain't happy. He tried to kill us. Don't think he's lettin the little kiddies go." Harry tells him.

"We only just managed to escape" Gil adds and Josh sighs.

"How many are our best fighters? I don't want to leave the Dock unprotected." Josh asks the two.

"About five. Trained 'em myself. They can defend the Dock while we move on Grantie" Harry smiles. Josh nods as he turns to Audrey.

"Do you want to stay? Or do you want to come with us?" He questions her.

"I'll come. But I think only the four of us should go. Leave the five to defend the docks, and send the rest out to hunt down any of Grants men who are roaming around. As they won't all be at the Factory." Audrey suggest and Josh smiles.

"Good idea, babe. Gather the troops you two" Josh commands and Harry and Gil move into action.


Mal, Ben, Evie, Carlos and Jay stood at the edge of the ship, looking out to the Isle.

"What do you think is happening over there?" Carlos asks.

"Well without Uma, their will be a void in leadership. My guess is that Josh has took it. But all the other gangs will see the new leader as a chance to claim territory. So there's going to be an all out war on the Isle." Mal tells him.

"Do you think Josh will win?" Ben asks. Mal had already explained what has happened with Josh, so his hatred for him had subsided. Although the pain in his shoulder was still there.

"Josh is powerful. Possibly the most powerful on the Isle, epically since he has access to his powers there now. So I doubt he'll be in any danger. That's if him and Audrey don't piss off everyone on the Isle." She admits and Ben nods.

"I'll see if I can get Fairy Godmother to look into it for us" Ben says but Mal grabs his hand and shakes her head.

"No. If they find out what they done, they'll never let them back. We know what it is. We know it's not their fault. So we gotta find a cure ourselves." Mal explains and Ben sighs and nods.

"Yeah, good point. But it'll make it alot harder. We need to be subtle about our research."

"And we will be. We are not leaving Josh and Audrey there. They are our friends. We won't abandon them" She states and everyone shares a nod in agreement.


"So!" Josh yells from the top deck of the Dock, with all his crew below him. "Uma has left the Isle. So I'm in charge until she returns. Then I will happily return leadership. But until then, I run this place. And with the change of leadership, other gangs will try to take over. Like the Eternals. But we won't let them. So, me, Audrey, Harry and Gil will be going to The Factory to take them out and fre ethe kids. I want the rest of you apart from the one's Harry has already talk too to search the Isle of any stragglers, and take them out." Josh commands.

"And why should you be in charge. You're now an Auradonian. You don't care about us!" One guy yells from the crowd. Josh goes to say something, but Harry steps forward from behind him.

"Now then you little snake. He has Uma's, Gil's and my blessing. So if ya have a problem with it, come talk to me about it. I'll send you six feet under laddie." Harry says and Josh felt a sense of pride flood through him. "So, anyone got a problem with it?" He questions everyone, but they say silent. Josh smirks as he looks at Audrey.

"Now then. We need one perwon staged at either side of this top deck." Audrey commands as she indicates to either side of the deck they were on. "Three on the bottom deck. The top ones will keep them back long enough for the rest of you three advance. The two at bottom deck will be able to help reinforce the top deck quickly. Any Questions?" She smiles.

"Yeah. Why the hell would I take orders from a princess. You don't have the stomach to hurt a fly." The same guy who challenged Josh said. Audreys eyes flared with rage as she turns to Josh and Harry.

"I can kill him, right?" She asks, and Josh looks at Harry and shrugs.

"Your choice. You know this crew better than I do." He says and Harry smirks.

"Yeah. He's a coward anyway. Use him to make an example of. We don't need someone who could betray us anyway" Harry tells Audrey, and her eyes flare with green-eyed joy.

"My first blood." She cheers as she turns back to the crew.

"Hold him!" She commands and two step forward and grab his arms tight. He struggles but to no avail, she draws her dagger and slowly climbs down the stairs.

"You shouldn't of challenge me. I'm a princess yes. But you're gonna see what type of princess I am."She smirks as she gets down to the crowd and indicates them to pull him towards her.

"You wouldn't dare" He says through gritted teeth, which caused Audrey to laugh.

"We keep getting that, don't we love?" She glances and Josh who grins.

"Well, let's show what happens to People who underestimate us." Josh tells her and she nods as she turns back around.

"Oh, so much choice. The neck. The heart, gut, lungs. But... This outfit is too nice to have blood on it" She sighs as she forces the dagger into his gut and twists it. His eyes flares with pain as he let's out a blood curling scream. Her eyes were now flooding with green as she reveled in the screams. She then yanks the dagger out and wipes the blade on a nearby crew's jacket before putting it into her sheath.

"I warned you laddie. Don't mess with the boss. Or his lass." Harry shrugs as he leans on the barrier on the top deck. Josh folds his arms as he watches.

"You're... Insane." The guy says as he holds his gut, trying not to fall to the floor.

"No. I'm ruthless. And now you'll die knowing it was a mistake to challenge me." She says before grabbing him by the collar of his neck and dragging him over to the edge, spinning him round and pushing him over the edge. But grabs his collar to stop him.

"Damn, she's got some strength" Gil points out and Josh nods.

"Any last words?" Audrey asks with a wicked smile. He goes to say something, but Audrey let's him go and he plummets to the water with a loud splash. Then nothing.

"Oh... That was fun" Audrey giggles as she runs back up.

"Any more disagreements with our position?" Josh demands.

"You ain't scared to do the hard thing. Let's see if you are good on your word. If you are, and we wipe out the Eternals. Then you have our loyalty" One of the guy replies and Josh, Audrey, Harry and Gil share a smile.

"Well then. Get hunting. We will have Grants head by sunset" Josh tells them and they are met by cheers as the rest of the crew start heading out.

"You ready?" Josh asks the three and they nod. "Then let's go" He smirks and the four head out to the Factory.

So. Josh and Audrey have started to solidify their place. And they have Harry and Gil's backing. And if they succeed with the raid on the Eternals, then they will cement their place. Do you like what I'm doing with the story? As I'm thoroughly enjoying writing it. Let me know!

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