Chapter Forty-Two

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"Damn, that was close" Josh sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and chuckled.

"Tell me about it. I thought it was going to cut me in half" Audrey laughed as she brushed her hair to the side as she stood up, her eyes igniting in a bright green light as she raises her hands, mist erupting from them as they make a sort of platform in front of her. "Get on" Audrey tells them and the two step on.

"How do you know this will work?" Josh asked and Audrey winks at Josh and smirks.

"I don't" She says as she steps on her self and raises her hands, the misty platform raises up with her hands and then she pushes them outward, and the platform flies off in that direction. And within minutes, the three passed the sea and were now just above the land.

They had made it.

They were in Auradon.


From the North to the South
To the East to the West
Lost boys lost girls you all know your the best

Harry and Gil watched from afar and roll their eyes at Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos.

"Do they always have to sing. It's annoyin" Harry grunts.

"I think it's catchy" Gil shrugs with a small smile.

"Look. They are gonna really make waves on the Isle if people have hope of Them freeing them. Not us. We need to make sure that Josh, Audrey and Anna are the ones to free em." Harry points out and Gil narrows his eyes.

"Hold on. I thought you hated how Josh ran us now" Gil asked.

"I do. But he has won our loyalty a thousand times over the past year. He has saved us even more. I don't like it, but I deal with it." Harry shrugs. It was obvious that he had a great deal of internal battles.

"So what should we do?" Gil asked and Harry smirks as he draws his sword.

"Show em who runs the Isle now." He says as he walks forward, everyone see's the two walk towards them and they all scream in fear as they run. The four VK's look around in confusion. Then they spot the two.

"Oreyt guys. What brings you back here?" Harry smirks.

"We are here to bring some kids to Auradon. And... We are here to see Josh. We need to talk to him." Mal comments and Harry stiffens and sniffs.

"Well we have a few problems with that. One, the Isle is ours. And we ain't letting anyone leave without our go ahead. And two, Josh has much more important things to do with his time than talk to you." Harry tells Mal who steps forward.

"Don't test me, Harry. I've waited a fucking year to see Josh. We all have. So you best bring me to him now." She threatens but Harry laughs.

"Oh, love. You really don't know what happened here, do ya? Josh went dark. And I mean real dark. He took out the Eternals. The Cartel. We have become the rulers of this Isle. So believe me when I say, if he see's you. You will die. He hates you all for leaving him." Harry pushes, trying to pull every string he could think of.

"We had no choice." Evie sighs, and Mal glared at her to try stop her carrying on.

"Well. That sounds interesting. So tell me, why did you leave." Harry asks and the four share a look. Harry did really wonder why they left him, espically with all the trouble they were going through to get him back last year.

"Have you seen his eyes? Everytime he draws on his hatred, fear, all the bad emotions he feels. His eyes become green. That isn't Josh. Thsts my mother's influence... We think, that during the fight at the Coranation, she cursed Josh. Old magic, and we haven't found a cure. Yet. But we want him to know what is happening to him, and to tell him it isn't his fault." Mal eads her case to Harry, whose face falls.

"I knew something was up with him. At the start, I thought he had just adjusted to becoming leader. But ever since we took on the Cartel, he's been ruthless. He's killed hundreds of people. So has Audrey. So has... Never mind. But are you saying the guy I knew a year ago, isn't the guy today?" Harry asked.

"No, it isn't. We think that overtime Malificents curse has taken more of an influence on him. And Audrey. We think that the curse passes onto anyone you share love with. And Audrey fits that perfectly with Josh." Evie explains

"Okay." He nods and turns to leave.

"Is that it?" Carlos shouts.

"Yeah that's it. Look I'm good knowing that who I work for now isn't the guy I owe my loyalty to, but unless you got a way to reverse it. I'm still his right hand man. And I ain't betraying him. We'll let you take the kids this time. But you ain't coming back again." He growls and Jay steps forward to challenge him.

"I don't think you get a choice of who we take." He squares up to Harry whu just laughs.

"You'll learn. Next time. Come on Gil." Harry sniffs and the two head off. The four watch them.

"Do you really think Josh has become that bad?" Carlos asked, worried for his friend.

"You saw how my mother was. I imagine it's alot worse than her. I think we should get the kids and get out. It won't be long till them two get back and tell Josh we are here." Mal answers and the four nod, heading off to collect the kids they have choosen.

"Dude, why did you tell them Josh is still here?" Gil asked as they go around the corner.

"We can't let them know they are in Auradon. They need time on the downlow. We let them take the kids. They'll be back in a week, and I say we go after them." Harry offers the idea.

"Who we gonna leave in charge?" Gil asked.

"I think the fear of Josh will keep this place running for a while. But we gotta get over there, and if we can, get Josh out of this curse." Harry says.

"How are we going to do that?"

"I don't know yet. But we owe it to him, and Audrey to get them out of it."

So, Descendants 3 guys! We finally got there. I could of written so much more of Josh's time on the Isle, but I wanted to get into Descendants 3, hence the massive time jump. I can't wait to write the 3rd movie! And I have alot plameed for it and what happens after!

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