Chapter Fifthteen

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   Josh couldn't sleep the night after Family Day. Half of it was because of what happened, but he was also scared what would happen when the villains came. Would he have to go back to always looking over his shoulder? Back to constant fear of being sliced open? 

But that wasn't the only thing he was scared of. He was also scared to lose what he had gained while he was here. He had gained trust, and friendship in ways he hadn't of known before. So he knew, before tomorrow, he had a few stops tonight to make. 


It was quite easy to sneak out of the dorms, as it seemed no one ever did it so there was no security of sorts. So Josh made his way to the first stop he needed to make, and he knocked on a familiar door and Lonnie opens the door. She rubs her eyes as she looks at Josh. And for a split second he could see fear flush through her eyes, but it faded just as quick.

"What's up?" She asks, rather defensively.

"Oh. I just wanted to come talk to you. I need to make a few stops tonight." Josh explains and Lonnie nods as she opens the door and lets him in, and he takes a seat at the end of her bed.

"Look, I know what happened yesterday was out of order. But... I snapped. I had so much anger bubbling inside me, all from different places and seeing Chad push Mal, it made it all just erupt. You got to understand that no matter how much i tried to push Mal and the others away, they were always there for me. So I will do anything for them. I'm sorry for what we said yesterday at lunch. But if thats the route Mal is taking, I gotta take it with her." Josh explains and Lonnie doesn't say anything for a second as she walks over to the window.

"Why are you telling me this?" She finally asks and Josh sighs as he gets up and walks towards the door, but stops a few steps away from the door.

"It will make sense tomorrow. Just know... I'm sorry. And thank you." He says without turning around, then goes towards the door and leaves, Lonnie left in silence and confusion.


"Who is it?" The voice calls from the otherside of the door, the voice was slightly groggy. She had just woken up it seemed.

"Josh" He said and the door swings open. Josh expected the door not to be opened, or to be met by a smack or a angry Audrey. But he wasn't. The door swings open and Audrey launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"This wasn't the greeting I was expecting" Josh comments as he wraps his arms around her waist as he returns the embrace.

"I'm sorry for earlier, Josh. Really, I am. I don't know what came over me. I just... It's like sometimes all I can hear is my Grandmother's voice in my head, telling me I'm a failure for loosing Ben. So i lashed out. But she's wrong. I know she is" Audrey pulls back from the embrace, but her arms are left wrapped around Josh's neck.

"What do you mean?" Josh asks.

"Because I have you, Josh. That doesn't make me a failure. I know that. All I need is you." She says. Audrey pulls herself away smiling as she walks over to her piano and takes a seat and begins playing a song, one that Josh hadn't heard.

Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold
But, I want you in it
Every hour, every minute
This world can race by far too fast
Hard to see while it's all flying past
But, it's clear now,
When you're standing here now
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me
All I want to do
Is come running home to you
Come running home to you
And all my life I promise to
Keep running home to you
Keep running home
To you

Josh was in shock as Audrey closes the lid of the Piano and turns to face Josh, her face lit up like a bright summer's night. her eyes sparkling like the stars themselves. Josh walks over as she stands up and walks over to him, Josh takes her hand in his and raises it to his lips and kisses it softly.

"I know I messed up, Josh. But... I love you. I can't help it. But I do. All I know that I don't need anyone else by my side if I have you. Will you please stay by my side, Josh?" She asks hopeful.

"I.... I want too, Audrey. More than anything." He says and her face lights up. "But... I can't. Because being with you would mean leaving Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos. And with how much they have looked out for me over the years, I can't leave them. I gotta stick with them. Even if it takes me to somewhere I don't want to go." Josh says and Audrey looks at Josh, scanning his eyes before reaching up and running her hand through his hair. A soft smile forms on her lips.

"I know you can't leave them Josh. I don't expect you too. It's what i adore about you, your loyalty. You're the most loyal person I've ever met. I saw it yesterday. When you ignited into flames, it scared me. But i know why you did it. Too protect Mal. I respect that so much. I may not like her, But I would never drag you away from them" Audrey says. she was making a very compelling case. But Josh knew after tomorrow, that she would see him very differently. 

"There are things you don't know about me, Audrey. Things if you knew, they would make you run away." Josh says.

"I won't ever do that to you Josh. You mean too much to me. I know you did what you had to on the Isle." Audrey tells him as she takes his hand into hers.

"It wasn't just on the Isle. It was here too" Josh admits, and Audrey looks at him puzzled.

"A few weeks ago, actually after we had talked about having  a date, I was attacked by people sent after me by someone called The Dragon King. and I killed them. Well me, Mal and everyone else." Josh explains and Audrey nods slowly as she processes it all.

"You protected yourself, Josh. Do you expect me to not understand that. I know you will do what you have too to protect yourself the people you care about. I've seen it. I just hope to be part of that" Audrey says. Josh smiles as she squeezes her hand.

"You just don't give up, do you?" Josh asks and Audrey grins.

"Not at all" She says as she leans towards Josh, leading into a deep and passionate kiss. A feeling that sent a wave of electricity though Josh's body, his hand sifting through her soft hair that flowed like a waterfall off her head. Their bodies fit together perfectly, a feeling that Josh couldn't describe but he loved. 

The two finally pull away and the two look happier than they had ever been. Audrey smiles as she pushes Josh at the other side of the door.

"I will you see you tomorrow, pick me up at eleven" She smiles before she shuts the door. Josh couldn't help but smile. He knew it was cruel, but he had the smallest hope that Audrey would stay with him after tomorrow. So he was taking his chance. To see if she told the truth, that she wouldn't run away.

So, two chapters in one day! Crazy, right? I'm hoping to finish the first movie section before the end of the year, which should be pretty easy. And Audrey admitted to Josh she loved him! Big stuff! Hope you enjoyed the chapter 

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