Chapter Fifty Seven

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"Woah, this is amazing" Audrey gasps as she looks around. They had converted the edge of the island that would connect the bridge to the Isle. Beautiful white stone covered it, with a large arch above the tunnel where Mal and Ben were stood talking and laughing.

"Hey, you" Anna chimes from the side of Josh and Audrey and the two meet her and Evie with a smile.

"Oh, I missed seeing you in my outfits Josh. " She says as she kisses her fingers, admiring her work.

"Well I hate wearing suits. So stop making me them" Josh moans, receiving a punch in his arm from Audrey. "Hey!" He exclaims as he ribs his arm.

"Don't be rude next time" She smirks as she grabs some punch from a nearby server and takes a small sip.

"Noted" Josh mutters as Jane and Carlos walk over.

"Wow, Josh love the flames" Jane comments as she points to his arms on the jacket. Evie smiles at the compliment.

"I'm not going to make a comment" Josh says and everyone laughs.

"Hey guys!" Jay calls as he walks through the tunnel, Lonnie arm wrapped around his and her face lights up at the sight of Josh. She unlink her arm and runs over and basically jumps into his arms, nearly knocking him over, Audrey was there to steady him.

"Hey Lon. You missed me by any chance?" Josh smirks as the two pull away from the hug.

"Don't be a smartass." She warns with a raised eyebrow. "I can kick your ass She warns and Josh chuckles.

"Trust me, you couldn't." He tells her.

"I'm with him there, he kicked all our asses." Carlos says and Evie, Anna and Jay nod in agreement.

"Id happily take you up on the challenge" Audrey deadpans as her eyes lock with Lonnie's. Her face tight, showing no emotion. Lonnie begins to look worried before Audrey smirks as lets out a little snicker. "Oh that was too easy" Audrey comments.

"You sure all that curse is out of her?" Anna jokes.

"Hey!" Audrey exclaims and everyone shares a laugh again.

"Can I have your attention please!" Ben calls from the balcony above, and everyone turns to face him and Mal. "Thank you all for coming to our engagement party. As you know, life changed when Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and Josh came from the Isle. We've hit some bumps in the roads. But I still believe we were right to give them a chance. As I found my soul mate." Ben says as he smiles warmly at Mal, who looks conflicted.

"I can't do this" Mal says and everyone gasps, causing Josh to roll his eyes. People are so dramatic.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked, his face striken with worry.

"I can't be Queen of Auradon. As it shouldn't be like that. Not anymore" She says as she looks down to her friends. "I've learnt that we cannot live in fear. The Isle is not a place to fear. It is full of people who are just like us all here. People who just want a normal life." Mal says, then locks eyes with Josh. And he simply nods. "I know that they have lived in fear for long enough. As some of you may know, Josh and Audrey were cursed by my mother. And they made life on the Isle hell. But this just proves something. That we are all capable of good and evil. If it wasn't for Uma, Harry and Gil, then Auradon wouldn't be here today. And if it wasn't for Hades.... My father. Then Audrey and Josh would both be dead." She states, and hushed whispers can be heard. "Something Josh reminded me is that I cannot leave the people on the Isle. As kids from the Isle, they stick together. So I can't just be the Queen of Auradon. I need to be the Queen of the Isle too" She spins round to Ben. And he doesn't show any worry, but a proud look was dressed up in his face.

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