Chapter Ten

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Josh was walking to Class with Jay and Carlos, everyone waving at them. They had become somewhat popular. Espically Jay, being one of the best tourney players the school has had. And Josh seemed to be gaining the attention of many girls at the school. And Carlos was also becoming the joker of the school.

"Any idea where Ben took Mal on this date?" Carlos asked the two and they shake their head.

"He seemed sure about it when he talked to me about it. Maybe we should of gone though. Just kept an eye on them" Josh ponders.

"Mal can look after herself. Remember she's the one who taught you how to use a knife" Jay grins and Josh chuckles and nods.

"What a eleventh birthday that was" he chuckles fondly.

Five years ago...

"I don't know Mal, why do I need to learn how to use this" Josh said. He was quite tall already for his age.

"To defend yourself. Me, Evie, Jay and Carlos are taking alot of territory on the Isle. But we can't guarantee everyone will leave you alone. We gotta make sure you can defend yourself" she says as she twirls the knife around her fingers.

"If I just keep my head down though." Josh tries but Mal, shakes her head.

"Nope. You need to learn Josh. You said you won't t join us and we can't protect you all the time. So let me teach you how to protect yourself" Mal says and Josh sighs and looks down at the floor before nodding. Mal smiles and takes out a knife from her belt and passes it him. "The main thing is to not think about it too much. After learning how to use it, it'll become an instinct. Trust yourself. Make the weapon and extentiom of you. And use your emotions. Let your anger and fear drive you. It gives you adrenaline." She explains as Josh messed around with the knife." Okay now stand with your legs slightly apart, your dominant foot pointed outward. Gives you a good stance. Now I'm going to strike you, you are going to block it. And after, I'll teach you how to attack.

A few hours later...

"Nicely done Josh. You're a natural" Mal smiles as they sit on a nearby wall.

"It did feel right. I dunno how to explain it."Josh says and Mal nods.

" I know how you feel. When I'm training, it feels right. Like it's me. Not the front I put up for my mom." She admits.

"What do you mean?" Josh ask and Mal sighs.

"I dunno. When I'm with my mom, all I do is try to be like her. But when it's just me and my knife. I'm... Me" She says as she turns to look at Josh and smiles before pulling him into a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Josh" She says as she rests her head on his shoulder. Josh smiles and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks Mal" He smiles. Mal looks at the knife Josh was using in her hand the passes it over to him. "Are you sure?" He asks and she nods.

"Of course Josh" She smiles and she rests her head back on her shoulder and they spend the rest of the day together on the wall.


"It was a good birthday." Josh reminises with a smile and Carlos pats his shoulder with a smile. As the three reach the locker area, Lonnie catches Josh's eye and smile and wave him over. "Hey ill catch you later" He says as he pats their back and walks over to Lonnie. Carlos and Jay watch him walk over and Jay scoffs with a smile.

"How does he get all the girls attention?" He asks and Carlos shrugs.

"Blessed with good looks" He says and Jay raises an eye at him.

"You saying I'm not good looking" He asks and Carlos smirks as he opens his locker.

"Hey Josh!" Lonnie says with a wide smile and opens her arms for a hug. Josh chuckles and hugs her.

"Hey Lonnie. How are you?" Josh asked.

"I'm good. I've e just not seen you in a while. Not since... Well you know" She says and Josh nods.

"My fault. Been busy with some stuff." He says and Lonnie raises her eyebrows in confusion. "I can't tell you, Lon. You'd judge me." He says and Lonnie looks at him fully.

"You know I won't." She says as she takes his hand in hers and squeezes it softly.

"I... Not here." He says and she nods and smiles.

"Let's go to our spot" She says as she drags him away and towards the forest where Josh had his meltdown.

"So, what is it?" She asks and Josh, sighs and takes his hand away from hers and puts it in his jacket pocket.

"I... Um... Well after talking with Audrey. A group of men attacked me. Something about the Dragon King. And they had me. And Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos found me.... And we took them out." He says as he watches her expression.

"What do you mean, take them out?" She asked.

"Killed them. I burnt one to a crisp. The others killed the rest" He says and Lonnie nods slowly not saying anything.

"Why did they attack you?" She asked and Josh was now the one with a look of confusion.

"That's your question? Not why we killed them? No judgement on it." He asked and Lonnie smiles and shakes her head, taking his hand out of his pocket and taking it in hers.

"I don't care you killed them, Josh. They threatened you. And I know where you come from, hesitation is lethal. So if something like that happens, you got to act. It doesn't make you a bad person. Just a survivor. And you haven't gone round killing us" She shurgs and smiles at him. Josh let's out a little laugh and brushes his free hand through his hair.

"I expected a completely different reaction. I expected you to atleast be disappointed or angry or hate me" Josh admits and Lonnie smiles at him.

"I'm still here, aren't I?" Lonnie says stepping forward towards Josh and he smiles.

"Yes you are" He smiles and he notices her looking at his lips as she begins to close the gap between them. Was she trying to kiss him? And why isn't he backing away? He knows Audrey and him have something but he can't deny he has feelings for Lonnie.

Fuck it.

He closes the gap as he wraps his hands around Lonnies neck as he felt hers wrap around his waist and the two share a deep and heated kiss. Her hands grip his waist as her body flushes with Josh's as she leans into him. Josh had to admit, it was a different feeling to kissing Audrey. He couldn't tell if it was better or worse. But he knew he enjoyed it. Lonnie pulled away and smiled.

"I'm sorry. I know there's something going on between you and Audrey. But... I feel there's something between us too, Josh. I don't need anything from you now. I know if you do feel something between us too it will take you a while to work out how you feel." Lonnie says as she leans in and kisses his cheek before walking off. Josh watches her and sighs before leaning onto a nearby tree and whacking the back of his head against it.

"When did my life get so complicated" He mutters under his breath.

So. We got some back story on Mal and Josh and their friendship. And we got some more development on Lonnie and Josh. Let me know who you prefer, Josh and Audrey or Josh and Lonnie. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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