Chapter Twenty Six

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Mal picks up a small rock and throws it at the sign above, opening up the stair way. She steps aside and indicates for Josh to go first.

"Scared they booby trapped it?" Josh grins as he walks forward and heads in up.

"Well, why do you think I brought you? To make sure" She jokes as the two jog up to the top, Mal taking a key from above the door frame and unlocking it. The two walk in and glance around with a small smile. This place had some fond memories for the two. This was where Mal had let Josh stay one night after he had been nearly beaten to death.

"Ah, there's the couch you let me bleed on" Josh smirks as he walks over and looks at it.

"Even still got your blood stains" Mal points out with her own smirk and the two share a laugh.

"It's weird. Being back here. Knowing I'm with you, it's somewhat... Comforting" Josh admits as he falls onto the couch, Mal taking a seat next to him.

"Yeah. You use to never want to be with us... You never told us why?" She says and Josh sighs as he leans back, running his hand through his hair.

"I... I was so use to being on my own, you know? And I always thought if someone counted on me, it could get them hurt. I couldn't do that to you. To any of you. So I just thought it would be better to go it alone." Josh says and Mal nods.

"Yeah, I get that. I think we all feel it here. But I guess with you not even having any parents, you never had even one person to count on. But now you do. You have me. And I will not let you get hurt." Mal says as she takes Josh's hand and squeezes it softly.

"I know that now. It helps, alot." He tells her, squeezing her hand back and she leans into him, relaxing as she lays on his arm.

"So... You keeping the blonde? It seems abit too princess for this place" Josh says as he takes a few strands in his hand, and Mal rolls her eyes as she see's it.

"The things I did to fit in." She groans as she sits back up with a small smile. "I know where to go, let's go see Dizzy!" She suggests and Josh smiles and nods.

"Yeah. It'll be nice to see her again" Josh says and the two head off.


Mal and Josh walk in to see a small girl sweeping the floor, dancing around gracefully as she does. Josh and Mal both have a warm smile as they watch her. She was still innocent. Her Mom may not be the nicest, but she still made sure she was kept out from all the trouble on the Isle. A big sign of love for the Isle.

"Yo, Dizzy!" Josh yells, causing her to jump and turn, taking the headphones off. Her face instantly lights up as she see's the two and runs over.

"Mal! Josh!" She screams happily as she wraps her arms around the two, and as she pulls away her head darts around. "Is Evie with you?" She asks hopefully and Mal scoffs.

"As if. She would never leave Auradon" Mal says, and Josh notices her deflate slightly at the answer.

"How's the shop going?" Josh asks, trying to change the subject.

"It's going good. I get to do some witches. But nothing Major" Dizzy shrugs as she places the broom against the wall.

"Well, how do you feel about doing a Human?" Mal says with a smirk and Dizzy's ecstatic smile comes back.

"Ohhhh! That would be great. As no offence, that look is just all types of wrong. The blonde with purple ends? It's the best of no worlds." Dizzy says with some sass in her voice, causing Josh to smirk. Which Dizzy notices.

"You can't talk flame boy, you're whole look is basic." Dizzy says, causing Mal to let out an involuntary laugh, which she quickly covers up as she looks at Josh.

"Hey, I look great!"Josh exclaims.

"Please. That hair hasn't changed in over five years. And with the eyes, that's a crime" Dizzy retorts and Josh rolls his eyes.

"Damn, if I wanted to be insulted, I'd of just Stayed in Auradon" He jokes. "Okay, Dizzy. Do me up aswell" Josh tells her and she jumps and claps in excitement.

"Okay, Mal first!" She says as she practically drags her into the chair and gets to work.


A few hours later, she had just put the finishing touches onto Josh. And she twirled him around to face the broken mirror. Josh had to admit, she did a good job. She had shaven the back and sides off, and shortened the top and added orange streaks.

"Damn, Dizzy. That isn't half bad" Josh nods in appreciation of his new hair.

"Tell me about it" Mal says, still checking out her new look. She then spins and takes a bag of coins and passes them to Dizzy who has a wide smile on her face.

"Keep it." Mal smiles and Dizzy runs to the register and puts in some of the coins. But as she does, the doors slam open and a guy dressed in red and white walks in.

"Hand it over you little twerp" He says as he points his hook at her, and she rolls her eyes as she passes it him.

"Oh look, it's Uma's bitch" Josh says as he folds his arms, gaining the attention of the guy.

"Oh, lookie what we have here. Little Mal and Orphan Josh. What a duo" He grins as he walks over.

"Still doing Uma's dirty work, I see" Mal adds and the guy glares at Mal.

"Come on, Harry. Get lost." Josh tells him and Harry's glare turns to Josh as he steps closer.

"What are you going to do, flame bitch?" Harry grins.

"Oh trust me, I don't need powers to kill you" Josh threatens Harry, stepping forward.

"Aren't you going to get permission from your little handler here?" Harry throws back.

"Oh trust me, He would kill you and I'd not bat an eyelid." Mal scoffs and Harry chuckles as he turns back to Mal.

"Still sore from our little hook up I see" He says, trying to get a rise off her.

"Please, I barely felt it" Mal throws and Harry's grin becomes a snarl.

"Watch your mouth lil' lady." He threatens her, trying to take a step back but Josh grabs him by the collar.

"Take one more step towards her, I'll slice you up right here" Josh says angrily. Harry looks between the two and sniffs, taking himself out of Josh's grip, and goes towards the doors.

"Uma is going to love that the two of you are back" He says.

"She'll love it even more when we take our turf back" Mal says as Harry goes to leave, swiping the desk off as he does.

"I can't wait to kill him" Josh says as he looks at where he left.

"Ditto to that." Mal chimes as Dizzy sighs as she looks at the mess.

"Great. More cleaning" She groans as she goes to grab the broom again.

So, More Isle stuff! And now Uma's knows that Josh and Mal are back! What will happen now? Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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