Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

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Auradon buzzed with a sense of urgency this day. It was a day that would change everything. It was the day that would be marked in the history books for years to come. The day Auradon took the fight the Dragon Empire

"Josh, we need more rations on the Valiant." Jay says as he marched over to Josh, who was suited up in his armour that was gifted by the Arcadians.

"We are dangerously low, Jay. If I take it for the Valiant, another ship goes under the alloted rations." Josh responds. "You know all excess resources are on the Beast." It was the name decided on for the flagship of the fleet. It seemed fitting that it was named after Ben, the ship to start the attack on the Dragon Empire. It was one the first names brought up for the ship, and the name that was very quickly voted for.

"Then we might need less men on the Valiant." Jay points out. Josh let out a sigh, it was hard enough to have enough troops for a ground invasion as is. But their food stocks were below what were expected.

"I wouldn't worry too much about food." Skylar interrupts, placing a small crate at their feet, the sound of glass clinging together could be heard. "It's the rum supplies you'll want. Get them all drinking, and the worries of food will be very far away." She smirks as she rests her arm on Josh's shoulder.

"But back in reality, this trip is a month round. And we don't know what forces to expect. We come be stuck on the ships for a while before we even make it onto the shore." Jay retorts, folding his arms.

"Please. By the time we are spotted and they amass a defense, we are already on the shore. You forget, I do this for a living." Skylar smirks.

"Anyway, all ten ships are geared up." Jay carries on. "Mal and Uma are finalising the crew as we speak. When we have the crew, we are ready to go."

"We?" Josh asks, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah. I threw my name into the hat. Thought I ain't much good here. I think Carlos is also coming aswell."

"Good." Josh nods. "What about Evie?"

Jay couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh yeah, Evie was definitely going to let Anna go alone."

"Fair point." Josh chuckles back as the three look over the fleet of ships, all primed up ready for setting sail. "Do we have the supplies for setting up a base when we land in Arcadia?"

"Yup, all on the Normandy." Jay answers, pointing to the slightly smaller ship.

"Good." Josh nods.

"You two need to loosen up." Skylar rolls her eyes, stamping on the top of the crate below her, and pulling out three small bottles, handing two of them to Jay and Josh.

"I don't think so." Josh shakes his head.

"Valentinan tradition. Always have a good drink before we ship out." Skylar pushes. Josh and Jay share a look before they each take a bottle and take a swig.

"Ain't half bad." Jay nods approvingly, looking at the bottle.

"Well what's a ship without some good rum?" Skylar winks.

"You may be right about Rum being the most important supply on the ship." Jay concedes as he takes a other swig. Skylar let's out a small chuckle.

"Look, you are both worrying over small things. Trust me, I've been on plenty of runs with less than adequate supplies. Hell, we ran out of food within a week on a three week run."

"And how did you fix it?" Josh asks.

"Well, there might have been some 'light' pillaging." Skylar shrugs. "a few farms along Regentara's coastline may have been down some produce."

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