Chapter Four.

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Josh was the first up before Carlos and Jay, and had thrown his usual set of clothes on, looking in the mirror for a second and goes to walk off, but brings himself back as his eyes catch on something. His eyes. they were no longer the dark blue he had, but a bright orange. like the heart of a flame.

"God damn it" He sighs as he shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair and heads towards Mal's and Evie's room, knowing they would be up by now.

"It's open!" Mal's voice calls and Josh walks in, kicking the door shut behind him causing the two to jump. "What is up with... oh" She trails off as she looks up and see's his bright orange eyes. Evie gasped and placed her hand over her o-shaped lips. Then her eyes narrowed and her head turned slightly.

"You know, it works for you." Evie says with an approving nod.

"Well my eyes turn into a murky green so who am I too judge" Mal shrugs. Josh chuckles as he flicks his hand. small flames erupting from each finger.

"yeah, the new look wasn't the only thing I got" Josh says and Mal's face lights up with a evil grin as her mind starts turning.

"Oh that. that could become useful" Mal chuckles as she taps her fingers together. A very Maleficent move. Evie walks over, running her finger over Josh's shoulder playfully as she looks up and down on him.

"Come on, Eve's. Don't be playing with me" Josh winks and Evie twisted herself around to be facing him as she brought her perfectly kept blue nails across Josh's cheeks, sending a shiver down his spine as she drew closer to him, feeling her breath against his neck. Mal watched in shock, as Josh had never let Evie flirt with him this much.

"You think that's playing?" She grins mischievously as she draws her hand onto his neck and pulls him close.

"Oh, Evie. You know your charms don't work on me." Josh says as he grabs her hand and spins her away as she lands on her bed.

"That was both weird and interesting to watch" Mal admits. Josh chuckles as he leans against the wall next to Mal's bed.

"But take that jacket off. I got some design ideas" Evie says and Josh shrugs his jacket off and chucks it her as she does a little jog to her sewing machine and gets to work. Mal shuffles on her bed and pats the space for Josh to sit and he does so.

"So, What did you do last night?" Mal asks him and his eyes widen in shock of the question.

"Oh, you know. getting a lay of the area." Josh coughs and Mal chuckles and shakes her head.

"Funny how we saw Miss perfect princess heading to her dorm as we were, wasn't it? You should know you can't keep anything from me." She tells him as she checks her nails. Josh chuckles and nods.

"Well I guess there's a reason you ran most of the Isle" Josh winks and the two share a laugh.

"If you joined us, we probably could of had Uma's turf as well. She did fear you. Even more than me" Mal sighed.

"I never knew why" Josh shrugged but is whacked on the shoulder by Mal as she laughed.

"Please, you know your way around a blade more than them assholes" Mal points out and the two share a laugh.

"Done!" Evie squeals and she claps in happiness before picking it up and chucking it over to Josh. He catches it and leaps from the bed and looks on the back and smiles widely at it. the standard red leather jacket now had a flamed emblazed on the back. the tips of the flame had a mixture of yellow for Jay, White for Carlos, Blue for Evie and Purple for Mal.

"So you never forget that you are a part of our crew" Evie says as she walks behind him and rests her chin on his shoulder.

"Hey ho!" Jay exclaims as him and Carlos walk in, chucking their bags next to the door and rest on Mal's and Evie's bedpost, as they notice the emblem on Josh's back.

"Nice emblem. But why a flame?" Carlos asked. Mal, Evie and Josh share a smirk as he spins around, his hands erupting with flames as he does so, his eyes glow even brighter as the flames grew larger.

"Sick!" Jay and Carlos laugh as Josh let's the flames die down.

"Hate to say, but we gotta go to class" Mal says and everyone groans.

"Why are we going to class if we are going to you know, destroy this place?" Jay asked and everyone nods in agreement.

"Because, we need to gain these people's trust. So we play their little perfect life, and then we rip that wand from them when they least expect it" Mal grins maliciously and the group head to class.


Class was just Fairy Godmother asking us questions about different scenarios. Mal seemed to always get the questions right and shared that they should choose the one that sounds boring. And it was a good idea. The only good thing was the Vk's were introduced to Jane, the Fairy Godmothers daughter. Mal and Josh, had shared a knowing look.

The five leave class and walk towards the lockers located outside, Mal hangs back and grabs Josh's arm so he falls in line with her.

"That Jane girl seems easily manipulated. What do you think?" She asks him.

"Her hair is obviously not her choice, or she is heavily influenced by her mother. So her looks will be an insecurity. I'd target that" Josh says and Mal nods with a glisten in her eye.

"I got an idea, thanks Josh" She side hugs him before chasing to catch up to the other three and fill them in with the plan.

"Remedial goodness any fun?" A familiar voice calls from behind him, and he turns to see Audrey smiling with Ben's arm linked with hers.

"Yeah, It's very obvious it was made for us Villians. Very pre-school" Josh says and the three share a chuckle.

"Liking the eye's. Very fierce" Audrey winks.

"So, Audrey tells me you have powers?" Ben asked, and Josh looks at Audrey with dagger eyes. And Ben notices. "No, don't worry. I'm not upset or anything. I just want to say I appreciate you sharing it with Audrey. It shows you trust us, or at least her."Ben smiles. Josh looks at Ben with confusion.

"You're not like, scared or anything?" Josh asked. "I mean, I'm a villain who has fire powers."

"From what Audrey told me, you haven't used them to harm. But to create beauty. I trust you with them, Josh" He nods. "Anyway, you coming to tryouts?" He asked and Josh smiles and nods.

"Yeah, Fairy Godmother told me, Jay and Carlos to try out." Josh explains.

"Awesome, let's go!" He says and the three head off to the field.

Josh, had to admit, he enjoyed playing Tourney. It was somewhat freeing, and working as a team without the threat of them stabbing you in the back was a nice feeling aswell. The coach had taken a special interest in Jay, espically with his violence in the game. And he had asked him to stay, and Ben had said he'd work with Carlos.

"Chad, you work with flame eyes" The coach says as he points at me, and Chad scoffs and looks at me.

"Problem, asshat?" Josh barks at Chad which made him jump, Carlos and Jay laughing at his reaction. And he glares at Josh before strutting off.

"Are you coming?" Chad shouts over his shoulder, and Josh rolls his eyes before chasing after him.

"What's your problem with me?" Josh asks as he catches up, and Chad spins around and faces him.

"You are bad news. You don't deserve to be here. There's a reason you were put on the Island, and you should of stayed there." He spits. Josh stepped forward and pressed a small blade against his stomach, but hiiden to everyone else. His eyes flooded with fear as Josh's flashes with delight.

"You right. I am bad news. I've had to do stuff I'm not proud of to survive on the Isle. So I wouldn't piss me off, Chad. You don't piss me off, we stay on good terms. Got it?" Josh threatens and Chad nods quickly before he tries to step backwards but falls to his feet. Josh offers his hand and Chad takes it cautiously, noticing the blade was now gone.

"So, what you got to teach me?" Josh smirks.

So, Josh has threatened Chad. Do you think he will take it well? Some more Audrey and Josh coming in the next few chapters, along with some other surprises.

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