Chapter Seventy Eight

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Mal and Josh finally leave the castle, and they are met by a devastating sight. Their home was burning. The screams could be heard echoing through the land. The two share a look and nod. Mal unsheathes two daggers and flips them in her hand whole Josh takes out his sword and holds it tight in his hand. The two leave the castle grounds, and within moments they are met by the Empire's men attacking them as they walk through the gates. Mal took no time to slide to the right and with moments and a set of fluid motions, she had taken out the men on her side. Josh simply extended his hand and let the fire take out the ones to the left. His flame was darker than usual, Mal noticed. And she knew exactly what it meant.

"We've got to get to the Isle quick, I don't think we have long" Mal comments and Josh nods as the two sheath their weapons and Josh takes Mals hand.

"Come on" He says and the two head towards the Isle. Running through the destruction that was laid before them. The School had been totally annihilated, all that was left was a blazing fire.

"Josh! We need to check the school for any survivors!" Mal yells and Josh nods, turning so they were sprinting towards the school. From the fire ten Dragon Soliders emerged, their eyes lock on Mal and Josh.

"Halt! Surrender in the name of the Dragon Empire!" One yells but the two don't stop. Josh unleaded a wave of fire towards them, causing them to split up. Josh sprints to the one who dodged to the right, landing a swift uppercut into one of the soldiers chest, then grabs him by the neck and twists it violently as he feels his neck snap in his hands. Josh then sweeps two to the floor, and sends a fury of fire balls to the other two. Josh kneels down and grabs the faces of the ones on the floor, feeling the heat emerge from his hand as they scream, feeling the cries vibrate through his hand. Within moments the screaming stopped as the skin had melted away, leaving the burnt flesh that had merged with their skulls. Josh glances up just in time to see the last two going to strike him, giving him time to roll out of the way.

"Nice try" Josh comments as he grabs two throwing knives from his belt and sends them flying straight into their neck, leaving them to bleed out as he glances over at Mal, whose dagger was caked in blood and she sends a quick nod and he runs over to her, and the two scout around the remains of the school.

"Is anyone here!" Mal yells, stepping over the lifeless bodies that littered the ground. Her hand tight on the dagger incase of any surprise attacks.

"Help" one of the bodies on the floor croaked. The two look around and see who it is. And it wasn't Auradonian. It was one of the Empire's soldiers. The two share a look before walking over, Josh pulling him up. He had a large slice on his chest. The wound wouldn't kill him if it was treated.

"And why should we help you? You just invaded us!" Josh demands. And the soldier nods.

"Not all of... Us agree with our king. But we cannot go against him." He says weakly, his face void of colour.

"Why not revolt against him?" Mal asks.

"Too many support him. Plead undying loyalty to him. But... I don't... I didn't want to invade. I wanted to protect." He states and the two share a look. And Mal nods once.

"This is going to hurt" Josh says with a slight soft tone, and the man nods. Josh presses his hand against his chest and feels the heat from his hand against the man's chest. Screams of pain erupt from him, as Josh's hand slowly works up his chest. After a few minutes, Josh pulled his hand away. It wasn't the best work, but he had cauturized the wound so it would stop bleeding.

"Thank... You" he wheezed as he lets out a weak smile.

"We need to get you to safety." Josh states and the man nods. "Mal, I'll carry him. You watch my back" He says and Mal nods as he picks the man up and they head towards the Isle.

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