Chapter Two.

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The Limo turns up to a large grey stone building, with the golden yellow and bright blue flags hang from the windows. They had gotten a band playing at the front of the building, and a few people watching from afar. The limo driver had opened the door and Carlos and Jay fell out, fighting over some piece of cloth. 

"Why do you want it!" Carlos screamed.

"Cus you want it!" He says as he tries pulling it from Carlos' grip, but the small guy had some impressive strength. 

"Guys, put it away." Josh sighed as he stepped out, adjusting his red leather jacket before looking around at what was around him.

"We have an audience" He heard  Mal whisper to them as Her and Evie stepped out of the Limo.

"Just cleaning up" Jay said with a charming smile. Josh stifled a laugh watching Jay try to talk himself out of this while helping Carlos up from the floor, his mouth covered in chocolate.

"Leave it how you found it" The woman sung as she stepped forward, dressed in a blue dress. "And by that I mean leave it" She said with a certain amount of sternness in her voice. Jay's smile faded as he chucked everything back in the limo. He saw his eyes focus on the girl who had a gold and pink dress with a blue cardigan, even brighter than the woman's dress.

"Hello, foxy" he said flirtatiously as he approached her. "The names... Jay." he told her with a smirk. Causing her to laugh awkwardly.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep!" The woman leaned in to his vision, causing his smile to fade again and step back in line with his friends. "I'm Fairy Godmother. Head Mistress" She said with a small bow.

"THE Fairy Godmother?" Mal emphasises. "As in bibbidi-bobbidi"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi you know it!" She said as she pointed at Mal.

"Yeah... I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella, When you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand, warm smile... and that sparkly wand" She said with a fake smile.

"That was a long time ago, and as i say. Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" She said with a weird hand gesture. The guy next to her finally steps forward and claps his hands. 

"It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben" He introduces himself.

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king!" the girl squealed in excitement. Although to Josh, it sounded fake. the way she said it seemed way too over the top. He couldn't imagine why she was faking her joy over it. Evie didn't waste a second as she stepped forward.

"You had me at prince. My mom's a Queen which makes me a princess" as she bowed. Josh shook his head and placed it in his hand.

"The evil Queen has no status here" The girl states. She had a point. "And neither do you" She added. Damn. Josh looked up with a smirk as he looked at the girl, who seemed to catch his eye and her fake smile disappeared for just a second and seemingly was replaced with a genuine one, that Josh returned.

"This is Audrey" Ben said, indicating to her.

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend" She said in her usual overly-joyful tone. Now it made sense to Josh. She loved power. Or was raised to be the Queen. it made sense to him. He had seen Maleficent manipulate Mal into a younger version of herself, along with the other VK's. Makes sense that it also happened here. "Right Benny Boo" she said, causing Josh to cringe slightly. Which surprisingly caught Audreys eye and she looked embarrassed of what she said.

"I'll see you tommorow" Fairy Godmother says as she leans between Audreys and Ben's hands before grabbing them and pushing through them. "The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from eight to eleven, and you've probably heard we have a little thing about curfews." Before walking off, the band following shortly behind. 

"It's so so so good to finally meet you all." He says as he approaches Jay, receiving a light punch to the chest, causing him to jump, but caused Jay to smile with a small bit of respect and Ben returns with a smile of his own. He then walks over to Mal and shakes her hand, the two staring at each other for a few seconds. "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... is that chocolate?" He asks as he shakes Carlos hands, tasting his thumb and chuckling slightly. "As the two days our two peoples began to heal" He finishes as he shakes Evie's hands, who seemed to hold on. Audrey rolling her eyes as she walks around Ben and to Josh and shakes his hand. "She doesn't seem to be sharing" She joked, causing Josh to laugh. Everyone looked at the two with confusion, and the two shared a quick smile as she pulled away and then pulled Ben away.

"Or the day you showed five people where the bathrooms are" Mal jokes, Ben stepping back to face her.

"A little bit over the top?" He asked.

"a little more than a little bit" She said and the two shared a genuine laugh, causing the same reaction Audrey and Josh had gotten. 

"Well, so much for my first impression" He says and the two shared another smile. Audreys fake smile faltered as she looked worried for a split second. 

"You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you?" Audrey asked, her fake smile back. Josh rubbed his forehead, avoiding eye contact with the two as they were going for the passive aggressive conflict it seemed. "Yeah? You know what, I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff" She said and Mal's eyes widen in realisastion. "Oh, my moms Aurora. Sleeping.." 

"Beauty! Yeah. I've heard the name. You know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world. but my mother, to their stupid christening." She said, her voice strained as she said it. 

"Water under the bridge." Audrey waves away.

"Totes!" Mal says and they both let out a fake laugh, almost identical.

"Dear God"Josh sighed to himself.

"Right, so how about a tour?" Ben said, cutting the tension as he turned and showed everyone the school.

The group enter the building after Carlos getting scared of the statue that changed."So, you guys have alot of magic here in Auradon?" Mal asked, trying to get information. Josh looked around and noticed people watching them like they were dirt. Josh's felt a sort of rage burn inside him as he saw their reactions. he reached into his belt and quickly sent a incredibly small dagger towards a small group in the corner, inserting itself into wall bang next to their head. Josh turned back before they caught him.

"This is Doug. He is going to help you with class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms." He says as a blonde guy with glasses was now standing next to him. "I'll see you later, okay? If you need anything..."

"Ask Doug!" Aubrey interrupts, then catches Josh's eye and sends a sly wink, one that no one seemed to catch. As if she wanted him to ask her if he needed help.

Josh watched Audrey walk away with Ben, but saw the beautiful Brunette keep glancing back with a warm smile. She didn't seem to have a problem with Josh, yet had a problem with the other four VK's. Weird.

So, you might of noticed I plan to give Audrey alot more focus. Seeing Descendants 3 gave a better understanding on her character, so I can write the story about her better. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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