Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

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Audrey and Harry were now on board the flagship along with Josh, Beca and Skylar, stood at the front of the ship as it years through the sea, awaiting for the land to become visible to them so they could take it out.

"It's a wee bit nippy." Harry comments, sat along the side walls of the ship, somehow keeping his balance on the rocking ship.

"Not much of a pirate, are you?" Skylar scoffs.

"We were stuck on an island, remember? We had a ship, sure, but it was stuck behind a magical barrier that would sizzle you into dust if ya tried to go through it." Harry points out, his eyes set on Skylar.

"Remember Audrey, me and you go in first. Take out as many as we can. We know that they will most likely have a post on the far side of the island, we need to be there first to take out any chance of them sending word." Josh reminds Audrey, who nods tightly. She wore her Arcadian armour, which the Arcadians had gifted her when she had saved them. She didn't wear it often at all, as it limited her movement. But with her and Josh being the only ones on the first assault, she decided protection was more important.

Josh wore his as well, his sword tightly gripped in his hand ready, his helmet under his arm ready at a moment's notice. Although it was duller than usual without his fire coursing through it.

"I don't understand why we ain't coming." Beca sighs. "You get to have all the fun."

"You'll be there, just after me and Audrey have had the chance to do enough damage that they can't warn my father of an incoming attack." Josh responds. Beca shrugs as she fiddles with her dagger, threading it between her fingers idly.

"Contact!" Skylar yells. Josh straightens up and slides his helmet over his head, Audrey already stood behind him.

"Ready?" Audrey asks, her ring swirled with energy as it forms into its staff form.

"Let's go." Josh nods, before looking at Harry. "Remember, wait till Audrey sends a flare up into the sky, and start bringing our people in. We don't know what forces we will be going up against, so make sure everyone is ready at a moment's notice."

"You got it, cap'n." Harry winks as Audrey's hand grabs Josh's shoulder and the two fade into pink mist.


Josh feels his feet collide with the ground, his eyes adjusting quickly as he does a quick sweep. No one seems to be around, and he could see the tower that was their target. He looks over at Audrey, who had already caught the tower and nods at Josh.

"I see two at the top." Audrey tells him.

"Think you can get us up there? We can work our way down." Josh asks and Audrey nods, quickly grabbing his shoulder.

Within a moment the two were ontop of the tower, Josh's blade impaling one of the men's chest as Audrey flicks staff, energy wrapping around the other man's neck as the sir fills with the sound of it snapping. The two quickly make their way to the stairs, Audrey taking point as her staff was held ready to strike at a moment's notice. They made their way down to the next floor, scanning the room, but found no one.

"Next floor." Josh whispers and Audrey carries on.

Within five minutes, the two came out of the tower. They had found a few stragglers, but nothing the two couldn't handle.

"Let's head to the village." Josh orders, and Audrey simply nods in response, Josh taking the lead as Audrey files in behind him.

As the two get closer to the Valentinians old village, they saw that the Empire had tore down the huts and had begun to build a stone fortress. It was only ground work for now, with early signs of walls. But they sure did work fast.

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