Chapter Eighty Six

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"So" Jenna sighs after an unknown amount of time was spent in silence. Coming to terms with what they are going to do. "How do we access the Forgotten Plane." She asks.

"It's not fun, by any means." Josh says. "Trust me, I've had plenty of time to look into it over the past five years. I know how. It's an ancient type of blood magic. Ancient, no one's used blood magic for centuries. Apart from the odd times, but it normally goes wrong." Josh explains.

"How does blood magic work?" Anna asks.

"From what I can gather, there's a sort of being in another plane of existence. Akratun. And he allows mortals access to his powers in trade for blood. He can only accept blood that has been offered to him. This can include curses, power. In our case, we need to access a border plane. And he will allow it, for the blood of an innocent."

"Okay. And how does the sacrafice work?" Anna asks.

"We need to create the Rune of Akratun out of the blood of the innocent. And place their body in the center, and light the blood with a flame, and when the blood has burnt up, he will speak to you, and ask for your favour." Josh tells her and she nods.

"Do we know the Rune?" Jenna questions and Josh nods once, glancing at the floor.

"We are going to need somewhere to do it. Somewhere hidden. We can't do it here, if we are caught it could all end up back on Mal." Josh points out, causing Jenna to scoff and roll her eyes.

"Typical. She won't take her part in this" she spits.

"This time it's needed. If we are caught, and Mal is involved, she could be taken off the throne. Which is what we can't have at this time." Josh points out, and Jenna lets out a sigh and nods in acceptance.

"We can do it at my place. It's out of the way, there's a basement there." Anna offers.

"What about Evie?" Jenna questions, causing Anna to shrug her shoulders with a sigh.

"I'll keep it from her. I don't want her to know what we are about to do." Anna admits and the three nod.

"We need a target." Jenna states.

"Already picked one out. I won't tell you his name, will make it all slightly more bearable for you two not knowing his name." Josh states. The two didn't argue with him. They'd happily have a bit less guilt weighing over them with not knowing his name. "Get your place ready, Anna. I'll go get our target." Josh states before leaving the room, and the two look at the door before turning to each other.

"He's putting way too much on his shoulders, it's going to be too much to bear for him." Jenna sighs as she leans against a shelving full of old swords, hearing them rattle as she does.

"I think it already is." Anna sighs as she grabs a small knife perched on the side of the shelf and places the tip on her index finger and spins it gently.


The Auradon of Old was unexplored mostly. It had large mountains with structures older than anyone knew. But as the Dragon Empire took it over, they found use of the structures that was once theirs.

And the Fortress that was found within the Century mountains now had a use. But no longer as a castle for the Dragon King, but a prison.

Screams could be heard throughout the mountains. Of the thousands that were taken as prisoners of war. Auradonians, Arcadians, Regentarians. Even some of their own people, who disobeyed the orders of their king.

Guards walked the once mighty hallways. The walls had collapsed mostly, big chunks of stone laid on the floor. And as they passed a room, they looked in through the barred doors. Blood covered the rooms, which had been stripped bare with only a bed made of straw in the corner, and a dimly lit candle hovering above. Each time a guard got close, the prisoners ran up screaming, their eyes bloodshot.

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