Chapter One Hundred and Six.

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"Audrey?" Josh says, his voice threatened to give out the hope he felt at the sight of her. She was asleep, hovering slightly in the air.

"Yes. I took the opportunity to bring her to my realm as she died. She did not pass into the next realm, and thus, I can bring her back to you." Beca smiles.

"Why?" Josh asks.

"Well, it isn't a gift I'm afraid. You own something I covet. And I know that you would not give it up for much. But... I know you, Joshua Dovahkin. You're love for others is quite astounding. And when I saw Audrey die, I siezed my opportunity. Although I did get more than I bargained for. Audrey is an extraordinary woman. Very smart." Beca rambles on, seemingly liking the sound of their own voice. Which did seem like the original version of Beca.

"That she is. But I am not sure what you want of me." Josh replies, although that was a lie. He knew exactly what they wanted.

"It is quite simple, Josh. I want your powers. Your powers are unique, even for a Dragon Born. Something within you fuels it, and I want it." Beca says, and Josh nods slowly. His eyes drifting back to Audrey.

"How do I know you are going to keep your end of the bargain after I give you my powers?" Josh asks, but Beca chuckles.

"I would not take your powers until Audrey is restored to you. I am not an unfair being." Beca tells him. Josh looks down at his hands, which now has two small balls of fire hovering over his palms.

"But my powers... They are one of the key things that let me fight for Auradon. Without them, what use am I?" Josh asks. This causes Beca to laugh out loud.

"Oh that is funny, Josh. Your powers are simply a tool. Like your sword. You use your tools to carry out your task. You will just be without this certain tool. But your fighting prowess, your strategic mind, your selflessness. They are all your other tools. One's I know you will make great use out of." Beca responds. Josh nods again before he slowly walks over towards Audrey, reaching out to her and cupping her cheek in his hand. She was warm. Josh had expected her body to be cold.

"But... George. I can't defeat him without my powers. Not my father. I can barely stand my own without them." Josh says as he lowers his hand.

"If I recall, you survived on an Island full of killers at the age of sixteen without your powers, even with everyone gunning for you. You haven't had your powers for your whole life, Josh." Beca says with a degree of fondness in her voice. Josh couldn't help but smile at it.

"I gotta know, why did you take the form of Beca?" He asks.

"Its the image your mind seems most at ease with." Beca answers. "I think that might say more about your mind than anything." She jokes.

"Maybe." Josh chuckles. "But what about Ben? If you saved Audrey, could you bring Ben back?" He asks.

"Sadly not. Ben's death is a point in the timestream that must always happen. His death is great matter to this war. He is a martyr for your cause. And without it... Time will rip apart." Beca explains. And Josh felt the need to ask for something else. Something that he knew was selfish, that he should be happy with Audrey, which he was. But he felt that he needed to ask.

"What about Beca?" He asks. And Beca's eyes sparkle with amusement.

"Now that, is something I can do. Her death isn't fixed in the timestream. And I feel her resurrection might benefit you." Beca says as she flexes her fingers, and aside Audrey Beca's body appears. Josh felt a degree of fondness at the sight of Beca. Although the real Beca had tried to kill him.

"So, Joshua Dovahkin. Do you accept the deal? The resurrection of Audrey and Beca for your powers?" Beca asks. Josh looks over at the two, but his eyes were more focused on Audrey. And he felt a warm smile form.

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