Chapter One

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Josh looked from the fire escape of his room upon the Isle of the Lost. His home. Not that it was anything amazing. Anything but really. Crime wasn't kept in check, so it was at an all time high. Nothing major happened that often. just thieving. Josh's eyes focused on two kids who were walking over to an older woman, probably in her late twenties, and bash into her before sprinting off, purse in one of their hands. He chuckled at the woman's reaction as she began to chase them but quickly gave up.

"How long you been perched up there?" A familiar voice called from below him, and his gaze fell to see the purple hair of Mal. She leaned on the wall of the building below, a smirk on her face as she waited for an answer.

"Long enough too see your mother scare the crap out of you. What did she want? I saw her take Evie, Jay and Carlos?" He asked and her face looked... scared?

"We, including you, have been invited to go to school at Auradon Prep" She sighs. Josh laughs and shakes his head as he stood up and jumped down to meet Mal.

"Oh, that isn't happening" He chuckles as he taps the top of Mal's head. She grabbed his wrist and yanks it away.

"We haven't exactly got much choice from the sounds of it. My Mom told me to come get you... so come on" Mal raises her eyebrow at him, pointing for him to move. Josh rolls his eyes but does as she says.

They enter the weird fortress the parents of the four seemed to spend all their time. They all eyed the two up as they entered. 

"Ah, Josh my man" Jay says as he reaches his hand in the air, Josh grabs it tight and the two pull into a manly hug. Josh pulls away and both him and Carlos punch fists. Evie practically leaps into his arms and tightly hugs him. 

"Jeez, Eve's. You saw me a few days ago" Josh chuckles as he returns the embrace.

"Well with your recklessness, you could of been dead!" She hisses at him. 

"Don't worry about me. I know how to handle myself" He says as she draws back, her eyebrows raised as if she didn't believe him.

"Oh quit your whining. You all have a job to do. You will go to Auradon, You will find the Fairy Godmothers wand and break the barrier around the Isle. Easy-peasy" Maleficent says from the small balcony that was raised above the room.

"What's in it for us?" Mal asked.

"Matching Thrones, Hers-and-hers crowns" Maleficent responded with a grin.

"How about us, jackass" Josh said, but Maleficent ignored him.

"It's all about you and me, baby." She said to Mal. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" 

Well yeah, but I mean, who doesn't?" Mal said as if it was obvious.

"Well then, get me the wand! Then you and I can see that and so much more. With the Wand and my Sceptre, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She says, her hands in the air with a wide grin on her face.

"Our Will" Evie's Mother corrects.

"Our will, our will" Maleficent copies, obviously not caring about the others. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life missy" 

"What... Mom!" Mal whined. Maleficent snapped her index and thumb together, signalling Mal to be quiet, and then her eyes morph into a sort of emerald green. Then her and Mal have an intense stare down, Mal's eyes also morphed into the same green, if with a slight blue tint with them.

"Fine, Whatever" Mal muttered in defeat.

"I win" Maleficent stated proudly as she played with one of her horns. While the other  Parents fussed over their kids, Mal walks over to Josh. "Bet you're over the moon to be part of our gang." She says and Josh shrugs.

"You've been asking me for that long to join" He replies.

"Well yeah, we want you to have a team. We hate seeing you live in that small room with no protection. Even with it in our turf, its dangerous." Mal said, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. "We maybe evil, but we're not heartless" She said in almost a whisper, so her mother couldn't hear her. 

"Well, can't see Auradon being that dangerous" Josh winks as he walks over to the wall and leans on it. He watched Maleficent give Mal her spell book before hearing a car horn, and Josh was the first one out, followed by the four VK's following shortly behind them and they all filed in, Evie squeezing up next to Josh and winks at him flirtatiously. He rolled his eyes as he leaned back. She was known to flirt to get her way, but it never worked on Josh. Mal the sat on the other-side of Josh and sent him a faint smile. He could tell she was nervous. hell, all of them seemed to be. But they all had parents to please. Josh, he only went because the four VK's were the only people he had any sort of care for. So going with them seemed like the smartest move. Carlos and Jay had noticed to sweets and had started fighting over them, as Evie and Mal just reached over and grabbed what they could without getting in the way.. Evie passed Josh a piece of candy with a genuine smile and he took it and nodded once. 

"Hey, what's this?" Mal muttered as she grabbed a remote and pushed a button, hearing a whirling behind them everyone turns to see the driver, and the limo going straight for the bridge. That was destroyed.

"Oh... fuck" Josh muttered.

"It's a trap!" Carlos screamed and the others joined in on the screaming. Even Josh. what was more embarrassing is that a magical bridge of some kind began forming, and Josh sighed. 

"Just had to scream, didn't i?" He sighed and everyone shared a laugh. Josh looked at the four and smiled at them. Maybe being stuck with the VK's wouldn't be such a bad thing.

So, very different to my usual type of stories. It's not Bechloe or Arrowverse! Crazy, right? What can I say, love myself abit of Descendants! Anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, been thinking of doing this for a while and finally got around to do it!

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