Chapter Fifty Four

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"Mal!" Ben calls as he runs into Audrey's room. And he found Josh sat at her bedside, her hand in his. His grandmother was at the other side. "What happened?" He asks as he walks in, enveloping Mal into a hug. Everyone else followed shortly behind Ben.

"We used the Ember. But... It has weakened her. There was alot of darkness it had to burn away." Mal explains with tears in her eyes.

"And she doesn't have my powers. Her body reacted worse than mine." Josh states, his eyes not leaving Audrey as he strokes her hand with his thumb.

"There must be something we can do. Something!" Ben exclaims as he runs his hand through his hair.

"I know one thing that we could do." Mal says and everyone looks at her, even Josh.

"What is it?" Josh asks and Evie locks eyes with Mal and gives a small nod.

"The ember can heal her. But I cant do it. Only Hades can do it. Only he can fully posses the power of the ember." She says.

"And how do you know he'll do it?" Ben asks.

"Because he's her father" Josh answers and Mal's eyes widen in confusion and shock. Along with everyone else's.

"You knew?" She asked and Josh shrugged.

"Of course. I mean, I found out by accident. But yeah I knew." He smiles slightly before his eyes draw back to Audrey.

"I don't know, Mal. He's one of the most dangerous on the Isle." Ben says.

"It could be the only way to save Audrey." Mal pushes. And Ben sighs.

"Okay. But... We got to sort out alot of security for this." Ben says as he leaves the room. Aurura looks upon Audrey and kisses her forehead before walking out of the room.

"So, father huh?" Jay asks and Mal nods.

"Yeah. Talk about bad parents, huh?" She says with a soulless laugh, as she goes to Audrey's bedside where Aurora was. She scans Audrey's motionless body before taking a deep breath.

"Look, Uma. I am sorry for all I've done to you. And I do really think we could of been friends."Mal states with a small smile." And I'm sorry to all of you. I shouldn't of lied about the barrier." She adds.

"You were just trying to do the right thing" Jay smiles.

"Yeah. I forget that your not just the Isle girl now. But you got Auradon to look after." Uma admits.

"And Evie. I'm sorry that I betrayed your trust. You deserve much better than that" Mal says as she looks directly at Evie. "You're my best friend. My sister." She smiles, then looks at Carlos. "And you're my brother. And so are you" She adds looking at Jay. Then looks back at Josh. "And you. You are also my brother. Josh." She smiles as she reaches and places her hand on his free one. He doesn't move for a second, but eventually looks up at Mal.

"Thank you" He says with a slight smile.

"I've got security sorted. They are going for him as we speak" Ben says as he walks in, tapping his phone against his hand as he looks at Audrey.

"Mind if I hitch a ride? The kids on the Isle need protecting." Uma asks.

"We're coming too. If that's okay boss?" Harry asks Josh, who looks up and smiles slightly

"I'm not your boss, Harry." He says and Harry walks over. And Josh stands up to meet him.

"Oh you are wrong, matey. You will always be the boss." He says as he opens his arms and hugs Josh. And he returns it. "You're a good man, Joshy. Don't let anyone else tell ya otherwise" Harry smiles before pulling away.

"I'm gonna go too. I miss my dad. He's my home" Celia says and Mal looks at her with a unreadable look. But she nods tightly.

"Of course. I... I hope that you wil lbe okay. All of you" Mal says and the four mod before leaving the room.

"Not interested in going back?" Carlos asks Josh and Anna.

"I... I've caused way too much damage on the Isle to be back. Its better in Uma's hands." Josh says before he takes his seat back next to Audrey, taking her hand in his.

"And I'm not leaving Josh." Anna says then smiles at Evie. "And I feel there's an opportunity here" She adds as she feels Evies hand wrap around hers.

"Okay." Ben nods. "Hades will be here within the hour. I've got to organise the guards. Evie, Anna, Carlos and Jay. I want you out. Check up on everyone. Mal you stay to keep your dad in check, Josh you'll be here as back up. We'll need Fairy Godmother here aswell" Ben commands and everyone does as he says, leaving Josh and Mal the only ones in the room.

"It's wierd. I never thought we would of been here all them years ago" Mal sighs as she pulls up a spare chair and sits next to Josh. "I'm going to be Queen, and I don't feel like I should be. You know? I feel like there's something missing." She admits.

"Do you remember that spot of ours back on the Isle? Above Gastions herbal store?" Josh asked and Mal smiles warmly as she nods. "You remember when we were ten years old, and me, you, Evie, Jay and Carlos would play up there for hours? I remember one day perfectly. We were play fighting, as we always did. And I walked over that patch of wood over the hole in the roof. And I nearly fell. You and Jay caught me, and you pulled me up. And I asked why you saved me. Do you remember what you said?" Josh asked as he looks up at her.

"We maybe from the Isle. But we still look out for each other." Mal answers as she leans in and kisses Josh cheek. "I forgot about that. That was before you decided to run solo." She adds and Josh let's out a little laugh.

"How I wish I did my time there differently. You guys have always been the best thing that happened to me." Josh tells her. And the two sit there as they await for Hades.

"Hey, I'm sorry for Turing you into stone. I... I just wasn't prepared for you to kill Audrey, you know? You love her. And I know killing her would of taken a piece of you away" She says as she places her hand in his shoulder.

"I know, Mal." He smiles as he reaches for her hand and squeezes it.

Within twenty minutes, the hallway outside had been filled with guards. And both of Ben's parents were now in the room, along with Fairy Godmother and Aurora. Both sat on either side of Audrey. Josh now stood by the door, his arms folded tightly. His eyes blazing bright as he stands ready to pounce on Hades if he tries anything.

"Huh, so this is the one who caused all the commotion, huh?" A voice calls from the door. And there stood the man with the blue hair.


So, feel like this a good place to end this chapter. I haven't had Hades in the story yet so it'll be fun to write him. And obviously bring Audrey back and have a sweet sweet reunion between Josh and Audrey. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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