Chapter Eighty Two.

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Josh trails down the stone stairs, feeling the cold breeze past him, his eyes scanning every inch before taking his next step.

"Looks like we are clear" Mal says quietly as she smiles up at Josh. He looks down and returns the smile.

"Yeah, come on let's get that seen too" He says softly as he walks over to an old wooden table and sits her on it. Mal shrugs her jacket off and pulls up her top. Two fresh cuts along her stomach revealed themselves, blood seeping out of them. Half her stomach was covered in blood, some wet, some dry.

"Don't look deep. But best of to sort it now." Josh comments as he presses the skin around the wounds, causing Mal to pull a breath in pain. "Okay" he says as he shrugs off his jacket and tears the bottom half of his shirt off. Mals eyes widen as she notices his well toned stomach, but it was covered in all manners of scars. He then starts to wrap the fabric around her, causing her to wince as he pulls it tight and ties the loose bit of fabric.

"That should stop the bleeding." He states as he backs away, Mal letting her top fall down.

"Thank you Doctor Josh" she smirks as she leans back on the table.

"Oh ha ha" He mockingly laughs as he slides onto the table next to her. "Don't scare me like that." He tells her and she shrugs.

"Oh I don't know, seeing you all protective was nice" she shoves his shoulder playfully. "I never saw you have so much power though. It was kind of frightening." Mal admits.

"Yeah. It's like a rage flooded through me. A rage I haven't felt since your mom's curse" Josh says.

"Was you scared?" She asks and he nods without a second thought.

"It's alot of power. And with the idea of losing control and hurting..." He trails off as he looks to the floor. "It scares the shit out of me"

"I know you would never hurt me, Josh" Mal whispers as she takes his hand in hers.

"How can you be so sure?" He asks softly, running his thumb across the top of her hand.

"Because I know you. You wouldn't hurt me. You couldn't. Even under my mom's curse, you could of done anything to me, Evie, Jay, Carlos.... Ben. But I know that you were fighting against it. Because you love us." She smiles warmly.

"I guess so" He nods as he looks down at their hands, noticing how tight Mal's grip was. She was scared. "Hey, what's up?" He whispers.

"I'm scared that me being Queen was a mistake" she admits. She knew she couldn't hide anything from Josh. "I mean, I've expected everyone to risk their lives, and I go out on one mission and I'm already hurt. How is it right I'm in charge?"

"Because you are the best chance we have. You are strategic. You are selfless. Amazing. I could go on, Mal. But you are the Queen. And you deserve to be Queen." He tells her as he turns himself to fully face her. "You put the people before yourself. Don't let one small cut make you question your role. You are stronger than that."

"I don't think you are describing me there, Josh" She chuckles. "You actually described yourself. I can attest to the Selfless part personally. You have sacrificed so much just to stand by me. You could of joined with everyone in hating me. It would be deserved."

"No, it wouldn't be. It isn't deserved at all. You did not cause any of them to be injuried. We are up against an enemy that outnumbers us a thousand to one. There will be risks. We all knew that going in. They blame you because they want someone they can hate. Sadly that's you. But don't let yourself think it's your fault. Okay?"

"Okay" she whispers as her emerald eyes lock with Josh's. Feeling a pull towards him as she lets it take her, her free hand running up to his neck.

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