Chapter Twleve

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Josh walks into his and the guys dorm and chucks his jacket onto the chair quite angrily.

"Yo, what's up." Jay asked and Josh sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Audrey. We went on the date, and... We had a difference of opinion." Josh says and Jay looks at him with confusion.

"Look it doesn't matter. All I know, is that I'm done with this relationship shit."Josh says as he flops down on his bed, head in hands as he groans. Jay sits next to him and pats his back.

"Well I'm here for you man. You know we all are." Jay tells him and Josh nods with a small smile.

"I know." Josh says.

"Yo!" Carlos barges into the room, his face looks relieved as he see's Josh. "Oh thank god you're here aswell. Thought I'd of had to search all day for you. Mal may of found something about them Dragon guys" He says and Jay and Josh look at each other before standing up and following Carlos.


"What you found?" Josh asks as the three walk into Mal and Evies room. Books were sprawled around the room, some open, some closed. "Damn girl" Josh whistles as he takes in the books. Mal rolls her eyes as she chucks him a book, and he looks at the cover.

"What does that even say?" He asks, as only symbols were on the cover. Symbols Josh had no idea what they meant.

"I don't know, but look at the page I marked" Mal says and Josh flicks to it. The page had a drawing of a man, sat on throne made of some sort of bones, and above was the skull of a dragon, with what looked like fire coming out of the eyes. Below the drawing was the Same type of symbols as the cover. The way they were drawn, something about it made Josh feel uneasy.

"What does it say?" Josh asked and Mal shurhs her shoulders.

"I think the Fairy Godmother could know. But I didn't want to ask before you gave the go ahead." Mal says and Josh nods.

"Well after class tommorow, we will ask her" Mal smiles and Josh nods before letting out a sigh.

"I'll see you all in a bit. I gotta find Lonnie" He says as he walks out, hands in his jacket pocket as the four watch him leave.

"He doesn't seem to happy about that" Evie points out.

"I think he's losing his trust again. Audrey and him had a difference of opinion. And we know she became an anchor to him for learning to trust. Maybe now he's losing it again" Jay sighs as he takes off his beanie and chucks it between his hand. "I think he's going to push Lonnie away now."


Josh walks across the courtyard towards where Lonnie was sat under the tree's, book in hand.

"Hey, Lonnie. Can we talk?" Josh asks and Lonnie face lights up as she looks up to see him, she stands up and goes in for a hug but Josh steps backwards slightly.

"Oh... What's up?" She asks.

"Look, we shouldn't of kissed. It was wrong of me to do that. I don't want a relationship. That's just... Too much for me right now. And I'm sorry if you think I've lead you on. But I just can't do that right now." Josh says as he looks at her. He could see her face fall slightly. She was obvious disappointed with that. She was wanting more than just friends.

"It's okay, Josh. I get it. It must be hard coming here. But... I'm always going to be here for you. Friend or something more" Lonnie smiles before she walks off.

That went better than Josh expected.

"Hey" A soft voice calls from behind him. Josh felts his body freeze as he recognised the voice.


Josh slowly turns around, trying to push down the feelings he was having.

"Look, you have every reason to be mad at me, Josh. I know you are just looking out for me. I know you care about me. It means so much thst you do. And the way I treated you earlier, was just... It was shit." She sighs as she regains herself then looks Josh dead in the eye.

"I'm not perfect, Josh. Just family is a really sensitive subject right now. And I'm sorry I blew up at you" She says and Josh nods, and thinks for a few seconds before responding.

"I get it. I said something I didn't know anything about. We both hit sensitive subjects. I just... I like you Audrey, and I trust you. And I don't trust anyone. I couldn't afford to on the Isle. But coming here, it showed me a better way of loving. With trust. You showed me that. But I dont think I can do a relationship right now. I'm new to this trusting thing. I need to learn how to trust before I go all in with something as serious as a relationship."Josh explains. Audrey draws her eyes away and looks at the floor for a few seconds as she processes what Josh said.

" I get it, Josh. Believe it or not. I know trust is incredibly hard to come by. I thought I could trust Ben. But... I trust you. And I don't want that trust to go. So if you don't want a relationship, then I'm okay with that. But please, I want to be in your life still. Can I still be in your life?" Audrey asks and Josh smiles and nods.

"That's what I wanted anyway" Josh smiles at her. Audrey shared the smile. Although the two were stood in silence, there was no awkward feeling between them. Even just standing there, it just felt right. That being just around each other was exactly where they were suppose to be. Audrey smiles as she walks over and puts her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it slightly before walking off. Josh doesn't turn to look at her, but looks dead on as he runs his hand across his forehead before heading back to his room to try and relax.

So, I may of changed my mind on the Josh Lonnie and Audrey  love triangle slightly. Instead of having him date one each time, he becomes friends with that and figures out his feelings through that. I hope that's okay with everyone! Anyway, we are back to the original plot next chapter, well with a little Josh thrown into it :)

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