Chapter Twenty Two

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It had been a few months since the news about Regantara had reached Auradon. And nothing else had come of it. No more attacks, but people were still worried. But no one spoke of it. It made it somewhat less real to them. So people focused on Mal and Ben.


"Mal over here!" A reporter called, seemingly snapping Mal out of her own little world as she looks at them dazzled.

"Only three to the Royal Cotillion. Did you ever expect you would become a lady of the court?" Another reporter called, and her dazzled look just moved from one reporter to the other. And it kept going, her focus moving from one reporter to the other.

"Is your mother still a Lizard?" Another asked and Ben steps forward.

"Okay. All right. Excuse me. We will let you know if that particular situation changes." He says with his usual kingly charm.

"Did you think you'd be with a villain kid?" One asked and this obviously annoyed Ben. He hated that people called any of the ones who came from the Isle 'Villians'.

"We're done here" He says, with a mix of sterness and his kingly charm, but more questions came forward but were mixed with each other so no one could tell what was being said.

"Okay. This is still a school, so if you don't work or study here. You are trespassing. So get out" Josh says as he steps forward, seemingly beating Fairy Godmother to the punch, but she nods in agreement with Josh as the Reporters start walking off.

"Ben. Mal" Fairy Godmother smiles.

"Fairy Godmother" They both chime with a smile and she walks off.

"That was... Something" Josh says as he raises his eyebrows.

"Tell me about it" Mal sighs as she rubs her forehead.

"Hey. Don't pay any attention to them." Ben says softly.

"Easier said than done." Mal points out and Ben nods.

"I know. Maybe we should do something, go somewhere to get away" He offers and Mal smiles and nods.

"Yeah" She says and Bens smile widen as he hits the top of his fist in thought.

"You know, we can..." He trails off as he catches a glimpse at his watch and sighs. "I got a council meeting, and I'm late." He says almost apologetically and Mal still smiles at him.

"That's okay" She tells him, and he quickly starts walking away, turning around as he does to face her.

"We'll... Um... Sort something later. I Promise." He says as he turns back around and jogs away, and almost in an instant Evie walks over and begins dragging Mal along with her, Josh. shrugs and decides to follow them

"We got to get your Cottilion Dress sorted. It's in three days, and I still need to do the finishing touches. And on your suit aswell Josh" Evie says as she points behind her at Josh who sighs.

"Please make it more bearable than the suits. God they were uncomfy" Josh pleads and Evie chuckles as the three head up to where Evie was creating all her dresses.


A few hours later, Mal was stood on a podium in what she would be wearing for Cottilion, Josh was sat on a chair with his feet up as he watched Evie fuss over Mal, who did not looked pleased about it.

"Hey, maybe we should get her a pink crown!" Josh says with a smirk as Mal raises her eyebrows and glares at him.

"Really want to go there, Flameboy?" She asks and Josh just keeps smirking at her in response.

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