Chapter Ninety Nine

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Josh finds himself in the hallways he was in not so long ago. The smell of fear filled the air around him as his gaze drifts along the walls. The cold air nips at his skin, with his powers instantly warming him up. A positive to his powers, he never got cold. He unsheathes his sword and holds it ready as he slowly walks down the halls, his hands flicker with an orange flames, with the tips faintly pink.

"Mal?" He calls out, hearing his voice echo down the halls, as if it was pinballing down it. He tried to reach out to her in his mind, but he felt nothing. This connection between the two really did confuse him. He flexes his fingers over his sword handle as he carries down the hallway.

"Josh?" He hears Anna's voice call through the hallways, Josh spinning around but couldn't see her.

"Anna? Where are you?" He yells through.

"Just through here!" She calls back, and Josh sprints down the halls in the direction her voice came from. But as he runs further, the halls begin to get darker until he couldn't see a single thing. He flicks his free hand to use a flame to provide some light, but no flames come from his hand, and it worried Josh immensely.

"This isn't good, is it?" Beca voice calls from the darkness.

"You really do like showing up at the wrong time, don't you?" Josh responds and he hears a chuckle.

"I try my best. It is strange your powers aren't working. But that isn't the only thing" Beca comments as Josh is overcome by a blinding light, causing him to shield his eyes from it. A few seconds later, the light dims and Josh brings his hand down, his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. He was no longer in the Castle, but... It was Auradon, with all its beauty returned. The emerald green grass swayed gently as the wind touches it, the birds sing as they flew across the sky. He looked down at his hands, a rose in his hand. He then noticed he was no longer wearing his leather armour, but a white shirt buttoned up to his neck, and black trousers.

"Is that rose for me?" He hears a voice calls from behind him, a voice he never thought he'd hear again.

"Audrey?" He mutters before spinning around, to see the brunette beauty stood, a pink dress that flared out at the bottom, a large smile on her face. Josh couldn't help but pull her into a tight embrace, scared to even let go for a moment.

"Babe, you saw me a few hours ago." Audrey chuckles. "Not that I mind the affection." She adds. Josh lets her go and looks at her confused.

"Babe?" He questions and Audrey's face scrunches up.

"Yeah, abit cringey isn't it. We never were fond on nicknames were we." She laughs, reaching her hand out and stroking his cheek.

"What.. how are you here?" He asks her.

"Because you asked me to come here, silly. I hope you have an amazing date planned." She tells him as she drops her hand into his.

"But... This, this isn't... How are you alive?" He asks, completely dumbfounded. He had held Audrey in his arms as she took her last breath.

"I mean, that's a complex question. I mean, that's like asking what is the meaning of life." She chuckles. Josh takes a step back from her.

"Audrey... I held you in my arms as you died when we retook Auradon." Josh states, and Audrey looks at him confused.

"Retook Auradon? Josh, we have always been here. Well apart from our year on the Isle. Don't you remember?" She asks, and Josh shakes his head. "Your father and George came to save you?" She asks.

"He's just messing with you, Audrey" Josh felt his anger flare up as he spins around, summoning a ball of fire and flinging it to the origin of the voice. George dodges it and lets out a chuckle. "Come on, Josh. You know I'm faster than you." He says as he walks towards the two.

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