Chapter Thirteen

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Class the next day dragged for the VK's. The classes were for remedial goodness were getting very boring and repetitive. But they knew if they wanted answers from the Fairy Godmother then they needed to behave. And they were willing to do that for one day.

"You see a gang of men attacking a woman. Do you A) leave them be and not get involved. B) help them mug the woman. C) Call the Police and deescalate the situation or D) attack them." She asked with her usual borderline creepy cheerful voice.

"C" Everyone calls out at once in monotone voices. The Fairy Godmother smiles and nods.

"Okay. That is it for today. You all did excellent. Is there any questions you would like to ask?" She asked the group and they all share a smirk as Mal pulls out the old book from her bag and the five approach Fairy Godmother.

"So, we came across this book. And we just wondered if there is anyway to translate it?" Mal asked sweetly as she passes the book over, but the second Fairy Godmother see's it she yelps and drops it.

"No! You are to keep away from that book!" She tells them, her usual chipper gone. Mal looked over at Josh whose eyes began to burn brighter, his veins bulging with fire as he tried to keep them at bay. He needed to know.

"Unlock your secrets, let them spill. Knowledge for our brains to fill" Mal chants as Fairy Godmothers whole body changes as she looks at the book with a smile and picks it up.

"Oh. Well, I can't fault students for wanting to learn" She says, her usual chippy self back as she begins to flick through.

"Ah, yes. This is an old book. From years before Auradon. Where there was a bigger empire. One with power beyond most could dream. One that harnessed the power of dragons." Fairy Godmother explained. "The ruler was known only as the Dragon King. His real name has been lost in time. Legend has it that he has pure dragon blood flowing through his veins, making him one of the most powerful rulers in the world. But a great plague flooded the lands. That is all the book says" Fairy Godmother says as she closes the book and passes it back to Mal with a smile.

"Is it possible the Dragon King could still be around?" Josh asked and Fairy Godmother pondered the idea for a second.

"It is very unlikely. But not at all impossible." Is all she said before walking out of the room, leaving the four in shock.

"Okay, this raises more questions than it answers." Carlos points out.

"Yeah, no shit." Mal says. "Why the hell is this Dragon King guy even targeting you?"

"It could be a hoax. Someone using the legend of the Dragon King to attack Josh. To hide themselves." Evie points out.

"But it still doesn't answer the question of why Josh? With either possibility, there's no clear reason on why they target Josh" Jay adds and everyone looks at Josh, who was looking at the wall deep in thought.

"It's gotta be my powers." Josh finally says as he turns around, igniting his hand with a small flame. "I mean, there's nothing else special about me. I mean, I'm an Orphan! So my parents can't be all that good" Josh deducts as he closes his hand to extinguish the flames.

"But where is this Dragon King? Someone that powerful, I would feel it. Like I can feel Fairy Godmothers power. I'm surprised that spell worked, I thought she'd of resisted it" Mal explained.

"Did the guys who tried to take me give off any feeling?" Josh asked and Mal shakes her head.

"Like the smallest bit. But nothing like what it sounds like he should feel like" Mal says and Josh sighs. "Look, after we have taken over Auradon. We can look into this with our own free will. But we gotta keep it under wraps till the coronation. Okay?" Mal asks Josh and he nods.

"Yeah." Josh says simply and the five head out of the class.


The next day was Family Day. A day that is basically a slap to the face for Josh. But after what had just happened for Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. It made him the smallest bit glad that his parents weren't around.

"I'm sorry that didn't go well, guys." Josh says as he squeezes Mal's and Evie's shoulder softly and the two look up and smile at him. With warmth. A smile he barely ever got off them, espically Mal.

"It's okay. What can we expect. We don't have the wand. We can't magic them to love us" Mal jokes, but her laughter was obviously fake. She seemed to be more hurt than the other three. Josh gives them a look and they all nod, leaving Josh and Mal alone.

"Hey, let's take a walk?" Josh asks softly and Mal nods silently as Josh takes her hand in his and guides her out.

The two walked in silence as they reached the woods. Their hands still intertwined, Mal drawing comfort from it.

"So, that video call hit you harder than the others." Josh finally says and Mal sighs as she breaks her hand away from Josh's and rests against a tree.

"Yeah. I... Its just I thought my mum would be proud of me, you know? I'm working so fucking hard to do this. Even with every single part of me saying I shouldn't. I mean, I really like it here, Josh. I know I shouldn't. But I do." Mal, starts to say, her eyes swelling up as the words pour out, as if she's been holding them back for a while. "I am doing my damn best to do this. And all she cares about is that fucking wand! I'm her daughter. Why am I not what she cares about!"0Mal yells as her fists ball up into fists. Her eyes sparkled with tears as they turn green. Josh slowly walks over, taking her balled up fists into his hands and squeezes them softly. Mal looks up slightly to meet Josh's face, the green dies down, but the tears do not as she bursts. The tears come streaming down her face as she almost collapses into Josh's embrace. Josh had to lean back slightly so the two didn't fall over as he just stood there, not saying anything. Just hugging Mal. He knew that she needed this. And he was more than happy to give it to her.

It was a while till Mal was able to calm down, and the two were now sat down at the base of the tree. Mal's hand in Josh's as they sat in silence.

"Do you ever wonder who you parents were?" Mal breaks the silence. "I mean, why were they on the Isle?"

"Sometimes, I guess. But I knew it was pointless. An Orphan on the Isle is common, so I don't really put much thought into it." Josh sighs as Mal's head falls onto Josh's shoulder.

"I sometimes wish I had it like you. No parents to care about disappointing." Mal says.

"Trust me, if I could, I'd swap my life any day. Just for that little sense of love." Josh says and Mal pulls her head up and looks at Josh.

"Josh. You already have that. We love you. I love you." Mal states and Josh smiles as he kisses Mal's forehead.

"I know, Mal. I know." Josh says and for the rest of the day, the two sit and talk.

So, alot of Mal and Josh in this chapter. Nothing romantical, I assure you. More of a sibling love between the two. I hope I wrote it right. I feel that showing Mal liking it at Auradon more now gives more justice on why she changes her mind later. And we got some more info on the Dragon King! I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!

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