Chapter One Hundred.

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Josh walked into the ballroom of the Castle, looking around at the room. The soft music played quietly as people filled the room. Tables full of food and drink, his siblings stood talking and laughing with each other. His father talking to one of his Savages in the corner quietly. Audrey was mid conversation with her grandmother before she notices him, her face lighting up as she indicates him to come over. Her grandmother smiles at him as he walks over.

"Ah, Josh. I am pleased about your engagement to Audrey. I've always told her she has what it takes to be Queen." Her grandmother says, offering her hand. Josh shakes her hand.

"She was always made to rule." Josh responds. Suddenly, he feels himself get dizzy as images form in his mind. He could see Audrey, a large staff in her hand. The staff of Malificent, surrounded by stone statues of people. Then the images of a pink ring flood his mind, seeing Audrey fight off Dragon Soldiers. And seeing her in his arms, covered in blood.

"Josh!" Audrey calls out, seemingly bringing Josh back to reality. He quickly looks around, then shakes his head and smiles at Audrey. "Are you okay? You seemed out of it there?" She asks, worry laced in her voice. Josh nods.

"Yeah, just tired is all." He tells her and she nods slowly. Her eyes drift towards the short woman carrying a tray of drinks. "Hey, I want a drink" Audrey calls out. The woman turns around and holds the tray out. It was Mal. And he felt dizzy all over again, his head filling with images... No, memories of some other time. Him and Mal fighting here in Auradon against savages. Kissing her, helping her on the Isle of the Lost. He could swear he felt love towards her.

"Mal?" He says softly. "What..." He stutters as he walks slowly towards her. He could see her whole body tighten as he does, her eyes watching carefully. Up close he could see the scar that ran across her cheek. She had tried to hide it with make up, but it was still visible.

"What do you want, my king?" She says with venom in her voice. Josh looks around with confusion.

"I... I'm not the king" Josh mutters. Mal looks at him with raised eyebrows, a ghost of smile beginning to form.

"Of course you are, Josh!" Audrey chuckles, and Josh feels himself return. Of course he was king. He ruled Auradon in the Dragon Empire. Mal turns away and walks off.

"Are you sure you're okay, Josh? You seem out of it" Audrey comments and Josh nods.

"Must be tired, is all." Josh shrugs off. But something didn't feel right about this. But he couldn't put his finger on it. As he tried to think about it more, he hears the clinking of a glass as the music dies down and everyone turns to the Dragon King. His long black and gold robes touched the floor, with his bone crown made of dragon teeth that pointed up to the sky.

"We are here today to celebrate the engagement of my beloved son, Joshua, and Audrey." He begins and everyone cheers. "Before I found Josh, he had no one but Audrey. Trapped on the Isle of the Lost behind a magical barrier. Unbreakable really. Or so people thought." He winks at Josh, and he feels his body shake as a wave of memories hit him again. Of the Docks, of Harry and Gil, working against the Cartel and the other gangs of the Isle. Of Anna being there with him. Of them ruling over it, of the anger he felt. The never ending rage the burned in his stomach.

"Of course, he'd not of gotten out without me." A voice calls from the back of the room. Everyone turns to see Beca, smirking away at Josh, who felt overpowered by confusion. He had killed Beca, hadn't he? He had killed her to stop the Cartel on the Isle? "Or do you forget that I saved your ass from the pirates?" Beca asks.

"Of course we don't, Bec's. They were not happy when Uma left." Audrey chuckles.

"I thought we ruled with the pirates?" Josh questions and Audrey shakes her head.

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