Chapter Seventy One

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As the mist of Audrey's power fades, they are met by the sky that has been burnt orange by fire. The smoke blocking any natural light. The group look around and Audrey indicates to a  large tent and they head in.

"We have reports of Gallifrey falling. That's our fifth city on the east. They are pushing." Some calls out to the man stood at the opposite end of the large round table with a map covering it. His eyes were a dark brown, a cold yet tired expression was obvious.

"Did we evacuate the civilians?" He asks. His voice was uncharacteristically soft. His hair was a bundle, no care put into it as he strokes his beard.

"Commander. This is the second strike team" Audrey calls as the five approach the table. The man looks up and nods.

"I am Commander Arccan of the Arcadian Armed Forces. The attack began yesterday, we only got word out a few hours ago. We have been able to hold them back, but they are beginning to advance through from the east." He explains, pointing to the map. "We are about a mile from the front line. King Ben mentioned you are to help us on the front line" He says and Josh nods.

"We are also here for one of my siblings. I'm not sure if it's my brother or one of my sisters, though." Josh states.

"You're the Dragon Kings son, aren't you?" He asks and Josh nods. "Your sister Anna already briefed me on the importance. And the one you are looking for is Jenna Alapsu. She is on the front line with our own Special Forces squad, Inferno." He explains and Josh nods.

"Where have you dispatched our first strike team?" Mal asks.

"They are supporting the central defence, with the girls powers, she was out best bet to hold them back. I can dispatch you with them, and send more forces to support the cities more likely to be attacked." He offers.

"Can you cover the Civilians escape?" Carlos asks.

"We can. But only as long as the front line is held. Then we are going to need to retreat." Arccan answers.

"Carlos, you and Chad help with the evacuation. Me, Jay and Josh will go support the center of the front line" Mal commands and he nods.

"You up for it?" Carlos asks Chad who nods.

"Let's go." Jay claps as the group head out of the tent. Josh stops as he grabs Audrey to stop her too.

"I know we aren't on the best terms right now. But that doesn't matter. Just know that I love you" Josh says softly, brushing a stray hair behind her ear. An actions she leans into.

"I know. Please come back safe. I can't lose you" Audrey states before leaning in for a kiss. One she wish never had to break, but all too soon Josh breaks it away before running after Jay and Mal.


As they reach the front line of the battle, the three were surprised. They hadn't seen a warzone before. They expected to see a lot of death. But this was unreal. Bodies covered the land as far as the eye can see. Blood stained the now dead grass.

"Oh my god" Mal breaths as she brings her hand up to her mouth.

"We... We can't think of it right now" Josh states, slightly stuttering. "We need to help" He adds, with much more confidence. The three nod and they sprint down. Josh quickly see's the bright blue flashes which he knew to be Anna. And he heads towards them, threading through the troops as he draws in his powers, feeling his veins burn as he gets closer to the front line. And as he passes the last of Arcadia's soldiers, he thrusts his hands forward as a cascade of fire erupts from his hands, sending the Empires troops back. As he brings his hands back he draws his sword and holds onto it tightly.

"Took your time!" Uma calls as she graciously sweeps her leg before forcing the blade into one of the Empires soldiers.

"Well we are here now" Jay states as he leaps into the air and tackles the soldiers, before drawing a knife and pulling it across their necks in one perfectly calculated slice.

"And good timing too" Evie states as her hands move with such speed, daggers flying from her grasp with pin point accuracy, inserting them into each of the attackers

"How many are there?" Mal asks as she steps forward, her launchers already loaded and sending them hurting into the coming attackers.

"Alot. We are only just holding them back. We have about an hour, tops." Anna states as she steps forward, her hand sizzling with power as she pushes her hands forward, vines of electricity blasting from her fingers and latching into the coming attackers, sending them to the floor instantly.

"I am not letting my people down" A familiar voice calls from behind Anna. And Josh almost instantly recognises her. From the Forgotten Plane.

"Jenna?" He calls, and she turns and a smile forms on her face. Her eyes were pure white, as if she was blind.

"Josh." She smiles before her attention snaps to a coming attacker. Her eyes narrow as she focuses on the group advancing on her. And she crushes her hand into a fist, and white mist erupts from them as she draws her hand up and brings it up, as she opens them, shards of ice blast from her hand and bombard them, blood cascades against their armour before they fall.

"Damn" Josh whistles as he expertly blocks a coming attack, then twirls and brings his sword down, slicing their body clean in half before kicking it to the ground.

"Josh, look out!" Harry yells as he leaps forward, blocking an attack from behind Josh, to which he chucks his sword in the air and forced the blade backwards as he catches it. Narrowly dodging Harry as he does.

"Nice save" Josh nods as they take a few steps back, Arcadia's soldiers pushing forward slightly as the group take a rest.

"Where's your squad?" Josh asks Jenna who nods over to where the Empires soldiers were.

"About 100 yards that way. We got overrun. That was an hour ago. The Dragon Empire is sending more and more reinforcements every hour. We are already struggling. We have about fifty percent of the East Coast evacuated. The West Coast of the Island is loading onto ships, with the Arcadia Armarda covering the boarding. As soon as them ships set sail, we are fleeing." Jenna explains, giving Josh more information that he had.

"Okay. Well I think we are wasting our time on the front line." Josh states.

"I'd disagree but I can't. As much as I want to help my people, this isn't the way." Jenna confirms.

"We have Carlos and Chad helping with the evacuation. A city to the west. We should reinforce them." Mal states and everyone nods.

"I know which city, come on its not far!" Jenna yells as the group head back through the wave of troops.


"Sire, we are beginning to reach the center of Arcadia. Their forces are dwindling." a Man approaches the front of the ship. And the Dragon King nods, his eyes narrow on the wave of troops that still left the ships docked at the beach of Arcadia.

"This... This is taking longer than anticipated. They have reinforcements from somewhere else." He states before his eyes widen in realisation.

"My Son and My Daughter have assisted."He concludes and the Man nods.

"Shall we dispatch the Dragons, Sire?" The advisor asks, and he nods. A grin forming on his face as his eyes burnt with desire.

"Yes. Me and Abbadon will join. Bring my armour." He commands the Advisor nods as he stalks off the deck. The Dragon King approaches the cage, where the red eyed dragon tilts its head at him.

"I told you the next attack you will fight. Are you ready, Abbadon?" He asks as he puts his hand through the cage, and the Dragon nudges his hand with his nose before a growl vibrates through its throat.

"Good. Within the hour, this land will be ours." He states before turning, as Dragons begin to rake flight from the surrounding ships.

So, the first battle of the Dragon War! What do you think to what I've done, like Anna's powers, Anna herself etc. I liked having each character showing off the fighting prowess, even if it was only a bit. But. I couldn't make it too much. I hope I struck a good medium. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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