Chapter Forty Eight.

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"Dude, you got anything" Carlos asks as the group walk through the halls.

"I got something. Smells like... I don't even want to say" Dude comments as he shakes his head in disgust. "Hold on, the smell is all over the place. Give me two minutes." He says as saunters off through the school.

"So you lived here, and you decided to come back last year?" Uma asks Mal. "How could you be ungrateful of this place?"

"It's hard to appreciate it when you feel like you have to be someone you're not." Mal tells Uma, who looks at the Purple haired girl.

"I guess... That would be hard. I don't know what I'd of done in your position." Uma admits, and the two share a look. Just for a moment. But it was a look of understanding.

"Yeah. But I learnt that Ben fell in love with me for me. Not someone pretending to be a perfect princess." Mal explains. And then she seems to realise who she is talking too. "Not that you'd understand" She hisses and Uma scowls.

"Please. You're life is nothing compared to what mine was. I had to fight for everything. Especially when you discarded me like trash" She bites back.

"I got a scent. Come on!" Dude yells down the hall. Uma and Mal share a look before storming off down the hallway. Everyone shares looks before following Dude into a room at the end of the hall.

"What is this place?" Uma asks as they walk down the small set of dark wooden stairs. Surrounding the room was the Auradonian Knights. Well the armour.

"It's the knights of Auradon. Commissioned by King Adam for the defence of Auradon, if harm ever came to the Land" Carlos recites and everyone looks at him and he shrugs.

"I read alot" He admits.

"That's cute, Carlos" a voice that everyone was all top familiar with.


And from the shadows he emerges. His eyes were as if they were still in the shadows. The darkness behind them was unreal. As if his soul was taken over by it. "I didn't even know you could read" He smirks as his soulless eyes scan over everyone.

"Josh! It's me, Mal. Come on. I know this isn't you. You can fight it!" Mal begs and Josh tilts his head slightly as he looks at Mal.

"Oh, Mal. You really have gone soft. But then again, you always were weak." Josh grins. "I didn't know how good you had it on the Isle. It feels so good running that place. The power. The fear I inspire. Oh Mal, its thrilling." Josh states with a malicious grin.

"Josh, you know this isn't you. You are not this fear mongering tyrant. You're a kind, loyal friend. And you don't inspire fear, you inspire hope." Evie says as she steps forward.

"And you have always had your friends back, man. You've always had our backs. From the day we met. You've always made sure we're safe." Jay adds.

"And you've saved our assets countless times. And we've saved yours. That what you do for the people you love." Carlos says and Anna eyes widen in awe. She never realised how much these people cared for Josh. But they did. They loved him. In the way she loved him.

As a brother.

Josh stares at them for a few moments before letting out a loud laugh." Did you really think that would work? I am not someone you can manipulate. Not anymore. I am your worst nightmare" He states as he reaches behind him and pulls out his sword, a black flame builds up the blade as he does. "I won't kill any of you. But that doesn't mean I won't serious hurt you" He states and everyone shares a look. They had to fight him. Mal pulls out her twin daggers and spins them around her fingers. Gil runs over to a nearby Knight and pulls out two swords, chucking them over to Uma and Harry before grabbing one himself. Evie cracks her neck as she unzips her jacket, revealing a set of throwing knives. Jay pulls out a large dagger and holds it tight in his left hand, and Carlos rips out two spiked knuckle dusters. Anna sighs as she pulls out her own daggers.

"It doesn't need to be this way, Josh" Mal pleads and Josh just smirks.

"I know. But it's just so fun" He says as he charges forward, bringing his sword in a tight arc causing Mal and Evie to jump back to dodge the blow. Carlos tries to send a quick blow from Josh's side but he sends his foot out and striking him in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Harry and Gil then both jump forward bringing their swords down on Josh, but he ducks and pushes his sword up to block their blows, and with impressive strength pushes them back. Uma looks over at Anna and nods, and the two slide to each side of Josh and Go to strike him. But he easily see's the advance and steps back, the two halting their strikes and Josh extends his hands and fire bursts out, striking the two in the chest, causing them to stagger back. Evie runs over to Anna and helps her up, Mal doing the same with Uma.

"This isn't working. We need to change it up. We just need to subdue him long enough for me to use the ember on him." Mal commands and everyone nods. Uma scans around and a faint smile forms as a plan forms in her head.

"Oh, this is too easy. How about we make this more interesting. No powers." Josh laughs as the black flames extinguish from him.

"You're funeral" Jay comments as he and Gil go to strike him, Josh turns his body to the side of Gil and grabs his wrist and pulls him in front of him, Jay stopping his blow an inch away from Gil's chest. The two share a relieved look before Josh bashes the hilt of his sword against Gil's head, pushing him aside and goes to do the same to Jay.

"Mal, now!" Uma yells as Her and Anna grabs his arms from behind him, Gil crawls over and grabs his left leg and Carlos slides and grabs his right. Mal steps in front of him, her eyes glistening a bright green, the ember brightly lit in her hand. She slowly raises it up to Josh, who tries to break free of everyone's grip but he couldn't.

"Good luck" Mal says as the Ember erupts with a green energy, blasting across the room and striking Josh in the chest. The energy seemingly liquidised as it splutters and falls to the floor like molten metal. Josh visably struggles, his veins burn with an blue glow, seemingly destroying all the darkness inside him. Everyone let's go as his body bursts into flames, a pure black flame. Josh falls to his knee's as he screams in pain, his body spasms as the black flame flutters with a hint of orange. As do his eyes, and quickly the flame is glowing a bright orange, and Josh's eyes widen as black mist slowly seeps out, leaving his orange eyes.

"Did it work?" Jay asks as they all walk around to face Josh, who was staring down at the floor.

"I mean, he hasn't tried to kill us yet. So... I'd say its fifty fifty right now" Mal observes.

"What... What did I do" Josh whispers out, before his body slumps to the floor. Evie instantly reaches down at presses her finger against the wrist. The look of worry quickly fades and is replaced by relief.

"He's just sleeping." Evie smiles and everyone shares a proud look.

But it wasn't over.

As the Knights had come to life. And they were ready to take on the VK's.

So, I think this might be a huge turning point now for the story. Josh's story is getting into full swing for Descendants 3 now! Did you like Josh kicking everyone's ass? It was fun to write. I could of written more but then it just becomes convoluted. And now, they gotta deal with the Knights. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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