Chapter Nine.

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"What the fuck have you gotten into, Josh?" Mal asked as were moving the bodies deep into the woods to Bury.

"I have no idea. They said something about the Dragons King. You ever heard of if?" He asked the four and they all shake their head.

"My mom can turn into a Dragon. But there's no way she will have any influence here. Or be called a king. All her followers are on the Isle. So I have no idea." Mal says as they reach a big empty patch of the woods.

"This should do" Jay says as he looks around and Mal pulls out her spellbook and flicks through it.

"Dealers of of death, be brave. Open the ground and create seven graves" She says as the ground rumbles slightly as green energy erupts from the ground creating holes for the bodies. The group share looks before putting the bodies into the graves, and Mal clicks her fingers and the dirt covers them back up perfectly, leaving no evidence of the burial.

"What is thst they were wearing? It was like a cult uniform" Carlos points out.

"I have no idea. But, hate us or not, Josh. You're not safe alone. Your obviously a target for someone. Hell we could all be the target. And we dont know who we can trust. So we have to watch each others backs." Mal says and everyone nods as they look at Josh, whose eyes were locked in where the bodies were now buried.

"I know. I know you're right. It's... I don't know why, but something felt familiar about them. I don't know how to explain it." Josh sighs as he looks at his hand, covered in their blood.

"We need to get rid of the blood. We need to get back." Evie says and they all nod and head back to their dorms.


The five near Carlos' and Jay's apartment when they hear a voice call them. 

"Hey guys!" Jane calls them from down the hall, and the give share a look before slyly hiding their hands behind their backs.

"Hey, Jane. What can we do for you?" Mal says with fake politeness.

"Oh, well we have this family day thing. And I'm passing out flyers for it. I know your parents can't come, but it's still a good day" she says, offering a flyer. The group share a look then look back at the flyer. Jane looks at them with confusion.

"Are you going to take it?" She laughs and Mal grabs it quickly and puts it behind her back. Jane catches the blood on her hands and her eyebrows raise in suspicion.

"Is that blood?" she asks and Mal stutters. But Josh rolls his eyes and grabs Jane and puts her in a headlock and puts her to sleep.

"Get her in the room. We'll just tell her she passed out. She'll just think she imagined the blood." Josh says and everyone nods, Jay slinging her over his shoulder and walking into their room. He places her on his bed before going to wash his hands on the sink. The blood was fairly fresh so it easily washed off. Josh washed the red water flush down the drain and had a slight smirk on his face. He enjoyed fighting. Maybe it was some part of him that was wired up wrong. But he always loved it. It's the only drawback of not living on the Isle.

"So we are agreed. We keep an eye out on each other. Espically Josh. They could be targeting just him or all of us. And I think we should all carry out weapons. I know its a risk of getting caught, but I'd rather not get killed by some weird assassins" Mal says and everyone nods, including Josh.

"Guess I'm still in then." He says and Mal smiles widely.

"Thought you liked it here" She points and Josh shrugs.

"I like it, but I'd rather keep you guys around than get killed by some psycho cultist. I do have self preservation. But I have one condition" Josh says. "I want Audrey to be left alone. Don't go agrevating her. I want to enjoy my time before the villains come"

"That seems fair."Carlos shrugs.

"And she's hot" Jay adds and Carlos adds in agreement.

"I can't really disagree. Im liking spending time with Doug." Evie says and they all look at Mal who sighs and nods.

"Yeah. Alright. I guess I understand. I don't hate spending time with Ben either." Mal says and everyone raises their eyebrows and she shrugs. "What? It's nice having attention that that isnt involved someone trying to kill me" She says as she rests on the window ledge as Jane starts to come around.

"What... Where am I?" Jane says as she rubs the side of her head.

"You passed out when trying to give us the flyer for that family day." Carlos tells her and she nods slowly.

"Oh... Well thanks for bringing me in here. Would of been really confused if I woke up in the hall" She chuckles.

"Well you probably have more flyers to pass out so you can go. Are you sure you are okay?" Mal asked, faking to care and Jane falls for it and beams and nods.

"Thanks again, Mal!" She says as she does a little jog out of the room and the group share a smirk.

"They are so blind" Josh chuckles and Mal nods in agreement.

"You got that right" Mal chuckles as she walks over and puts her arm around Josh and smiles at him. "It's good to have you back Josh" She says and Josh nods in agreement.

"Being a dick is part of me. What can I say" Josh says with a smile. But there was pain behind the smile. He knew now that his time was limited with Audrey. And after they break the barrier to the Isle, she will most likely never forgive him. But as much as he wanted to be with her, he wasn't about to risk having four trained fighters on his side to help protect him over some girl. He had more self preservation than that. Evie seemed to see his pain and walks over and puts her arms around him and rests her head on his shoulder. Mal also walks over and takes Josh's hand in his and squeezes it softly.

"I'm sorry. But we can't back out. Not now. With us putting the love spell on Ben, we crossed a line. One that if found out, we'd be sent straight back. So we gotta do this." Mal says sincerely.

"Yeah. I know. I guess it's just how it has to be." Josh shrugs as he walks over to the window thst overlooked Auradon. "Atleast even when they all come. They can't take away the view" He says as he puts his hands in his jacket pocket and sighs. And the four come over and join him. They don't say anything. They all share the same thoughts.

"Were my minions successful?" The man on the throne made of bones asked. His arm rested on the side of the throne. His long coat made of dragon skin flowed all the way to the floor. His eyes burned orange. A scar ran across his left eye, and his whole right side of his face was burnt.

"I am sorry, my king. But they were not. We would of heard from them by now" One of his advisors said. Dressed in dragonscale armour. A longsword holstered on his back with a dim orange light flowing through the blade. The man on the throne growls as he strokes his chin.

"That is a shame. But we can't afford to waste more men. We will take him when we invade Auradon. Are the men ready for our first phase of the plan?" He asked and the advisor nods. The man on the throne smirks as he gets up. "It's time for them to hear from their king" He says as he walks through his throne room. The stone walls were carved with symbols of an ancient language. The pillars had flames seeping through the cracks in them, illuminating the large throne room.

The king walks into a large room where he stood above the floor on a large staircase. He looks down at his soldiers. They wore the same equipment that the people who attacked Josh did. He looks over and grins.

"My dragons! You are my people. You are my loyal soldiers! You have kept my rule in this kingdom for centuries. But you all know that Dovuk is becoming overpopulated. And as your king, I decree that this will change. This puny world is ours for the taking! Long have we been hidden from the world, but no more. They will soon discover, the power of the Dragon Army!" He roars and his soldiers cheer. Today marks our first day of the conquest to take over this world. And with it, so begins to rule of the Eternal Dragon Empire!" He yells.

"Long Live the Dragon King!" The soldiers chant and he looks at them with a grin on his face. His kingdom will soon become an empire.

So, Josh is back with the VK's out neccesisity. And we got introduced to the Dragon King! What do you think? He won't be heavily included in the first two movies, just small bits of the story to follow where he is. But I plan to put him and his people in quite abit in the third movie and the story set after. I hope you guys like the chapter!

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