Chapter Thirty Four.

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"What do you mean, sister? I don't have one" Josh said, with a flare of anger in his voice.

"Was this not explained to you by the man who brought you to this land. The Monk?" Anna asked him as she tilted her head slightly.

"What Monk? I've never known a Monk. Or a man who brought me here." Josh replied and Anna sighed as she brushed her hair to the side.

"That explains alot. He must of died when he got you here. So who became your carer?" She asked. It was obvious she wasn't joking.

"No one. I'll ask again. Who are you" Josh pushed and she rolled her eyes.

"I already told you. I'm Anna. Your sister." She tells him.

"Yeah yeah, what about everything else. Because even if I do believe you, which I don't, doesn't tell me anything else as about you" Josh growls.

"I'm from Regantara. I fled as it was invaded. And I knew that you were sent here. So I came here, and got through that magical barrier as some car went through." She quickly explains.

"So you're not my sister! You're from Regantara. Not here nor the Dragon Empire." Josh says, thinking he caught her out.

"No. You and me along with three others were separated about a year after we were born. Each of us sent to a separate land, so we were hidden from the Dragon King." She explains.

"But... Why?"

"Because we are all part of a prophecy. When The land of Dragons grow, five children will face it. Children of the Dragon. And with an almighty fire, the Immortal rule will burn." She tells him and Josh sighs.

"Oh great. A prophecy. Just what I wanted to be part of." He says and Anna tilts her head as she scans him.

"Your eyes. They're orange. You're the Flame, right?" She asks and Josh looks at her with confusion. She extends her hand and flicks her fingers, small blasts of lightning erupt from her fingers and form a ball of electricity, the bolts spinning around erratically but still maintaing form. Josh then realised and flicks his fingers, forming a small fireball. Anna smiles. "It's really you. You're my brother" She says.

"I have... A family?" He asks and she nods, steadily taking a step forward to him.

"Yes. And I'm sorry you're learning this way. The person who brought you here should of told you. But it seems like he never had chance. But I'm ready to answer all questions you have." She tells him and Josh nods, turning to Harry.

"Let's go back to the Docks. It's safer" He tells Harry and he nods, and the five head off to the Docks.

The group reach the docks and head for the ship. Harry and Gil stand guard at the bridge as Audrey walks to the other side of the ship to rest. So Josh and Anna head towards the top deck and look out to the sea.

"I'm guessing you have some questions." Anna starts and Josh laughs.

"Just a few, yeah." He says and Anna let's out a small chuckle.

"Well, I'm all yours to ask." She tells him.

"What's so special about us?" Josh begins.

"We have a direct bloodline to the Dragon King. He is mine, yours and the others father. His blood is pure Dragon Blood. And with it comes certain attributes. We only have half Dragon Blood, so we don't gain the Immortality side of it. But the powers we have stem from different Dragons. Yours is from a Flame Dragon. Mine is from a Thunder Dragon. The others will have our powers, or the powers on an Ice Dragon. I'm not sure. But you can tell, with our eyes. You're orange is from the fire. Mine are a very light blue, and the Ice will be a greeny blue. I'm not sure. But I was told we'd know when we see them." She explains and Josh nods slowly.

"How come they sent me to the Isle and not Auradon? Surely it would of been safer?" Josh asked and Anna shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. It might of been easier to conceal you here, espically with the barrier. The Monk you came with probably opened up a small section to get you in. They are insanely talented with Magic. But only use it when absolutely necessary."

"Okay... So I'm technically a Prince?" Josh asked and Anna laughs.

"Yes, we are technically royalty" She says. "I'd not actually thought about it like that." She admits and Josh smiles warmly. It was wierd, the rage he had felt since fighting Malificent seemingly faded with Anna around. And he had to admit, it was a good feeling.

"Hey. I'm sorry for kicking off at you. It's just... With how things are now, I have to be careful. And ruthless. You may not like who I am. There's a reason I'm running this Isle, Anna. I'm a bad guy" Josh explains and Anna looks at him and smiles.

"I know that to survive you have to become someone else. Something else. And I know I'm meant to be here with you, so if I have too, I'll change. We are meant to be with each other, Josh. I know that." She tells him and Josh nods.

"Yeah, I think I get it. It's like a feeling. A pull. Maybe it's to do with what we are. But I won't let anything bad happen to you Anna, I promise." Josh promises as he takes her hand and squeezes it softly. Anna smiles and squeezes back.

"I know you will. I have I feeling you are a good leader, Josh. Its obvious. How long have you lead them?" She asks and Josh laughs.

"About a day. I was in Auradon for a while. The King brought us over to reform, but a few things happened and I stayed. And the old Leader followed them to Auradon, so I took the lead" He tells her and she nods.

"Wow. Then you are a better leader than I thought. That Harry guy seems to trust you alot. And he respects you, I can see that a mile away." She points out and Josh smiles as he looks over at Harry, who was having a laugh with Gil.

"Hey, actually I have a question. Why did I get attacked by the Dragon Empire?" Josh asks and Anna tenses up as she turns to face him.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Well when I was in Auradon, they came and attacked me. Me and my friends... Well old friends, killed them. But we never figured out why they attacked us."

"That's not good. That means that he knows who you are. And could possibly know who I am and the rest are." She says with worry in her voice.

"What does that mean?"

"It means our brothers and sisters could be in trouble. And if one dies. Then we are doomed." She tells him, and a daunting silence falls upon them.

So, you got to meet Anna! What do you think to her? Well you know me. I like my fancasts. So...

Katherine McNamara as Anna!

So, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! There is definitely going to be alot of story before I get to Descendants 3, hope you're all okay with that!

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