Chapter Seventy Three.

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Ben stalked up and down the field, his mind racing. Audrey left a few minutes ago after dropping off the Arcadians. Which he had directed to the Fairy Godmother at the other end of the field. But she should of been back with another set of people by now. His golden flicker as he tenses his fist. Feeling his power burn his veins. And within an instant, a scream echoes on the field as pink mist covers the field, and Audrey appears.

"Audrey!" Ben yells as he runs over to her, who had fallen to her knees as she clutches her head.

"I... I need a massive open space. Where!" She yells.

"Um, the coast on the east of the Island. Its barren" Ben answers quickly and her eyes are engulfed with energy, and within an instant the field is engulfed with people, around two hundred people. Ben looks around in shock.

"Audrey... What did you do?" He asks, with a mix of surprise and joy.

"The Dragon King... He had dragons razing the whole of Arcadia. I couldnt.... Couldn't let them all die. I remember is feeling power surge through me. Made me feel... I don't know how to explain it. But as I teleported, I could feel every soul.... I'm sorry Ben, but... I couldn't leave them to die" She stutters as she looked up. Ben looks at her with confusion.

"Sorry? How can you be sorry, Audrey. You have just saved thousands of people." He says as he falls to his knees and wraps his arms around her. "You're a hero, Audrey" He adds softly.

"Audrey!" Josh yells as he threads through everyone, falling to his knees beside her. Ben pulls back and stands up, and Audrey looks at Josh.

"You... Just saved everyone. You are amazing!" He exclaims with joy as he pulls her into a passionate kiss, his hands cupping her cheeks. "I love you" He says quietly.

"Where is she?" A voice calls from the crowd, and people moved as he walked through them. And as he comes into view, Audrey recognised him straight away. Arccan.

"Who are you looking for?" Ben asks, standing in the way of Audrey slightly.

"Her" He states as he pushes Ben aside, his eyes scanning Audrey which made Josh step forward, his veins blazing as he readies himself. But he doesn't attack. But bows.

"You saved my people. If the King was still alive, he would do the same." He states. "You saved Arcadia." He adds.

"No, I couldn't. I'm sorry I couldn't save your home" Audrey argues.

"Home isn't a place. It's the people. And you saved everyone. Thousands. I have already been in contact with the ones you sent to the coast. You are the Hero of Arcadia." He states as he bows his head. And one by one, everyone around them did the same. "Arcadia may of fallen, but it still lives on."

"I... Dont know what to say" Audrey says as she pushes herself up. And Arccan chuckles as he stands.

"In our Army, a warrior who sacrafices themselves for others are honoured with armour made by Royal Blacksmiths. Forged to their own design. I want you to accept the honour. If it is okay with Auradon" He offers and Audrey looks over at Ben.

"Our forgeries are not the best, but we  will grant you access to them and all our materials." Ben announces, causing Arccan to spin around in surprise.

"You're the king?" He questions and Ben nods. "I am sorry for my disrespect earlier. You offered the help to protect my people. Because of the forces you sent, you saved us. Arcadia would be ashes if it wasn't for you." He states as he bows to Ben. "We are your humble servants, my king"

"You are not my servants. You are now people of Auradon. It may take a while to accommodate you to our home comfortably. But I will make it a high priority to create suitable housing for your people" Ben tells him. "I just ask for one thing in return." He adds and Arccan nods for him to go on. "I want you to help me against the Dragon King."

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