Chapter Twenty Seven

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Mal and Josh headed back to their hideout, and Mal had gotten to work with the wall art she had started before she left Auradon. And she had just added Josh to it. Josh on the other hand was using the punching bag to get some of his anger out. His powers didn't work on the Isle, so he had to expel his anger somehow.

"Atleast I don't see a picture of me with horns a pitchfork" Ben calls from behind the two, and they turn around to see Ben and Audrey.

"And my face isn't on that punching bag" Audrey says with a light laugh.

"Ben... Audrey" Mal says quietly and Ben steps forward to Mal.

"I am so sorry about our fight, Mal. It was all my fault. Please come home" He begs.

"I am home" Mal tells him and Ben looks hurt at that comment.

"Josh, I'm also sorry about our fight. I... I was just mad, is all. But I already told you, all I need is you to make me happy. I don't care how we got here, just that you with me now" Audrey says as she takes a step forward, but Josh takes a step back.

"Audrey, you should go." Josh says simply and she looks at him with confusion.

"I... I don't get it, I've apologised. Why would you want to stay?" She asks and He glances over at Mal who was speaking with Ben.

"Because, this is my home. And I'm not leaving Mal here alone. She needs someone to watch her back" Josh explains. "And my powers are going haywire. With the Barrier, it stops whatever magic gives me the power and I don't lose control." He adds and Audrey nods as she looks down at her feet for a few seconds.

"Well, sounds like you need an extra pair of hands here" She says and Josh's eyes widen in surprise.

"You... I can't ask you to stay, Audrey. You can't stay. You'll get yourself killed." Josh says.

"I know how to look after myself, Josh" Audrey defends.

"THIS ISN'T AURADON, AUDREY!" he yells angrily.

"I know that." Audrey says, a tinge of hurt in her voice.

"Go back." Josh says as he turns back around to face the punching bag.

"Are you really giving up on us, Josh?" She asks and Josh sighs and turns back to her.

"If it means you being safe in Auradon, yes."He says and with that, Audrey storms off. Josh looks around and noticed Ben had also gone, but Mal wasn't in a good state.

"Hey, come here" He says and Mal walks over and Let's Josh embrace her.

"Did we do the right thing?" She asks, and she could feel Josh sigh as her head rests on his chest.

"I don't know Mal. I don't know" He admits, and then Evie, Jay and Carlos walk in, their face etched with worry.

"What happened?" Josh asks as Mal pulls away from the embrace.

Harry took Ben and Audrey. Uma wants to see you both." Evie says.

"If you guys never brought him here, this would of never happened. What was you thinking?" Mal exclaims.

"He was going to come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him" Evie defends their actions.

"Yeah and we totally blew it" Carlos adds.

"Okay Okay! We messed up. But we gotta work out what we are going to do" Jay says and Mal shares a look with Josh.

"You won't be doing anything. Uma wants me and Josh. We'll give her that." Mal says and Josh nods once, his eyes darkened as his rage flustered. He could feel his powers trying to get out.

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